Season at a glance for Florida State

1 Jul 2016

41-22, 16-10 ACC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

26 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
3-0186Rhode Island 31-24
2-1110College of Charleston 30-24-1
0-2104Jacksonville 31-22  
1-0250Villanova 20-31
2-1167St John's 27-24-1
1-0158South Florida 24-32
1-0226Toledo 19-37-1
4-034Georgia Tech 38-21
1-54Florida 47-15
2-1105Pittsburgh 24-24
2-0134Central Florida 26-31
2-026North Carolina State 38-20
1-066Boston College 35-21
1-18Texas Tech 46-19
2-12Louisville 49-12 + 
1-268Wake Forest 33-26  
2-0179Stetson 29-29
3-0111Notre Dame 27-24
1-324Clemson 41-19  
3-0282Bowling Green State 16-34 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-1173Florida Gulf Coast 26-32  
1-269Duke 31-23  
2-27Miami Florida 46-12 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-0155Alabama State 38-16
1-015Southern Mississippi 41-19 + 
1-051South Alabama 42-21

Results and Schedule

2/19W 19-1186Rhode Island3/8W 12-4158South Florida3/29L 2-34Florida
2/20W 8-1186Rhode Island3/15L 0-64Florida5/25W 7-326North Carolina State†
2/21W 23-4186Rhode Island3/18W 17-4105Pittsburgh†5/26W 6-134Georgia Tech†
2/26L 1-2110College of Charleston3/19W 10-2105Pittsburgh†5/28W 5-47Miami Florida†
2/27W 8-3110College of Charleston3/20L 2-5105Pittsburgh†5/29L 13-1824Clemson†
2/28W 11-2110College of Charleston4/1W 3-066Boston College†6/3W 18-6155Alabama State
3/1L 3-7104Jacksonville4/15L 0-968Wake Forest†6/4W 7-215Southern Mississippi
3/2W 11-10 (14)250Villanova4/16W 13-868Wake Forest†6/5W 18-651South Alabama
3/4W 16-4167St John's4/17L 2-468Wake Forest†6/11W 3-04Florida
3/5W 9-2167St John's4/30L 3-1024Clemson†6/12L 0-54Florida
3/6L 1-5167St John's5/1W 11-224Clemson†6/13L 0-74Florida
3/9W 3-2226Toledo5/2L 3-724Clemson†
3/11W 8-234Georgia Tech†5/10L 2-6104Jacksonville
3/12W 14-934Georgia Tech†5/13L 4-569Duke†
3/13W 8-334Georgia Tech†5/14L 1-369Duke†
3/22W 7-2134Central Florida5/15W 4-369Duke†
3/23W 5-4 (11)134Central Florida
3/25W 8-526North Carolina State†
4/5W 10-18Texas Tech
4/6L 4-88Texas Tech
4/8W 12-72Louisville†
4/9L 1-72Louisville†
4/10W 16-52Louisville†
4/12L 2-84Florida
4/19W 8-5179Stetson
4/20W 8-6179Stetson
4/22W 12-6111Notre Dame†
4/23W 7-6 (12)111Notre Dame†
4/24W 11-6111Notre Dame†
5/6W 6-1282Bowling Green State
5/7W 10-0282Bowling Green State
5/8W 6-1282Bowling Green State
5/11L 8-11 (10)173Florida Gulf Coast
5/19L 2-47Miami Florida†
5/21W 3-2 (10)7Miami Florida†
5/21L 5-87Miami Florida†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/8 12-7 2Louisville5/11 8-11 (10) 173Florida Gulf Coast
4/10 16-5 2Louisville3/6 1-5 167St John's
6/11 3-0vs 4Florida2/26 1-2 110College of Charleston
5/21 3-2 (10) 7Miami Florida3/20 2-5at 105Pittsburgh
5/28 5-4vs 7Miami Florida3/1 3-7 104Jacksonville
4/5 10-1 8Texas Tech5/10 2-6at 104Jacksonville
6/4 7-2vs 15Southern Mississippi5/13 4-5at 69Duke
5/1 11-2at 24Clemson5/14 1-3at 69Duke
3/25 8-5 26North Carolina State4/15 0-9at 68Wake Forest
5/25 7-3vs 26North Carolina State4/17 2-4at 68Wake Forest
3/11 8-2 34Georgia Tech4/30 3-10at 24Clemson
3/12 14-9 34Georgia Tech5/2 3-7at 24Clemson
3/13 8-3 34Georgia Tech5/29 13-18vs 24Clemson
5/26 6-1vs 34Georgia Tech4/6 4-8 8Texas Tech
6/5 18-6vs 51South Alabama5/19 2-4 7Miami Florida
4/1 3-0at 66Boston College5/21 5-8 7Miami Florida
4/16 13-8at 68Wake Forest3/15 0-6at 4Florida
5/15 4-3at 69Duke3/29 2-3vs 4Florida
3/18 17-4at 105Pittsburgh4/12 2-8 4Florida
3/19 10-2at 105Pittsburgh6/12 0-5vs 4Florida
2/27 8-3 110College of Charleston6/13 0-7vs 4Florida
2/28 11-2 110College of Charleston4/9 1-7 2Louisville
4/22 12-6 111Notre Dame
4/23 7-6 (12) 111Notre Dame
4/24 11-6 111Notre Dame
3/22 7-2 134Central Florida
3/23 5-4 (11) 134Central Florida
6/3 18-6vs 155Alabama State
3/8 12-4at 158South Florida
3/4 16-4 167St John's
3/5 9-2 167St John's
4/19 8-5 179Stetson
4/20 8-6 179Stetson
2/19 19-1 186Rhode Island
2/20 8-1 186Rhode Island
2/21 23-4 186Rhode Island
3/9 3-2 226Toledo
3/2 11-10 (14) 250Villanova
5/6 6-1 282Bowling Green State
5/7 10-0 282Bowling Green State
5/8 6-1 282Bowling Green State

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