Season at a glance for Western Michigan

25 Jun 2015

22-30, 14-16 MAC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

22 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
0-374Alabama-Birmingham 30-25
3-0257Tennessee-Martin 14-32 (+3-0 non-D1)
2-1153Austin Peay State 24-24 + 
0-3126Florida Gulf Coast 27-26-1
1-1206Georgetown 24-27
1-0269Lehigh 23-30 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-1171Seton Hall 24-25
1-2252Miami Ohio 11-38  
0-134Notre Dame 36-23
2-2136Ohio 34-19
1-2225Eastern Michigan 17-34 (+1-0 non-D1)  
0-179Michigan State 33-23
1-2177Toledo 23-32
1-1194Valparaiso 21-30
0-1246Oakland 9-39  
1-3188Bowling Green State 21-28 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-1158Akron 26-30 (+1-0 non-D1)
3-0275Buffalo 16-32
2-1160Ball State 32-23 + 
2-1244Northern Illinois 21-31
0-378Central Michigan 32-22
1-0149Kent State 31-21 + 

Results and Schedule

3/20L 5-8252Miami Ohio†2/13L 1-474Alabama-Birmingham2/20W 6-4257Tennessee-Martin
3/21L 2-3 (11)252Miami Ohio†2/14L 2-774Alabama-Birmingham2/21W 10-0257Tennessee-Martin
3/22W 9-5252Miami Ohio†2/14L 1-274Alabama-Birmingham2/21W 11-7257Tennessee-Martin
4/10W 6-4177Toledo†2/28W 9-3153Austin Peay State3/9W 4-1206Georgetown
4/11L 1-7177Toledo†2/28W 12-8153Austin Peay State3/13W 4-3269Lehigh
4/12L 3-6 (10)177Toledo†3/1L 1-6153Austin Peay State3/13L 8-12206Georgetown
4/14W 6-1194Valparaiso3/6L 3-4126Florida Gulf Coast3/14L 2-11171Seton Hall
4/24W 4-2275Buffalo†3/7L 1-7126Florida Gulf Coast4/21L 4-7158Akron†
4/25W 7-1275Buffalo†3/8L 4-15126Florida Gulf Coast5/20W 5-0149Kent State†
4/26W 8-0275Buffalo†3/25L 3-834Notre Dame5/21L 1-4 (11)136Ohio†
5/1W 9-5160Ball State†3/27W 12-9136Ohio†5/22L 3-5188Bowling Green State†
5/2L 8-11160Ball State†3/28L 5-7136Ohio†
5/3W 6-5160Ball State†3/29W 7-4136Ohio†
5/14L 1-378Central Michigan†4/3W 2-1225Eastern Michigan†
5/15L 3-1278Central Michigan†4/4L 6-7225Eastern Michigan†
5/16L 2-678Central Michigan†4/5L 10-11225Eastern Michigan†
4/8L 4-579Michigan State
4/15L 6-8246Oakland
4/17L 2-12188Bowling Green State†
4/18W 8-6 (10)188Bowling Green State†
4/18L 0-1188Bowling Green State†
5/5L 7-8 (13)194Valparaiso
5/9L 2-3244Northern Illinois†
5/9W 3-2244Northern Illinois†
5/10W 4-0244Northern Illinois†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/27 12-9at 136Ohio3/20 5-8 252Miami Ohio
3/29 7-4at 136Ohio3/21 2-3 (11) 252Miami Ohio
5/20 5-0vs 149Kent State4/15 6-8at 246Oakland
2/28 9-3at 153Austin Peay State5/9 2-3at 244Northern Illinois
2/28 12-8at 153Austin Peay State4/4 6-7at 225Eastern Michigan
5/1 9-5 160Ball State4/5 10-11at 225Eastern Michigan
5/3 6-5 160Ball State3/13 8-12vs 206Georgetown
4/10 6-4 177Toledo5/5 7-8 (13)at 194Valparaiso
4/18 8-6 (10)at 188Bowling Green State4/17 2-12at 188Bowling Green State
4/14 6-1 194Valparaiso4/18 0-1at 188Bowling Green State
3/9 4-1vs 206Georgetown5/22 3-5vs 188Bowling Green State
4/3 2-1at 225Eastern Michigan4/11 1-7 177Toledo
5/9 3-2at 244Northern Illinois4/12 3-6 (10) 177Toledo
5/10 4-0at 244Northern Illinois3/14 2-11vs 171Seton Hall
3/22 9-5 252Miami Ohio5/2 8-11 160Ball State
2/20 6-4vs 257Tennessee-Martin4/21 4-7vs 158Akron
2/21 10-0vs 257Tennessee-Martin3/1 1-6at 153Austin Peay State
2/21 11-7vs 257Tennessee-Martin3/28 5-7at 136Ohio
3/13 4-3vs 269Lehigh5/21 1-4 (11)vs 136Ohio
4/24 4-2 275Buffalo3/6 3-4at 126Florida Gulf Coast
4/25 7-1 275Buffalo3/7 1-7at 126Florida Gulf Coast
4/26 8-0 275Buffalo3/8 4-15at 126Florida Gulf Coast
4/8 4-5at 79Michigan State
5/14 1-3 78Central Michigan
5/15 3-12 78Central Michigan
5/16 2-6 78Central Michigan
2/13 1-4at 74Alabama-Birmingham
2/14 2-7at 74Alabama-Birmingham
2/14 1-2at 74Alabama-Birmingham
3/25 3-8at 34Notre Dame
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