Season at a glance for Connecticut

25 Jun 2014

27-31, 10-16 AAC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

32 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
0-168Ohio State 29-28
0-192Indiana State 34-18
0-166Auburn 27-28
1-073Wichita State 31-27 + 
1-0122George Mason 34-21 + 
1-059Illinois 32-20 + 
1-2151Lipscomb 31-27  
0-318Florida 37-23
1-0198Sacred Heart 29-27
1-0297St Peter's 11-40
1-0268La Salle 14-33-1
1-0265Villanova 16-33
1-0250Harvard 11-27
2-0203Central Connecticut State 27-20
1-2131South Florida 25-30  
0-1174Hartford 30-23  
1-1114Rutgers 29-24
0-1184Boston College 21-33  
1-0209Yale 18-21 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-278Bryant 40-16
0-1139Stony Brook 34-18  
1-0190Northeastern 26-28
1-0249Brown 13-23
2-1180Cincinnati 21-29
1-3222Temple 12-31  
1-1260Massachusetts 14-30
1-0247Quinnipiac 18-30
0-322Louisville 47-17
2-1110Memphis 29-27 + 
1-316Houston 45-17
1-1284Rhode Island 12-39
2-246Central Florida 34-21

Results and Schedule

3/11W 5-0198Sacred Heart2/28W 6-4 (10)151Lipscomb2/14L 2-868Ohio State
3/29L 5-7114Rutgers†3/1L 3-4 (10)151Lipscomb2/15L 0-392Indiana State
3/29W 11-4114Rutgers†3/2L 1-14151Lipscomb2/16L 3-766Auburn
4/2W 14-1209Yale3/7L 0-1 (11)18Florida2/21W 2-1 (10)73Wichita State
4/4L 2-778Bryant3/8L 1-2 (10)18Florida2/22W 11-2122George Mason
4/5L 3-6139Stony Brook3/9L 5-6 (10)18Florida2/23W 6-059Illinois
4/6L 3-578Bryant3/15W 17-1268La Salle3/14W 10-1297St Peter's
4/9W 7-4249Brown3/16W 7-6265Villanova3/18W 9-4250Harvard
4/17W 4-1222Temple†3/21L 1-2131South Florida†3/19W 6-1 (10)203Central Connecticut State
4/18L 4-7 (14)222Temple†3/22L 2-6131South Florida†5/21L 1-746Central Florida†
4/19L 2-6222Temple†3/23W 4-2131South Florida†5/22W 7-216Houston†
4/21W 9-1203Central Connecticut State3/25L 2-3174Hartford5/24L 4-9222Temple†
5/10L 1-316Houston†4/1L 1-2184Boston College
5/11L 2-716Houston†4/8W 2-0190Northeastern
5/11L 4-816Houston†4/11L 1-3180Cincinnati†
5/13W 7-0284Rhode Island4/12W 7-2180Cincinnati†
5/13L 9-12 (13)284Rhode Island4/13W 14-3180Cincinnati†
5/15W 5-446Central Florida†4/22W 8-5260Massachusetts
5/15W 6-546Central Florida†4/23W 5-3247Quinnipiac
5/16L 6-746Central Florida†4/25L 0-222Louisville†
4/26L 1-622Louisville†
4/27L 2-822Louisville†
4/29L 4-5260Massachusetts
5/2W 8-5 (11)110Memphis†
5/3L 1-6110Memphis†
5/4W 13-2 (7)110Memphis†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/22 7-2vs 16Houston5/13 9-12 (13) 284Rhode Island
5/15 5-4 46Central Florida4/29 4-5at 260Massachusetts
5/15 6-5 46Central Florida4/18 4-7 (14) 222Temple
2/23 6-0vs 59Illinois4/19 2-6 222Temple
2/21 2-1 (10)vs 73Wichita State5/24 4-9vs 222Temple
5/2 8-5 (11)at 110Memphis4/1 1-2at 184Boston College
5/4 13-2 (7)at 110Memphis4/11 1-3at 180Cincinnati
3/29 11-4 114Rutgers3/25 2-3at 174Hartford
2/22 11-2vs 122George Mason3/1 3-4 (10)at 151Lipscomb
3/23 4-2at 131South Florida3/2 1-14at 151Lipscomb
2/28 6-4 (10)at 151Lipscomb4/5 3-6 139Stony Brook
4/12 7-2at 180Cincinnati3/21 1-2at 131South Florida
4/13 14-3at 180Cincinnati3/22 2-6at 131South Florida
4/8 2-0at 190Northeastern3/29 5-7 114Rutgers
3/11 5-0 198Sacred Heart5/3 1-6at 110Memphis
3/19 6-1 (10)vs 203Central Connecticut State2/15 0-3vs 92Indiana State
4/21 9-1 203Central Connecticut State4/4 2-7 78Bryant
4/2 14-1 209Yale4/6 3-5 78Bryant
4/17 4-1 222Temple2/14 2-8vs 68Ohio State
4/23 5-3at 247Quinnipiac2/16 3-7vs 66Auburn
4/9 7-4 249Brown5/16 6-7 46Central Florida
3/18 9-4vs 250Harvard5/21 1-7vs 46Central Florida
4/22 8-5at 260Massachusetts4/25 0-2at 22Louisville
3/16 7-6at 265Villanova4/26 1-6at 22Louisville
3/15 17-1at 268La Salle4/27 2-8at 22Louisville
5/13 7-0 284Rhode Island3/7 0-1 (11)at 18Florida
3/14 10-1vs 297St Peter's3/8 1-2 (10)at 18Florida
3/9 5-6 (10)at 18Florida
5/10 1-3 16Houston
5/11 2-7 16Houston
5/11 4-8 16Houston

In memory of

Paul Kislanko