Season at a glance for Indiana State

1 Jul 2016

35-21, 13-8 MVC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

26 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-1123Arkansas-Little Rock 25-27
2-095Oral Roberts 38-19
1-094Iowa 27-25 (+3-0 non-D1)
0-166Boston College 34-22  
1-0280Chicago State 12-40 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-0245Dartmouth 18-24
0-1250Villanova 19-32  
1-210Oklahoma State 41-21
1-0186Rhode Island 31-26
1-0191Davidson 28-25
1-0168Campbell 26-26
1-126North Carolina State 37-21
2-1256Siena 24-30
0-242Nebraska 35-22
1-2121Indiana 30-23  
1-089Illinois 28-22
3-0277Butler 12-37 (+2-0 non-D1)
2-0219Purdue 10-42
2-1113Southern Illinois 30-23-1
2-1176Illinois State 16-35
0-337Dallas Baptist 41-19
3-257Missouri State 36-18
3-1127Wichita State 20-34
1-0161Ball State 32-25
2-1125Bradley 24-19 (+4-0 non-D1)
2-1114Evansville 27-25 (+1-0 non-D1)

Results and Schedule

3/19W 10-3256Siena2/19W 7-2123Arkansas-Little Rock2/19W 9-595Oral Roberts
3/19W 12-3256Siena2/21L 5-6123Arkansas-Little Rock2/20W 3-2 (12)95Oral Roberts
3/20L 2-3256Siena3/4L 0-110Oklahoma State2/26W 11-394Iowa
3/22L 4-1042Nebraska3/5L 2-910Oklahoma State2/27L 3-566Boston College
3/23L 4-1142Nebraska3/6W 2-010Oklahoma State2/27W 14-5280Chicago State
3/25L 5-7121Indiana3/13W 4-1168Campbell2/28W 3-0245Dartmouth
3/29W 5-489Illinois3/15L 3-826North Carolina State2/29L 5-6250Villanova
4/1W 13-9 (14)277Butler3/16W 11-726North Carolina State3/11W 8-2186Rhode Island
4/2W 7-2277Butler3/26W 5-1121Indiana3/12W 7-1191Davidson
4/5W 4-1219Purdue3/27L 3-5 (10)121Indiana5/25L 4-1257Missouri State†
4/15L 1-5176Illinois State†4/3W 6-1277Butler5/26W 7-1127Wichita State†
4/16W 6-5176Illinois State†4/8L 6-7113Southern Illinois†5/27L 4-1157Missouri State†
4/17W 3-2176Illinois State†4/9W 3-0113Southern Illinois†
4/22L 2-337Dallas Baptist†4/10W 5-1113Southern Illinois†
4/23L 6-737Dallas Baptist†4/20W 22-4219Purdue
4/24L 5-1037Dallas Baptist†5/6W 15-10127Wichita State†
4/29W 2-157Missouri State†5/7W 8-6127Wichita State†
4/29W 7-657Missouri State†5/7L 9-11127Wichita State†
5/1W 4-257Missouri State†5/11W 16-8161Ball State
5/19L 2-3114Evansville†5/13L 3-5125Bradley†
5/20W 7-0114Evansville†5/14W 4-2125Bradley†
5/21W 3-0114Evansville†5/15W 6-2125Bradley†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/6 2-0at 10Oklahoma State3/20 2-3 256Siena
3/16 11-7at 26North Carolina State2/29 5-6vs 250Villanova
4/29 2-1 57Missouri State4/15 1-5 176Illinois State
4/29 7-6 57Missouri State5/7 9-11at 127Wichita State
5/1 4-2 57Missouri State5/13 3-5at 125Bradley
3/29 5-4 89Illinois2/21 5-6at 123Arkansas-Little Rock
2/26 11-3vs 94Iowa3/25 5-7 121Indiana
2/19 9-5vs 95Oral Roberts3/27 3-5 (10)at 121Indiana
2/20 3-2 (12)vs 95Oral Roberts5/19 2-3 114Evansville
4/9 3-0at 113Southern Illinois4/8 6-7at 113Southern Illinois
4/10 5-1at 113Southern Illinois2/27 3-5vs 66Boston College
5/20 7-0 114Evansville5/25 4-12vs 57Missouri State
5/21 3-0 114Evansville5/27 4-11vs 57Missouri State
3/26 5-1at 121Indiana3/22 4-10 42Nebraska
2/19 7-2at 123Arkansas-Little Rock3/23 4-11 42Nebraska
5/14 4-2at 125Bradley4/22 2-3 37Dallas Baptist
5/15 6-2at 125Bradley4/23 6-7 37Dallas Baptist
5/6 15-10at 127Wichita State4/24 5-10 37Dallas Baptist
5/7 8-6at 127Wichita State3/15 3-8at 26North Carolina State
5/26 7-1vs 127Wichita State3/4 0-1at 10Oklahoma State
5/11 16-8at 161Ball State3/5 2-9at 10Oklahoma State
3/13 4-1at 168Campbell
4/16 6-5 176Illinois State
4/17 3-2 176Illinois State
3/11 8-2vs 186Rhode Island
3/12 7-1vs 191Davidson
4/5 4-1 219Purdue
4/20 22-4at 219Purdue
2/28 3-0vs 245Dartmouth
3/19 10-3 256Siena
3/19 12-3 256Siena
4/1 13-9 (14) 277Butler
4/2 7-2 277Butler
4/3 6-1at 277Butler
2/27 14-5vs 280Chicago State

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko