Season at a glance for Nebraska-Omaha

25 Jun 2015

21-31, 12-18 Summ

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

18 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
0-160Bradley 31-21 (+4-0 non-D1)
0-1143Grand Canyon 31-22
5-2231North Dakota State 16-26 (+2-0 non-D1)
2-1276Chicago State 11-38-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0105Wichita State 26-32 + 
0-1302St. Leo 0-0
0-240Kentucky 28-25
1-095Boston College 27-26 + 
0-1297Mount St Mary's 11-31  
2-1240North Dakota 21-24 (+2-1 non-D1)
4-2154South Dakota State 24-19 (+7-0 non-D1) + 
0-632Oral Roberts 35-16
0-242Nebraska 32-23
3-3259Western Illinois 12-30 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-170Kansas State 26-30
1-5208IUPU-Fort Wayne 19-25 (+4-0 non-D1)
0-190Creighton 31-19
2-1235Incarnate Word 20-31

Results and Schedule

3/7W 8-5240North Dakota2/14L 1-8143Grand Canyon2/13L 1-660Bradley
3/7W 6-1240North Dakota2/24W 6-4105Wichita State2/15W 5-4231North Dakota State†
3/8L 2-4240North Dakota3/27L 0-232Oral Roberts†2/20W 6-1276Chicago State
3/13W 6-4154South Dakota State†3/28L 1-11 (8)32Oral Roberts†2/21W 4-0276Chicago State
3/14W 7-6154South Dakota State†3/29L 6-1432Oral Roberts†2/22L 4-6276Chicago State
3/15W 14-7154South Dakota State†4/10L 6-7208IUPU-Fort Wayne†2/26L 3-4302St. Leo
3/20W 20-14231North Dakota State†4/11W 13-3 (8)208IUPU-Fort Wayne†2/27L 5-6 (14)40Kentucky
3/21W 11-6231North Dakota State†4/12L 2-5208IUPU-Fort Wayne†2/27W 5-195Boston College
3/22W 12-7231North Dakota State†4/15L 6-842Nebraska2/28L 1-540Kentucky
4/1L 2-3 (10)42Nebraska4/17L 1-5154South Dakota State†3/1L 2-8297Mount St Mary's
4/3W 4-1259Western Illinois†4/18W 8-6154South Dakota State†
4/4L 4-8259Western Illinois†4/19L 2-12 (7)154South Dakota State†
4/5W 17-8259Western Illinois†4/21L 2-890Creighton
4/8L 2-1070Kansas State5/9L 1-2259Western Illinois†
4/24L 2-5208IUPU-Fort Wayne†5/9W 4-0259Western Illinois†
4/25L 6-10208IUPU-Fort Wayne†5/10L 4-5259Western Illinois†
4/26L 1-7208IUPU-Fort Wayne†5/15W 3-2 (10)231North Dakota State†
5/1L 3-532Oral Roberts†5/15L 1-8231North Dakota State†
5/2L 6-832Oral Roberts†5/16L 4-5 (12)231North Dakota State†
5/3L 7-18 (8)32Oral Roberts†
5/21L 9-11235Incarnate Word
5/22W 6-2235Incarnate Word
5/23W 6-5 (10)235Incarnate Word

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/27 5-1vs 95Boston College2/26 3-4vs 302St. Leo
2/24 6-4at 105Wichita State3/1 2-8vs 297Mount St Mary's
3/13 6-4 154South Dakota State2/22 4-6vs 276Chicago State
3/14 7-6 154South Dakota State4/4 4-8 259Western Illinois
3/15 14-7 154South Dakota State5/9 1-2at 259Western Illinois
4/18 8-6at 154South Dakota State5/10 4-5at 259Western Illinois
4/11 13-3 (8)at 208IUPU-Fort Wayne3/8 2-4 240North Dakota
2/15 5-4vs 231North Dakota State5/21 9-11 235Incarnate Word
3/20 20-14 231North Dakota State5/15 1-8at 231North Dakota State
3/21 11-6 231North Dakota State5/16 4-5 (12)at 231North Dakota State
3/22 12-7 231North Dakota State4/10 6-7at 208IUPU-Fort Wayne
5/15 3-2 (10)at 231North Dakota State4/12 2-5at 208IUPU-Fort Wayne
5/22 6-2 235Incarnate Word4/24 2-5 208IUPU-Fort Wayne
5/23 6-5 (10) 235Incarnate Word4/25 6-10 208IUPU-Fort Wayne
3/7 8-5 240North Dakota4/26 1-7 208IUPU-Fort Wayne
3/7 6-1 240North Dakota4/17 1-5at 154South Dakota State
4/3 4-1 259Western Illinois4/19 2-12 (7)at 154South Dakota State
4/5 17-8 259Western Illinois2/14 1-8at 143Grand Canyon
5/9 4-0at 259Western Illinois4/21 2-8at 90Creighton
2/20 6-1vs 276Chicago State4/8 2-10 70Kansas State
2/21 4-0vs 276Chicago State2/13 1-6vs 60Bradley
4/1 2-3 (10) 42Nebraska
4/15 6-8at 42Nebraska
2/27 5-6 (14)vs 40Kentucky
2/28 1-5vs 40Kentucky
3/27 0-2at 32Oral Roberts
3/28 1-11 (8)at 32Oral Roberts
3/29 6-14at 32Oral Roberts
5/1 3-5 32Oral Roberts
5/2 6-8 32Oral Roberts
5/3 7-18 (8) 32Oral Roberts
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