Season at a glance for Brigham Young

7 Jan 2016

28-25, 16-13 WCC

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

17 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
0-414UC Santa Barbara 36-17-1
1-343Nebraska 29-22 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-362Oklahoma 31-26
4-0238Hartford 19-21 (+4-6 non-D1)
3-0243Utah Valley State 18-30 (+1-2 non-D1)
2-291Pepperdine 30-27
2-1115Gonzaga 23-26
2-1160Utah 15-34-1
0-458San Diego 29-22
1-046San Diego State 41-22 + 
2-1252Portland 11-40
2-170Loyola Marymount 32-19-1 + 
0-166Cal State Northridge 32-24
3-0144San Francisco 23-28
1-2227Pacific 12-35 (+0-1 non-D1)  
2-1138St Mary's 27-25
2-1134Santa Clara 25-26

Results and Schedule

3/5W 6-0238Hartford2/13L 1-814UC Santa Barbara2/19L 3-643Nebraska
3/6W 8-6238Hartford2/14L 0-614UC Santa Barbara2/20L 1-3 (11)43Nebraska
3/6W 20-4 (7)238Hartford2/14L 1-314UC Santa Barbara2/20W 8-343Nebraska
3/7W 11-7238Hartford2/16L 4-514UC Santa Barbara2/21L 1-943Nebraska
3/12L 3-1191Pepperdine†3/10W 10-7243Utah Valley State2/26L 6-762Oklahoma
3/13W 5-391Pepperdine†3/19W 6-5115Gonzaga†2/27W 4-362Oklahoma
3/14W 6-5 (10)91Pepperdine†3/20L 6-7115Gonzaga†2/27L 2-362Oklahoma
4/2W 3-2252Portland†3/21W 13-4115Gonzaga†2/28L 1-762Oklahoma
4/3L 3-6252Portland†3/24L 3-9 (6)160Utah5/21L 7-891Pepperdine†
4/4W 9-3252Portland†3/26L 1-758San Diego†5/22L 4-558San Diego†
4/7W 15-6243Utah Valley State3/27L 3-1958San Diego†
4/21W 7-6160Utah3/28L 4-1358San Diego†
4/23W 14-4144San Francisco†3/30W 4-046San Diego State
4/24W 6-5 (10)144San Francisco†4/9W 5-3 (12)70Loyola Marymount†
4/25W 3-2 (10)144San Francisco†4/10W 4-270Loyola Marymount†
5/7L 5-14138St Mary's†4/11L 2-870Loyola Marymount†
5/8W 17-1138St Mary's†4/13L 8-1066Cal State Northridge
4/28W 5-2243Utah Valley State
4/30L 3-4227Pacific†
5/1L 6-11227Pacific†
5/2W 6-4 (11)227Pacific†
5/12W 16-6160Utah
5/14W 8-5 (10)134Santa Clara†
5/15L 7-8134Santa Clara†
5/16W 4-2134Santa Clara†
5/18W 4-3 (10)138St Mary's†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/20 8-3vs 43Nebraska4/3 3-6 252Portland
3/30 4-0at 46San Diego State4/30 3-4at 227Pacific
2/27 4-3vs 62Oklahoma5/1 6-11at 227Pacific
4/9 5-3 (12)at 70Loyola Marymount3/24 3-9 (6)at 160Utah
4/10 4-2at 70Loyola Marymount5/7 5-14 138St Mary's
3/13 5-3 91Pepperdine5/15 7-8at 134Santa Clara
3/14 6-5 (10) 91Pepperdine3/20 6-7at 115Gonzaga
3/19 6-5at 115Gonzaga3/12 3-11 91Pepperdine
3/21 13-4at 115Gonzaga5/21 7-8vs 91Pepperdine
5/14 8-5 (10)at 134Santa Clara4/11 2-8at 70Loyola Marymount
5/16 4-2at 134Santa Clara4/13 8-10at 66Cal State Northridge
5/8 17-1 138St Mary's2/26 6-7vs 62Oklahoma
5/18 4-3 (10)at 138St Mary's2/27 2-3vs 62Oklahoma
4/23 14-4 144San Francisco2/28 1-7vs 62Oklahoma
4/24 6-5 (10) 144San Francisco3/26 1-7at 58San Diego
4/25 3-2 (10) 144San Francisco3/27 3-19at 58San Diego
4/21 7-6 160Utah3/28 4-13at 58San Diego
5/12 16-6at 160Utah5/22 4-5vs 58San Diego
5/2 6-4 (11)at 227Pacific2/19 3-6vs 43Nebraska
3/5 6-0 238Hartford2/20 1-3 (11)vs 43Nebraska
3/6 8-6 238Hartford2/21 1-9vs 43Nebraska
3/6 20-4 (7) 238Hartford2/13 1-8at 14UC Santa Barbara
3/7 11-7 238Hartford2/14 0-6at 14UC Santa Barbara
3/10 10-7at 243Utah Valley State2/14 1-3at 14UC Santa Barbara
4/7 15-6 243Utah Valley State2/16 4-5at 14UC Santa Barbara
4/28 5-2at 243Utah Valley State
4/2 3-2 252Portland
4/4 9-3 252Portland

Projected record: 28-25; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko