Season at a glance for California

1 Jul 2016

32-21, 14-16 P12

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

18 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
1-252Duke 31-23  
2-0131San Francisco 22-32
3-0263Purdue 10-41
0-148Michigan 35-21  
4-090Texas 25-28
1-16Texas Tech 46-19
1-251Southern California 26-27  
3-020Oregon State 35-16 + 
3-077UCLA 25-28
2-337Stanford 28-21  
1-247Oregon 27-25  
2-081Cal Poly 32-23
1-224Arizona State 34-22
0-38Arizona 46-24
1-235Washington 31-22  
4-0229Northwestern 15-34 (+0-1 non-D1)
1-276Utah 24-28  
2-1146Washington State 18-33

Results and Schedule

2/23W 5-4131San Francisco2/19W 5-252Duke
2/26W 10-0263Purdue2/20L 5-6 (10)52Duke
2/27W 4-0263Purdue2/21L 4-552Duke
2/28W 15-5263Purdue3/3W 4-190Texas
2/29L 0-548Michigan3/4W 4-390Texas
3/11W 9-26Texas Tech3/5W 6-090Texas
3/12L 8-116Texas Tech3/6W 10-7 (11)90Texas
3/24W 6-220Oregon State†3/17W 5-451Southern California†
3/25W 5-020Oregon State†3/18L 5-1851Southern California†
3/26W 5-320Oregon State†3/19L 4-551Southern California†
3/29W 7-5131San Francisco4/8W 12-247Oregon†
4/1W 9-177UCLA†4/9L 3-447Oregon†
4/2W 8-277UCLA†4/10L 5-1147Oregon†
4/3W 5-377UCLA†4/12W 7-181Cal Poly
4/5L 6-837Stanford†4/15L 4-624Arizona State†
4/19W 5-237Stanford†4/16W 8-4 (11)24Arizona State†
4/22L 0-38Arizona†4/17L 0-424Arizona State†
4/23L 5-8 (13)8Arizona†5/5W 4-137Stanford†
4/24L 6-78Arizona†5/6L 1-537Stanford†
4/26W 5-481Cal Poly5/7L 4-637Stanford†
4/29L 2-435Washington†5/14W 16-0229Northwestern
4/30W 7-135Washington†5/15W 15-3229Northwestern
5/1L 4-735Washington†5/15W 13-2229Northwestern
5/21L 3-876Utah†5/16W 15-0229Northwestern
5/22W 9-276Utah†5/27L 1-4146Washington State†
5/23L 5-676Utah†5/28W 7-0146Washington State†
5/29W 11-5146Washington State†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/11 9-2 6Texas Tech5/27 1-4at 146Washington State
3/24 6-2 20Oregon State5/21 3-8 76Utah
3/25 5-0 20Oregon State5/23 5-6 76Utah
3/26 5-3 20Oregon State2/20 5-6 (10)at 52Duke
4/16 8-4 (11)at 24Arizona State2/21 4-5at 52Duke
4/30 7-1 35Washington3/18 5-18at 51Southern California
4/19 5-2 37Stanford3/19 4-5at 51Southern California
5/5 4-1at 37Stanford2/29 0-5 48Michigan
4/8 12-2at 47Oregon4/9 3-4at 47Oregon
3/17 5-4at 51Southern California4/10 5-11at 47Oregon
2/19 5-2at 52Duke4/5 6-8 37Stanford
5/22 9-2 76Utah5/6 1-5at 37Stanford
4/1 9-1 77UCLA5/7 4-6at 37Stanford
4/2 8-2 77UCLA4/29 2-4 35Washington
4/3 5-3 77UCLA5/1 4-7 35Washington
4/12 7-1at 81Cal Poly4/15 4-6at 24Arizona State
4/26 5-4 81Cal Poly4/17 0-4at 24Arizona State
3/3 4-1at 90Texas4/22 0-3 8Arizona
3/4 4-3at 90Texas4/23 5-8 (13) 8Arizona
3/5 6-0at 90Texas4/24 6-7 8Arizona
3/6 10-7 (11)at 90Texas3/12 8-11 6Texas Tech
2/23 5-4 131San Francisco
3/29 7-5 131San Francisco
5/28 7-0at 146Washington State
5/29 11-5at 146Washington State
5/14 16-0at 229Northwestern
5/15 15-3at 229Northwestern
5/15 13-2at 229Northwestern
5/16 15-0at 229Northwestern
2/26 10-0 263Purdue
2/27 4-0 263Purdue
2/28 15-5 263Purdue

Projected record: 32-21; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko