Season at a glance for Grand Canyon

1 Jul 2016

25-28-1, 13-14 WAC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

23 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
2-253Gonzaga 34-19
2-0210Central Michigan 23-35 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-161Tennessee 28-28
1-064St Mary's 33-24 + 
2-1180Nebraska-Omaha 27-26
1-0148San Francisco 22-33 + 
2-186Cal Poly 31-23 + 
0-249New Mexico 37-23
0-331Houston 33-23
1-1124Nevada-Las Vegas 23-31
1-2147Utah Valley State 35-22
3-0188Cal State Bakersfield 19-34
0-3136New Mexico State 31-23
1-292Seattle 35-20
3-0287North Dakota 7-34 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-0-1140Kansas 17-35 (+3-0 non-D1)
0-180Kansas State 25-31
2-1280Chicago State 11-39 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-1207San Jose State 16-38
0-3232Northern Colorado 12-32 (+1-2 non-D1)  
1-2166Cal State Sacramento 27-27 (+1-0 non-D1)  
0-197Nevada 36-24
2-1234UT Rio Grande Valley 17-26 (+3-0 non-D1)

Results and Schedule

2/19W 7-153Gonzaga3/19L 0-531Houston3/8W 6-5148San Francisco
2/20L 9-2153Gonzaga3/19L 1-331Houston
2/20W 3-053Gonzaga3/20L 1-531Houston
2/21L 2-1153Gonzaga3/22W 10-8124Nevada-Las Vegas
2/25W 5-4210Central Michigan4/1W 9-3188Cal State Bakersfield†
2/26L 8-2561Tennessee4/2W 9-4188Cal State Bakersfield†
2/27W 3-1210Central Michigan4/3W 9-6188Cal State Bakersfield†
2/28W 8-364St Mary's4/15L 3-1092Seattle†
3/4L 2-7180Nebraska-Omaha4/16L 1-492Seattle†
3/5W 9-4180Nebraska-Omaha4/17W 8-4 (10)92Seattle†
3/6W 12-4180Nebraska-Omaha4/22W 9-4287North Dakota†
3/11L 0-786Cal Poly4/23W 8-2287North Dakota†
3/12W 16-386Cal Poly4/24W 14-2 (7)287North Dakota†
3/13W 3-286Cal Poly4/26T 5-5 (10)140Kansas
3/15L 6-1049New Mexico4/27L 6-1080Kansas State
3/16L 5-649New Mexico5/3W 10-5 (10)207San Jose State
3/24W 2-1 (11)147Utah Valley State†5/4L 6-7207San Jose State
3/25L 4-5 (12)147Utah Valley State†5/6L 7-11232Northern Colorado†
3/26L 3-6147Utah Valley State†5/7L 9-10232Northern Colorado†
4/4L 2-7124Nevada-Las Vegas5/8L 2-6232Northern Colorado†
4/8L 4-5136New Mexico State†5/19W 10-0 (7)234UT Rio Grande Valley†
4/9L 3-4136New Mexico State†5/20W 10-0 (7)234UT Rio Grande Valley†
4/11L 6-7136New Mexico State†5/21L 3-4234UT Rio Grande Valley†
4/29W 7-2280Chicago State†
4/30L 2-4280Chicago State†
5/1W 10-5280Chicago State†
5/13L 1-4166Cal State Sacramento†
5/14L 3-8166Cal State Sacramento†
5/15W 4-3166Cal State Sacramento†
5/17L 10-11 (10)97Nevada

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/19 7-1 53Gonzaga4/30 2-4 280Chicago State4/26 5-5 (10)at 140Kansas
2/20 3-0 53Gonzaga5/21 3-4at 234UT Rio Grande Valley
2/28 8-3 64St Mary's5/6 7-11at 232Northern Colorado
3/12 16-3 86Cal Poly5/7 9-10at 232Northern Colorado
3/13 3-2 86Cal Poly5/8 2-6at 232Northern Colorado
4/17 8-4 (10)at 92Seattle5/4 6-7at 207San Jose State
3/22 10-8at 124Nevada-Las Vegas3/4 2-7 180Nebraska-Omaha
3/24 2-1 (11) 147Utah Valley State5/13 1-4 166Cal State Sacramento
3/8 6-5vs 148San Francisco5/14 3-8 166Cal State Sacramento
5/15 4-3 166Cal State Sacramento3/25 4-5 (12) 147Utah Valley State
3/5 9-4 180Nebraska-Omaha3/26 3-6 147Utah Valley State
3/6 12-4 180Nebraska-Omaha4/8 4-5 136New Mexico State
4/1 9-3at 188Cal State Bakersfield4/9 3-4 136New Mexico State
4/2 9-4at 188Cal State Bakersfield4/11 6-7 136New Mexico State
4/3 9-6at 188Cal State Bakersfield4/4 2-7 124Nevada-Las Vegas
5/3 10-5 (10)at 207San Jose State5/17 10-11 (10) 97Nevada
2/25 5-4 210Central Michigan4/15 3-10at 92Seattle
2/27 3-1 210Central Michigan4/16 1-4at 92Seattle
5/19 10-0 (7)at 234UT Rio Grande Valley3/11 0-7 86Cal Poly
5/20 10-0 (7)at 234UT Rio Grande Valley4/27 6-10at 80Kansas State
4/29 7-2 280Chicago State2/26 8-25 61Tennessee
5/1 10-5 280Chicago State2/20 9-21 53Gonzaga
4/22 9-4at 287North Dakota2/21 2-11 53Gonzaga
4/23 8-2at 287North Dakota3/15 6-10 49New Mexico
4/24 14-2 (7)at 287North Dakota3/16 5-6 49New Mexico
3/19 0-5at 31Houston
3/19 1-3at 31Houston
3/20 1-5at 31Houston

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko