Season at a glance for Indiana

7 Jan 2016

35-24, 14-12 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

29 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
2-1100Stanford 23-30
0-1165Presbyterian 23-27 (+3-1 non-D1)  
0-1192Furman 22-30 (+2-3 non-D1)  
1-0246Xavier 15-37
1-122College of Charleston 41-12 (+3-2 non-D1)
1-0220Villanova 22-26 (+0-1 non-D1)
1-0154Dartmouth 19-20 (+2-1 non-D1)
1-0232St Joseph's 21-27
2-0142Ball State 32-22 (+1-1 non-D1)
2-0209Eastern Michigan 19-33 (+1-0 non-D1)
3-020Cal State Fullerton 39-22 + 
1-0194Valparaiso 20-25 (+2-5 non-D1)
1-1170Penn State 17-29
1-011Louisville 47-17 + 
1-326Iowa 35-16 (+3-1 non-D1)
1-059Kentucky 28-24 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-353Michigan 35-24 (+1-0 non-D1)  
0-1199Cincinnati 14-41  
3-0187Rutgers 19-32-1
0-290Indiana State 26-26  
0-2103Evansville 25-24 (+2-0 non-D1)  
0-29Illinois 47-10-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-030Notre Dame 37-22 + 
1-250Michigan State 31-22 (+1-0 non-D1)  
3-132Maryland 40-19 (+1-2 non-D1) + 
2-173Long Beach State 27-24
4-035Ohio State 35-16 + 
1-125Radford 41-15 (+3-0 non-D1)
0-16Vanderbilt 50-21

Results and Schedule

3/10W 5-3209Eastern Michigan2/13W 4-2100Stanford2/20L 2-5165Presbyterian
3/11W 9-1209Eastern Michigan2/14W 4-3 (10)100Stanford2/22W 7-6246Xavier
3/14W 5-4 (10)20Cal State Fullerton2/15L 3-4100Stanford3/6W 4-3220Villanova
3/14W 2-020Cal State Fullerton2/21L 5-6 (12)192Furman3/6W 8-6154Dartmouth
3/15W 10-420Cal State Fullerton2/27L 2-422College of Charleston3/7W 3-2232St Joseph's
3/17W 4-0194Valparaiso2/28W 15-122College of Charleston3/8W 16-1142Ball State
3/24W 3-011Louisville3/22W 5-4 (12)170Penn State†4/21W 6-530Notre Dame
4/4L 3-753Michigan†3/22L 7-13170Penn State†5/20L 1-453Michigan†
4/4W 13-1153Michigan†3/27L 0-226Iowa†5/21W 5-335Ohio State†
4/5L 3-453Michigan†3/28L 1-526Iowa†5/22W 10-226Iowa†
4/8L 4-5199Cincinnati3/29L 6-1026Iowa†5/23L 2-432Maryland†
4/10W 4-3187Rutgers†3/31W 11-759Kentucky5/29W 7-125Radford
4/11W 6-0187Rutgers†4/14L 2-690Indiana State5/30L 4-66Vanderbilt
4/12W 5-4187Rutgers†4/17L 1-59Illinois†5/31L 3-525Radford
4/15L 1-2 (14)103Evansville4/18L 3-69Illinois†
4/24W 6-150Michigan State†4/28L 4-8103Evansville
4/26L 0-750Michigan State†5/1W 6-532Maryland†
4/26L 2-350Michigan State†5/2W 13-232Maryland†
4/29L 5-6 (10)90Indiana State5/3W 6-232Maryland†
5/8L 5-1273Long Beach State5/12W 9-5142Ball State
5/9W 7-273Long Beach State
5/10W 8-573Long Beach State
5/14W 6-435Ohio State†
5/15W 9-135Ohio State†
5/15W 6-435Ohio State†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/24 3-0 11Louisville4/8 4-5 199Cincinnati
3/14 5-4 (10) 20Cal State Fullerton2/21 5-6 (12)at 192Furman
3/14 2-0 20Cal State Fullerton3/22 7-13at 170Penn State
3/15 10-4 20Cal State Fullerton2/20 2-5vs 165Presbyterian
2/28 15-1at 22College of Charleston4/15 1-2 (14) 103Evansville
5/29 7-1vs 25Radford4/28 4-8at 103Evansville
5/22 10-2vs 26Iowa2/15 3-4at 100Stanford
4/21 6-5vs 30Notre Dame4/14 2-6at 90Indiana State
5/1 6-5at 32Maryland4/29 5-6 (10) 90Indiana State
5/2 13-2at 32Maryland5/8 5-12 73Long Beach State
5/3 6-2at 32Maryland4/4 3-7 53Michigan
5/14 6-4 35Ohio State4/5 3-4 53Michigan
5/15 9-1 35Ohio State5/20 1-4vs 53Michigan
5/15 6-4 35Ohio State4/26 0-7 50Michigan State
5/21 5-3vs 35Ohio State4/26 2-3 50Michigan State
4/24 6-1 50Michigan State5/23 2-4vs 32Maryland
4/4 13-11 53Michigan3/27 0-2at 26Iowa
3/31 11-7at 59Kentucky3/28 1-5at 26Iowa
5/9 7-2 73Long Beach State3/29 6-10at 26Iowa
5/10 8-5 73Long Beach State5/31 3-5vs 25Radford
2/13 4-2at 100Stanford2/27 2-4at 22College of Charleston
2/14 4-3 (10)at 100Stanford4/17 1-5at 9Illinois
3/8 16-1vs 142Ball State4/18 3-6at 9Illinois
5/12 9-5at 142Ball State5/30 4-6vs 6Vanderbilt
3/6 8-6vs 154Dartmouth
3/22 5-4 (12)at 170Penn State
4/10 4-3 187Rutgers
4/11 6-0 187Rutgers
4/12 5-4 187Rutgers
3/17 4-0 194Valparaiso
3/10 5-3 209Eastern Michigan
3/11 9-1 209Eastern Michigan
3/6 4-3vs 220Villanova
3/7 3-2vs 232St Joseph's
2/22 7-6vs 246Xavier

Projected record: 35-24; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko