Season at a glance for Evansville

25 Jun 2015

29-24, 8-15 MVC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

22 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
2-1210Arkansas-Little Rock 15-31
2-194Western Kentucky 23-26 + 
0-11Vanderbilt 50-21
2-2259Western Illinois 13-31 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-1111Belmont 28-29
1-231Ohio State 33-19
2-0236Murray State 16-37 (+0-1 non-D1)
1-311Dallas Baptist 43-14
2-0212Southern Illinois-Edwardsville 20-28
2-187Indiana State 27-24 + 
2-0257Tennessee-Martin 14-33 (+3-0 non-D1)
2-1106Illinois State 24-25 (+2-0 non-D1) + 
1-0302Southern Indiana 0-0
0-37Missouri State 46-12
2-044Indiana 35-22 + 
2-163South Alabama 36-18 + 
1-0232Northern Kentucky 14-33 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-360Bradley 29-20 (+4-0 non-D1)
1-0302Oakland City 0-0
2-1222Southern Illinois 11-44
0-3105Wichita State 23-33
1-0153Austin Peay State 25-25

Results and Schedule

3/18W 15-2236Murray State2/13L 3-6210Arkansas-Little Rock2/21L 3-594Western Kentucky
3/20L 6-1011Dallas Baptist†2/14W 7-2210Arkansas-Little Rock2/22W 11-10 (10)94Western Kentucky
3/21L 2-1011Dallas Baptist†2/14W 16-3 (7)210Arkansas-Little Rock2/22W 9-894Western Kentucky
3/22W 3-111Dallas Baptist†3/3L 8-9 (12)1Vanderbilt3/6L 3-4 (13)259Western Illinois
4/8W 7-4302Southern Indiana3/11L 1-5111Belmont3/6W 6-4 (7)259Western Illinois
4/10L 2-13 (8)7Missouri State†3/14W 10-931Ohio State3/7W 10-0 (7)259Western Illinois
4/11L 5-7 (10)7Missouri State†3/15L 3-431Ohio State3/7L 0-3259Western Illinois
4/12L 0-27Missouri State†3/15L 2-1231Ohio State5/20L 2-960Bradley†
4/14W 13-3212Southern Illinois-Edwardsville3/25W 4-2212Southern Illinois-Edwardsville5/21L 0-311Dallas Baptist†
4/17L 3-763South Alabama3/28L 0-487Indiana State†
4/18W 6-563South Alabama3/28W 7-387Indiana State†
4/18W 9-563South Alabama3/29W 9-787Indiana State†
4/22W 9-6232Northern Kentucky3/31W 15-11257Tennessee-Martin
4/28W 8-444Indiana4/3W 8-6106Illinois State†
4/29W 15-2 (7)302Oakland City4/4L 3-12106Illinois State†
5/1W 4-3222Southern Illinois†4/5W 10-0 (8)106Illinois State†
5/2W 6-5222Southern Illinois†4/15W 2-1 (14)44Indiana
5/3L 4-5222Southern Illinois†4/24L 3-560Bradley†
5/6W 19-2257Tennessee-Martin4/25L 4-860Bradley†
5/14W 6-5153Austin Peay State4/26W 10-0 (7)60Bradley†
5/8L 3-4105Wichita State†
5/9L 7-10105Wichita State†
5/10L 0-10 (8)105Wichita State†
5/12W 11-10236Murray State

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/22 3-1 11Dallas Baptist3/6 3-4 (13)vs 259Western Illinois
3/14 10-9at 31Ohio State3/7 0-3vs 259Western Illinois
4/15 2-1 (14)at 44Indiana5/3 4-5 222Southern Illinois
4/28 8-4 44Indiana2/13 3-6at 210Arkansas-Little Rock
4/26 10-0 (7)at 60Bradley3/11 1-5at 111Belmont
4/18 6-5 63South Alabama4/4 3-12at 106Illinois State
4/18 9-5 63South Alabama5/8 3-4at 105Wichita State
3/28 7-3at 87Indiana State5/9 7-10at 105Wichita State
3/29 9-7at 87Indiana State5/10 0-10 (8)at 105Wichita State
2/22 11-10 (10)vs 94Western Kentucky2/21 3-5vs 94Western Kentucky
2/22 9-8vs 94Western Kentucky3/28 0-4at 87Indiana State
4/3 8-6at 106Illinois State4/17 3-7 63South Alabama
4/5 10-0 (8)at 106Illinois State4/24 3-5at 60Bradley
5/14 6-5 153Austin Peay State4/25 4-8at 60Bradley
2/14 7-2at 210Arkansas-Little Rock5/20 2-9vs 60Bradley
2/14 16-3 (7)at 210Arkansas-Little Rock3/15 3-4at 31Ohio State
3/25 4-2at 212Southern Illinois-Edwardsville3/15 2-12at 31Ohio State
4/14 13-3 212Southern Illinois-Edwardsville3/20 6-10 11Dallas Baptist
5/1 4-3 222Southern Illinois3/21 2-10 11Dallas Baptist
5/2 6-5 222Southern Illinois5/21 0-3vs 11Dallas Baptist
4/22 9-6 232Northern Kentucky4/10 2-13 (8) 7Missouri State
3/18 15-2 236Murray State4/11 5-7 (10) 7Missouri State
5/12 11-10at 236Murray State4/12 0-2 7Missouri State
3/31 15-11at 257Tennessee-Martin3/3 8-9 (12)at 1Vanderbilt
5/6 19-2 257Tennessee-Martin
3/6 6-4 (7)vs 259Western Illinois
3/7 10-0 (7)vs 259Western Illinois
4/8 7-4 302Southern Indiana
4/29 15-2 (7) 302Oakland City
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko