Season at a glance for Presbyterian

1 Jul 2016

27-30, 12-12 BigS

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

26 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
0-165Michigan State 35-20
1-0222Fordham 29-28
0-3167Furman 26-30
3-0246Towson 20-32
1-0290Savannah State 12-39
2-1287La Salle 14-37
0-1132Western Carolina 30-31
1-1261Bowling Green State 15-36 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0177Nebraska-Omaha 28-27 + 
1-0269North Carolina Central 24-29 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-1185Wofford 29-27
1-2260The Citadel 15-41  
0-114Clemson 43-20
1-3155Gardner-Webb 34-20
1-2284North Carolina-Asheville 14-37  
2-0221South Carolina-Upstate 22-28
3-0188Winthrop 28-24 + 
0-310Coastal Carolina 52-18
1-1288North Carolina A&T 12-40
2-1126Liberty 30-26 + 
2-1182Longwood 31-25 + 
1-2178Campbell 24-26
0-113South Carolina 45-18
0-3120Virginia Commonwealth 35-19
2-1232Charleston Southern 18-31 (+0-1 non-D1)
0-1231Radford 18-39  

Results and Schedule

2/26W 7-5246Towson2/21L 8-9 (11)167Furman2/19L 5-1165Michigan State
2/27W 6-2246Towson3/8L 9-10132Western Carolina2/20W 7-1222Fordham
2/28W 11-5246Towson3/18L 1-2260The Citadel3/11L 1-6261Bowling Green State
3/2W 16-1290Savannah State3/19W 7-6260The Citadel3/12W 11-1177Nebraska-Omaha
3/4L 3-6287La Salle3/20L 2-7260The Citadel3/13W 6-5261Bowling Green State
3/5W 6-0287La Salle3/22L 4-814Clemson5/24L 3-5155Gardner-Webb†
3/6W 10-3287La Salle3/24L 0-14155Gardner-Webb†5/25L 8-16231Radford†
3/15W 15-6269North Carolina Central3/25W 3-0155Gardner-Webb†
3/16L 4-8185Wofford3/26L 1-3155Gardner-Webb†
4/8W 4-3188Winthrop†3/29W 6-5 (10)185Wofford
4/9W 2-1188Winthrop†4/1L 4-7284North Carolina-Asheville†
4/10W 9-3188Winthrop†4/2W 13-8284North Carolina-Asheville†
4/13L 8-10167Furman4/3L 9-22284North Carolina-Asheville†
4/22L 2-4126Liberty†4/6W 6-5221South Carolina-Upstate
4/23W 9-7126Liberty†4/15L 2-510Coastal Carolina†
4/24W 9-8 (11)126Liberty†4/16L 2-410Coastal Carolina†
4/27L 3-5288North Carolina A&T4/17L 3-1210Coastal Carolina†
4/29L 1-4182Longwood†4/19W 10-6288North Carolina A&T
4/30W 9-5182Longwood†4/26L 6-8167Furman
4/30W 7-1182Longwood†5/6L 0-1178Campbell†
5/13L 2-3120Virginia Commonwealth5/7W 4-2178Campbell†
5/14L 2-13120Virginia Commonwealth5/8L 5-7178Campbell†
5/15L 7-10120Virginia Commonwealth5/10L 1-313South Carolina
5/17W 3-1221South Carolina-Upstate
5/19W 12-0232Charleston Southern†
5/20W 3-1232Charleston Southern†
5/21L 4-9232Charleston Southern†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/23 9-7 126Liberty4/27 3-5 288North Carolina A&T
4/24 9-8 (11) 126Liberty3/4 3-6 287La Salle
3/25 3-0at 155Gardner-Webb4/1 4-7at 284North Carolina-Asheville
3/12 11-1vs 177Nebraska-Omaha4/3 9-22at 284North Carolina-Asheville
5/7 4-2at 178Campbell3/11 1-6vs 261Bowling Green State
4/30 9-5 182Longwood3/18 1-2at 260The Citadel
4/30 7-1 182Longwood3/20 2-7at 260The Citadel
3/29 6-5 (10)at 185Wofford5/21 4-9 232Charleston Southern
4/8 4-3 188Winthrop5/25 8-16vs 231Radford
4/9 2-1 188Winthrop3/16 4-8 185Wofford
4/10 9-3 188Winthrop4/29 1-4 182Longwood
4/6 6-5at 221South Carolina-Upstate5/6 0-1at 178Campbell
5/17 3-1 221South Carolina-Upstate5/8 5-7at 178Campbell
2/20 7-1vs 222Fordham2/21 8-9 (11)at 167Furman
5/19 12-0 232Charleston Southern4/13 8-10 167Furman
5/20 3-1 232Charleston Southern4/26 6-8at 167Furman
2/26 7-5 246Towson3/24 0-14at 155Gardner-Webb
2/27 6-2 246Towson3/26 1-3at 155Gardner-Webb
2/28 11-5 246Towson5/24 3-5vs 155Gardner-Webb
3/19 7-6at 260The Citadel3/8 9-10at 132Western Carolina
3/13 6-5vs 261Bowling Green State4/22 2-4 126Liberty
3/15 15-6 269North Carolina Central5/13 2-3 120Virginia Commonwealth
4/2 13-8at 284North Carolina-Asheville5/14 2-13 120Virginia Commonwealth
3/5 6-0 287La Salle5/15 7-10 120Virginia Commonwealth
3/6 10-3 287La Salle2/19 5-11vs 65Michigan State
4/19 10-6at 288North Carolina A&T3/22 4-8at 14Clemson
3/2 16-1 290Savannah State5/10 1-3at 13South Carolina
4/15 2-5at 10Coastal Carolina
4/16 2-4at 10Coastal Carolina
4/17 3-12at 10Coastal Carolina

Projected record: 27-30; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko