Season at a glance for Southern California

25 Jun 2015

39-21, 18-12 P12

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

24 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
3-0264Towson 17-32-2
1-117Cal State Fullerton 38-24
1-040Kentucky 30-24
3-0246Oakland 10-36
1-173Fresno State 30-27
3-0216Fordham 22-29
1-218UC Santa Barbara 38-16-1  
1-02Texas Christian 51-14 + 
1-01Vanderbilt 51-20 + 
2-24UCLA 43-14
0-246UC Irvine 31-23  
2-1104Washington State 28-25
2-193Cal Poly 26-25
2-0100Pepperdine 32-27
2-153Washington 28-23
3-045Arizona 31-21
2-162Oregon 37-23
1-212Oregon State 37-17-1
2-1157Utah 15-34-1
2-198Stanford 23-30
1-224California 34-20  
2-155Arizona State 34-21
0-225Virginia 42-24  
1-048San Diego State 41-22

Results and Schedule

2/13W 17-1264Towson2/17W 6-417Cal State Fullerton3/8W 8-44UCLA†
2/14W 10-0264Towson2/24W 3-2 (10)73Fresno State5/29L 1-625Virginia
2/15W 8-6264Towson3/3L 2-318UC Santa Barbara5/30W 12-318UC Santa Barbara
2/19W 5-240Kentucky3/10L 2-646UC Irvine5/31W 12-1148San Diego State
2/20W 8-6246Oakland3/20L 4-593Cal Poly5/31L 10-14 (11)25Virginia
2/21W 11-1246Oakland3/21W 13-093Cal Poly
2/22W 7-3246Oakland3/22W 9-293Cal Poly
2/27W 3-2216Fordham3/27L 1-553Washington†
2/28W 4-3216Fordham3/28W 3-2 (16)53Washington†
3/1W 10-1216Fordham3/29W 4-3 (10)53Washington†
3/6W 7-6 (12)2Texas Christian4/2W 4-145Arizona†
3/7W 6-51Vanderbilt4/3W 13-645Arizona†
3/13W 10-3104Washington State†4/4W 10-945Arizona†
3/14L 2-4104Washington State†4/14W 2-0 (12)100Pepperdine
3/15W 11-0104Washington State†4/24W 11-312Oregon State†
3/17L 7-1473Fresno State4/25L 2-312Oregon State†
3/24W 5-2100Pepperdine4/26L 6-912Oregon State†
4/7L 1-218UC Santa Barbara5/1W 12-7157Utah†
4/10L 3-94UCLA†5/2W 8-5157Utah†
4/11W 5-04UCLA†5/3L 5-8 (10)157Utah†
4/12L 3-84UCLA†5/16W 11-324California†
4/17W 13-562Oregon†5/17L 5-724California†
4/18L 4-1562Oregon†5/18L 2-724California†
4/19W 7-362Oregon†
4/28L 3-5 (12)17Cal State Fullerton
5/5L 5-8 (10)46UC Irvine
5/8W 1-098Stanford†
5/9L 2-398Stanford†
5/10W 2-098Stanford†
5/22L 3-1155Arizona State†
5/23W 7-455Arizona State†
5/24W 6-355Arizona State†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/7 6-5 1Vanderbilt5/3 5-8 (10)at 157Utah
3/6 7-6 (12) 2Texas Christian3/14 2-4 104Washington State
3/8 8-4vs 4UCLA5/9 2-3 98Stanford
4/11 5-0 4UCLA3/20 4-5at 93Cal Poly
4/24 11-3at 12Oregon State3/17 7-14 73Fresno State
2/17 6-4at 17Cal State Fullerton4/18 4-15 62Oregon
5/30 12-3vs 18UC Santa Barbara5/22 3-11 55Arizona State
5/16 11-3at 24California3/27 1-5at 53Washington
2/19 5-2 40Kentucky3/10 2-6at 46UC Irvine
4/2 4-1at 45Arizona5/5 5-8 (10) 46UC Irvine
4/3 13-6at 45Arizona5/29 1-6vs 25Virginia
4/4 10-9at 45Arizona5/31 10-14 (11)vs 25Virginia
5/31 12-11vs 48San Diego State5/17 5-7at 24California
3/28 3-2 (16)at 53Washington5/18 2-7at 24California
3/29 4-3 (10)at 53Washington3/3 2-3at 18UC Santa Barbara
5/23 7-4 55Arizona State4/7 1-2 18UC Santa Barbara
5/24 6-3 55Arizona State4/28 3-5 (12) 17Cal State Fullerton
4/17 13-5 62Oregon4/25 2-3at 12Oregon State
4/19 7-3 62Oregon4/26 6-9at 12Oregon State
2/24 3-2 (10)at 73Fresno State4/10 3-9 4UCLA
3/21 13-0at 93Cal Poly4/12 3-8 4UCLA
3/22 9-2at 93Cal Poly
5/8 1-0 98Stanford
5/10 2-0 98Stanford
3/24 5-2 100Pepperdine
4/14 2-0 (12)at 100Pepperdine
3/13 10-3 104Washington State
3/15 11-0 104Washington State
5/1 12-7at 157Utah
5/2 8-5at 157Utah
2/27 3-2 216Fordham
2/28 4-3 216Fordham
3/1 10-1 216Fordham
2/20 8-6 246Oakland
2/21 11-1 246Oakland
2/22 7-3 246Oakland
2/13 17-1 264Towson
2/14 10-0 264Towson
2/15 8-6 264Towson
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko