Season at a glance for Bradley

7 Jan 2016

36-21, 13-12 MVC

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

27 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
1-0302Nebraska-Omaha 0-0
1-0251North Dakota State 12-22 (+8-8 non-D1)
0-1109Grand Canyon 25-20 (+6-2 non-D1)  
3-0128McNeese State 28-22 (+4-0 non-D1)
2-1107Southeast Missouri State 34-21 (+1-0 non-D1)
2-0148Belmont 29-27
2-0210Quinnipiac 29-25
2-1113Mercer 33-19 (+1-2 non-D1)
1-0302Mount Vernon Nazarene 0-0
1-0302Massachusetts-Dartmouth 0-0
1-240North Florida 43-15
2-026Iowa 38-15 (+3-1 non-D1) + 
2-1250Southern Illinois 11-44
0-1122St Louis 33-21 (+1-0 non-D1)  
1-0302Robert Morris (IL) 0-0
1-0302Illinois College 0-0
2-210Dallas Baptist 41-13 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-0221Northern Illinois 22-30 (+0-2 non-D1)
2-1114Wichita State 25-30 (+0-1 non-D1)
1-0248Western Illinois 10-23 (+7-9 non-D1)
3-1103Evansville 26-21 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-1302Wisconsin-Milwaukee 0-0
3-190Indiana State 27-23
1-2136Illinois State 23-26 (+2-0 non-D1)  
0-48Missouri State 45-12
0-253Michigan 36-25 (+1-0 non-D1)  
1-0116Morehead State 37-20 (+1-1 non-D1)

Results and Schedule

3/27W 1-0250Southern Illinois†2/15L 7-30109Grand Canyon2/13W 6-1253Nebraska-Omaha
3/28W 10-0 (7)250Southern Illinois†2/20W 5-0128McNeese State2/14W 8-3 (10)251North Dakota State
3/29L 3-5250Southern Illinois†2/21W 1-0128McNeese State2/27W 6-3107Southeast Missouri State
3/31L 1-4122St Louis2/22W 5-0128McNeese State2/28L 2-7107Southeast Missouri State
4/3W 8-2253Robert Morris (IL)3/7W 5-2148Belmont2/28W 5-0107Southeast Missouri State
4/4W 11-1 (8)253Illinois College3/8W 12-5148Belmont3/7W 3-1210Quinnipiac
4/14W 5-426Iowa3/13W 8-2113Mercer3/8W 7-6210Quinnipiac
4/17L 3-5114Wichita State†3/14L 2-3113Mercer3/17W 12-1 (7)253Mount Vernon Nazarene
4/18W 4-2114Wichita State†3/15W 8-5113Mercer3/18W 10-0 (7)253Massachusetts-Dartmouth
4/19W 3-2114Wichita State†3/20L 4-1240North Florida5/20W 9-2103Evansville†
4/22W 4-0248Western Illinois3/21L 4-840North Florida5/21W 5-490Indiana State†
4/24W 5-3103Evansville†3/21W 4-3 (7)40North Florida5/22W 3-110Dallas Baptist†
4/25W 8-4103Evansville†3/25W 5-226Iowa5/24L 2-58Missouri State†
4/26L 0-10 (7)103Evansville†4/10L 3-1010Dallas Baptist†5/29L 5-1053Michigan
5/9W 7-3136Illinois State†4/11L 7-1610Dallas Baptist†5/30W 9-4116Morehead State
5/9L 0-8136Illinois State†4/11W 11-610Dallas Baptist†5/31L 3-453Michigan
5/10L 4-13136Illinois State†4/15W 12-11221Northern Illinois
4/29L 5-6 (12)302Wisconsin-Milwaukee
5/1W 5-290Indiana State†
5/2L 3-490Indiana State†
5/3W 7-690Indiana State†
5/14L 0-28Missouri State†
5/15L 2-98Missouri State†
5/16L 4-98Missouri State†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/11 11-6at 10Dallas Baptist4/29 5-6 (12)at 302Wisconsin-Milwaukee
5/22 3-1vs 10Dallas Baptist3/29 3-5 250Southern Illinois
3/25 5-2at 26Iowa5/9 0-8 136Illinois State
4/14 5-4 26Iowa5/10 4-13 136Illinois State
3/21 4-3 (7)at 40North Florida3/31 1-4 122St Louis
5/1 5-2at 90Indiana State4/17 3-5 114Wichita State
5/3 7-6at 90Indiana State3/14 2-3at 113Mercer
5/21 5-4vs 90Indiana State2/15 7-30at 109Grand Canyon
4/24 5-3 103Evansville2/28 2-7vs 107Southeast Missouri State
4/25 8-4 103Evansville4/26 0-10 (7) 103Evansville
5/20 9-2vs 103Evansville5/2 3-4at 90Indiana State
2/27 6-3vs 107Southeast Missouri State5/29 5-10vs 53Michigan
2/28 5-0vs 107Southeast Missouri State5/31 3-4vs 53Michigan
3/13 8-2at 113Mercer3/20 4-12at 40North Florida
3/15 8-5at 113Mercer3/21 4-8at 40North Florida
4/18 4-2 114Wichita State4/10 3-10at 10Dallas Baptist
4/19 3-2 114Wichita State4/11 7-16at 10Dallas Baptist
5/30 9-4vs 116Morehead State5/14 0-2at 8Missouri State
2/20 5-0at 128McNeese State5/15 2-9at 8Missouri State
2/21 1-0at 128McNeese State5/16 4-9at 8Missouri State
2/22 5-0at 128McNeese State5/24 2-5vs 8Missouri State
5/9 7-3 136Illinois State
3/7 5-2at 148Belmont
3/8 12-5at 148Belmont
3/7 3-1vs 210Quinnipiac
3/8 7-6vs 210Quinnipiac
4/15 12-11at 221Northern Illinois
4/22 4-0 248Western Illinois
3/27 1-0 250Southern Illinois
3/28 10-0 (7) 250Southern Illinois
2/14 8-3 (10)vs 251North Dakota State
2/13 6-1vs 253Nebraska-Omaha
3/17 12-1 (7)vs 253Mount Vernon Nazarene
3/18 10-0 (7)vs 253Massachusetts-Dartmouth
4/3 8-2 253Robert Morris (IL)
4/4 11-1 (8) 253Illinois College

Projected record: 36-21; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko