Season at a glance for Texas

25 Jun 2015

30-27, 15-13 B12

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

24 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
2-226Rice 35-20
1-056Texas-San Antonio 33-24
4-0163Minnesota 19-26 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-0241Texas-Pan American 19-28-1 (+2-1 non-D1)
0-251San Diego 31-22  
2-298Stanford 22-30
1-0235Incarnate Word 21-32
2-1108West Virginia 26-25
0-1146Texas-Arlington 23-32  
3-070Kansas State 27-27
2-0147Texas State 24-30-1
0-342Nebraska 31-23
0-1180Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 23-27 (+2-0 non-D1)  
1-39Oklahoma State 35-19
1-0105Wichita State 26-32
1-252Oklahoma 32-26  
0-1132Sam Houston State 30-28  
2-1119Kansas 22-30
0-32Texas Christian 48-15
1-0300Prairie View A&M 7-33 (+8-2 non-D1)
2-241Texas Tech 29-22
4-1115Baylor 22-28
0-112Oregon State 38-18-1
0-111Dallas Baptist 45-15

Results and Schedule

2/17W 14-256Texas-San Antonio2/13W 3-126Rice5/20W 2-141Texas Tech†
2/20W 13-2163Minnesota2/14L 9-1026Rice5/21W 4-3115Baylor†
2/21W 5-0163Minnesota2/14L 2-526Rice5/23W 4-0115Baylor†
2/21W 5-0163Minnesota2/15W 4-3 (10)26Rice5/24W 6-39Oklahoma State†
2/22W 8-0163Minnesota3/5L 4-598Stanford5/29L 4-512Oregon State
2/25W 5-4241Texas-Pan American3/6L 3-598Stanford5/31L 1-811Dallas Baptist
3/1L 1-3 (7)51San Diego3/7W 3-198Stanford
3/1L 1-651San Diego3/8W 12-498Stanford
3/10W 7-1235Incarnate Word3/17L 5-6 (10)146Texas-Arlington
3/13W 4-3 (10)108West Virginia†3/24W 6-4147Texas State
3/14L 6-7 (10)108West Virginia†3/27L 1-342Nebraska
3/15W 5-1108West Virginia†3/28L 0-1 (15)42Nebraska
3/21W 5-370Kansas State†3/29L 2-642Nebraska
3/21W 3-170Kansas State†4/3L 3-6 (18)9Oklahoma State†
3/22W 6-170Kansas State†4/4L 1-39Oklahoma State†
3/31L 4-6 (10)180Texas A&M-Corpus Christi4/5L 3-89Oklahoma State†
4/7W 6-4105Wichita State4/17W 3-2 (14)119Kansas†
4/10L 2-3 (12)52Oklahoma†4/18L 4-5119Kansas†
4/11W 4-152Oklahoma†4/19W 16-7119Kansas†
4/12L 2-352Oklahoma†4/25L 5-62Texas Christian†
4/14L 0-5132Sam Houston State4/25L 6-112Texas Christian†
4/21W 7-3147Texas State4/26L 1-72Texas Christian†
4/28W 12-4300Prairie View A&M5/16W 6-5115Baylor†
5/1W 3-041Texas Tech†5/17L 1-7115Baylor†
5/2L 1-941Texas Tech†5/17W 11-1 (7)115Baylor†
5/3L 1-541Texas Tech†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/24 6-3vs 9Oklahoma State3/31 4-6 (10) 180Texas A&M-Corpus Christi
2/13 3-1at 26Rice3/17 5-6 (10)at 146Texas-Arlington
2/15 4-3 (10)at 26Rice4/14 0-5 132Sam Houston State
5/1 3-0 41Texas Tech4/18 4-5at 119Kansas
5/20 2-1vs 41Texas Tech5/17 1-7at 115Baylor
4/11 4-1 52Oklahoma3/14 6-7 (10) 108West Virginia
2/17 14-2 56Texas-San Antonio3/5 4-5at 98Stanford
3/21 5-3 70Kansas State3/6 3-5at 98Stanford
3/21 3-1 70Kansas State4/10 2-3 (12) 52Oklahoma
3/22 6-1 70Kansas State4/12 2-3 52Oklahoma
3/7 3-1at 98Stanford3/1 1-3 (7) 51San Diego
3/8 12-4at 98Stanford3/1 1-6 51San Diego
4/7 6-4 105Wichita State3/27 1-3at 42Nebraska
3/13 4-3 (10) 108West Virginia3/28 0-1 (15)at 42Nebraska
3/15 5-1 108West Virginia3/29 2-6at 42Nebraska
5/16 6-5at 115Baylor5/2 1-9 41Texas Tech
5/17 11-1 (7)at 115Baylor5/3 1-5 41Texas Tech
5/21 4-3vs 115Baylor2/14 9-10at 26Rice
5/23 4-0vs 115Baylor2/14 2-5at 26Rice
4/17 3-2 (14)at 119Kansas5/29 4-5vs 12Oregon State
4/19 16-7at 119Kansas5/31 1-8vs 11Dallas Baptist
3/24 6-4at 147Texas State4/3 3-6 (18)at 9Oklahoma State
4/21 7-3 147Texas State4/4 1-3at 9Oklahoma State
2/20 13-2 163Minnesota4/5 3-8at 9Oklahoma State
2/21 5-0 163Minnesota4/25 5-6at 2Texas Christian
2/21 5-0 163Minnesota4/25 6-11at 2Texas Christian
2/22 8-0 163Minnesota4/26 1-7at 2Texas Christian
3/10 7-1 235Incarnate Word
2/25 5-4 241Texas-Pan American
4/28 12-4 300Prairie View A&M
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