Season at a glance for Stony Brook

25 Jun 2015

35-16-1, 21-4-1 AE

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

21 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-2102Nicholls State 31-18-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-236Louisiana-Lafayette 40-22
0-36Florida 49-18
2-1216Fordham 21-30
4-1-1265Binghamton 16-20-1
1-0287Iona 20-32
0-190Creighton 31-19
2-0279Sacred Heart 23-30-1
5-1255Massachusetts-Lowell 16-21
2-0245Maine 21-26 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-0283Manhattan 18-33
5-0190Maryland-Baltimore County 34-15
1-0286Long Island 16-34
2-1206Georgetown 24-26
1-0293Central Connecticut State 17-30
3-0271Albany 14-25
1-0266Fairfield 17-31
2-2258Hartford 21-29
1-0291New York Tech 14-29
0-129North Carolina State 35-23
0-12Texas Christian 50-15

Results and Schedule

3/8W 6-1216Fordham2/13W 6-0102Nicholls State5/21W 2-0258Hartford†
3/8L 6-9216Fordham2/14L 1-4102Nicholls State5/22W 4-3190Maryland-Baltimore County†
3/15W 8-3265Binghamton†2/15L 0-10102Nicholls State5/23W 16-11190Maryland-Baltimore County†
3/15W 6-3 (7)265Binghamton†2/20L 3-736Louisiana-Lafayette5/29L 0-329North Carolina State
3/16L 2-13265Binghamton†2/21W 4-136Louisiana-Lafayette5/30W 11-6279Sacred Heart
3/17W 11-2287Iona2/21L 1-236Louisiana-Lafayette5/31L 3-82Texas Christian
3/22L 3-890Creighton2/27L 0-16Florida
3/25W 8-4 (7)279Sacred Heart2/28L 3-146Florida
3/29W 10-1255Massachusetts-Lowell†3/1L 2-66Florida
3/30W 2-1 (7)255Massachusetts-Lowell†3/11W 6-5216Fordham
3/30L 3-6255Massachusetts-Lowell†4/3W 8-5 (13)245Maine†
4/8W 10-3283Manhattan4/3W 3-1 (7)245Maine†
4/11W 8-0190Maryland-Baltimore County†4/18W 4-1206Georgetown
4/11W 6-5 (8)190Maryland-Baltimore County†4/18W 3-2 (7)206Georgetown
4/12W 6-0190Maryland-Baltimore County†4/19L 1-10206Georgetown
4/15W 6-4286Long Island4/22W 12-6 (8)293Central Connecticut State
4/29W 15-3266Fairfield4/25W 15-3271Albany†
5/2L 9-10258Hartford†4/25W 2-1 (7)271Albany†
5/2W 4-3 (7)258Hartford†4/26W 12-2271Albany†
5/3L 10-12258Hartford†5/5W 18-13291New York Tech
5/9W 5-3255Massachusetts-Lowell†
5/9W 9-3 (7)255Massachusetts-Lowell†
5/10W 9-0255Massachusetts-Lowell†
5/15W 13-4265Binghamton†
5/15W 5-0 (7)265Binghamton†
5/16T 4-4265Binghamton†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/21 4-1at 36Louisiana-Lafayette3/16 2-13 265Binghamton5/16 4-4at 265Binghamton
2/13 6-0at 102Nicholls State5/2 9-10 258Hartford
4/11 8-0 190Maryland-Baltimore County5/3 10-12 258Hartford
4/11 6-5 (8) 190Maryland-Baltimore County3/30 3-6 255Massachusetts-Lowell
4/12 6-0 190Maryland-Baltimore County3/8 6-9 216Fordham
5/22 4-3vs 190Maryland-Baltimore County4/19 1-10at 206Georgetown
5/23 16-11vs 190Maryland-Baltimore County2/14 1-4at 102Nicholls State
4/18 4-1at 206Georgetown2/15 0-10at 102Nicholls State
4/18 3-2 (7)at 206Georgetown3/22 3-8 90Creighton
3/8 6-1 216Fordham2/20 3-7at 36Louisiana-Lafayette
3/11 6-5at 216Fordham2/21 1-2at 36Louisiana-Lafayette
4/3 8-5 (13)at 245Maine5/29 0-3vs 29North Carolina State
4/3 3-1 (7)at 245Maine2/27 0-1at 6Florida
3/29 10-1 255Massachusetts-Lowell2/28 3-14at 6Florida
3/30 2-1 (7) 255Massachusetts-Lowell3/1 2-6at 6Florida
5/9 5-3at 255Massachusetts-Lowell5/31 3-8vs 2Texas Christian
5/9 9-3 (7)at 255Massachusetts-Lowell
5/10 9-0at 255Massachusetts-Lowell
5/2 4-3 (7) 258Hartford
5/21 2-0vs 258Hartford
3/15 8-3 265Binghamton
3/15 6-3 (7) 265Binghamton
5/15 13-4at 265Binghamton
5/15 5-0 (7)at 265Binghamton
4/29 15-3 266Fairfield
4/25 15-3at 271Albany
4/25 2-1 (7)at 271Albany
4/26 12-2at 271Albany
3/25 8-4 (7) 279Sacred Heart
5/30 11-6vs 279Sacred Heart
4/8 10-3 283Manhattan
4/15 6-4 286Long Island
3/17 11-2 287Iona
5/5 18-13at 291New York Tech
4/22 12-6 (8)at 293Central Connecticut State
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko