Season at a glance for Iowa

1 Jul 2016

30-26, 12-12 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

26 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
0-323Dallas Baptist 41-19
0-169Indiana State 34-21
1-0233Dartmouth 18-24
1-0285Chicago State 12-40 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-2109Southern Illinois 29-24-1  
1-0301Northwestern College 0-0
0-1177Nebraska-Omaha 27-28  
0-1128Seton Hall 37-20  
1-0290Savannah State 12-39
1-0301Point 0-0
0-360Missouri State 35-21
1-0119Bradley 25-20 (+4-0 non-D1)
3-191Maryland 29-24 + 
1-0198Northern Illinois 24-31
2-257Minnesota 32-20 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-0129Wisconsin-Milwaukee 29-25 (+3-0 non-D1)
2-182Illinois 27-21 + 
2-0136Air Force 29-25 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-289Indiana 30-23
1-248Michigan 34-20
1-0301Grand View 0-0
1-2102Kansas State 24-30  
2-0265Western Illinois 13-33 (+1-1 non-D1)
2-340Ohio State 41-18-1
2-165Michigan State 35-18 + 
2-1127Penn State 27-25

Results and Schedule

3/8W 28-0 (7)301Northwestern College2/19L 1-523Dallas Baptist2/26L 3-1169Indiana State
3/22W 7-6119Bradley2/20L 3-723Dallas Baptist2/27W 4-1233Dartmouth
3/25W 8-191Maryland†2/21L 1-423Dallas Baptist2/28W 15-3285Chicago State
3/26W 4-191Maryland†3/4L 1-2 (11)109Southern Illinois3/11L 2-3177Nebraska-Omaha
3/27L 1-491Maryland†3/5W 7-5109Southern Illinois3/12L 1-7128Seton Hall
3/29W 12-3198Northern Illinois3/6L 1-6109Southern Illinois3/13W 14-4290Savannah State
4/6W 9-1129Wisconsin-Milwaukee3/18L 1-460Missouri State3/14W 7-1301Point
4/9L 4-1082Illinois†3/19L 4-560Missouri State5/25W 8-257Minnesota†
4/9W 4-3 (10)82Illinois†3/20L 6-860Missouri State5/27W 5-4 (10)40Ohio State†
4/10W 4-382Illinois†4/1L 1-457Minnesota†5/28W 11-091Maryland†
4/12W 9-7136Air Force4/3L 3-657Minnesota†5/29L 7-840Ohio State†
4/13W 22-2136Air Force4/3W 6-357Minnesota†
4/22L 4-848Michigan†4/15L 1-789Indiana†
4/23L 9-1248Michigan†4/16L 2-889Indiana†
4/24W 8-348Michigan†4/17W 6-5 (10)89Indiana†
4/26W 3-0301Grand View5/6L 0-640Ohio State†
4/29L 2-3102Kansas State5/7W 12-040Ohio State†
5/1W 2-1102Kansas State5/8L 0-340Ohio State†
5/1L 2-4102Kansas State5/17W 10-2265Western Illinois
5/3W 10-4265Western Illinois5/19W 3-2127Penn State†
5/13L 1-565Michigan State†5/20W 8-0127Penn State†
5/14W 3-165Michigan State†5/20L 4-5 (12)127Penn State†
5/15W 5-165Michigan State†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/7 12-0at 40Ohio State3/11 2-3vs 177Nebraska-Omaha
5/27 5-4 (10)vs 40Ohio State3/12 1-7vs 128Seton Hall
4/24 8-3 48Michigan5/20 4-5 (12)at 127Penn State
4/3 6-3at 57Minnesota3/4 1-2 (11)at 109Southern Illinois
5/25 8-2vs 57Minnesota3/6 1-6at 109Southern Illinois
5/14 3-1 65Michigan State4/29 2-3 102Kansas State
5/15 5-1 65Michigan State5/1 2-4 102Kansas State
4/9 4-3 (10) 82Illinois3/27 1-4 91Maryland
4/10 4-3 82Illinois4/15 1-7at 89Indiana
4/17 6-5 (10)at 89Indiana4/16 2-8at 89Indiana
3/25 8-1 91Maryland4/9 4-10 82Illinois
3/26 4-1 91Maryland2/26 3-11vs 69Indiana State
5/28 11-0vs 91Maryland5/13 1-5 65Michigan State
5/1 2-1 102Kansas State3/18 1-4at 60Missouri State
3/5 7-5at 109Southern Illinois3/19 4-5at 60Missouri State
3/22 7-6 119Bradley3/20 6-8at 60Missouri State
5/19 3-2at 127Penn State4/1 1-4at 57Minnesota
5/20 8-0at 127Penn State4/3 3-6at 57Minnesota
4/6 9-1 129Wisconsin-Milwaukee4/22 4-8 48Michigan
4/12 9-7 136Air Force4/23 9-12 48Michigan
4/13 22-2 136Air Force5/6 0-6at 40Ohio State
3/29 12-3 198Northern Illinois5/8 0-3at 40Ohio State
2/27 4-1vs 233Dartmouth5/29 7-8vs 40Ohio State
5/3 10-4 265Western Illinois2/19 1-5at 23Dallas Baptist
5/17 10-2at 265Western Illinois2/20 3-7at 23Dallas Baptist
2/28 15-3vs 285Chicago State2/21 1-4at 23Dallas Baptist
3/13 14-4vs 290Savannah State
3/8 28-0 (7) 301Northwestern College
3/14 7-1vs 301Point
4/26 3-0 301Grand View

Projected record: 30-26; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko