Season at a glance for Ohio State

1 Jul 2016

44-20-1, 15-9 B10

Records vs Opponents' RPI Ranks

RPIVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

31 Opponents

Rec vRPIOppO-recRV?
2-0-1221Toledo 19-36
1-0279Niagara 16-36-1
1-092Pittsburgh 25-25
0-126Duke 32-24
1-15Coastal Carolina 54-17
1-0102Liberty 31-27
1-0133Seton Hall 38-19
0-1217Illinois State 16-37  
0-130Boston College 34-22
2-2141Nevada-Las Vegas 22-30
3-0258Hofstra 15-34
1-098Xavier 32-29
2-1256Northwestern 14-36 (+0-1 non-D1)
1-0241Ohio 23-28
3-0161Bethune-Cookman 29-24
0-171Kent State 42-14 (+1-0 non-D1)  
0-360Maryland 27-27  
2-0136Morehead State 31-25 (+1-0 non-D1)
2-1128Rutgers 26-26
1-0111Cincinnati 26-29-1
1-268Illinois 26-22  
3-0269Purdue 10-41
1-1150Alabama-Birmingham 20-33
3-277Iowa 25-23 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-031Florida Atlantic 39-18 + 
5-052Michigan 36-16
1-0207Eastern Michigan 23-35
2-162Minnesota 33-20 (+2-0 non-D1)
2-074Michigan State 36-18
1-147Wright State 45-16
0-13Louisville 49-14

Results and Schedule

3/18W 12-1258Hofstra2/27W 6-45Coastal Carolina2/19W 7-1221Toledo
3/19W 4-2258Hofstra2/29L 2-3 (10)5Coastal Carolina2/20W 10-7279Niagara
3/20W 2-1258Hofstra3/11L 2-5141Nevada-Las Vegas2/20W 11-8 (13)92Pittsburgh
3/22W 11-698Xavier3/12W 20-3141Nevada-Las Vegas2/21T 5-5221Toledo
3/25L 5-6256Northwestern†3/13L 7-8141Nevada-Las Vegas2/26L 1-826Duke
3/26W 5-2256Northwestern†3/15W 8-7141Nevada-Las Vegas2/28W 5-4102Liberty
3/27W 5-4256Northwestern†3/29W 6-3241Ohio3/4W 9-3133Seton Hall
3/30W 9-8221Toledo4/5L 3-871Kent State3/5L 4-5217Illinois State
4/1W 6-2161Bethune-Cookman4/8L 1-2 (10)60Maryland†3/6L 2-630Boston College
4/2W 11-2161Bethune-Cookman4/8L 0-360Maryland†5/25W 8-352Michigan†
4/3W 13-5161Bethune-Cookman4/10L 4-560Maryland†5/27L 4-5 (10)77Iowa†
4/12W 1-0136Morehead State4/22L 0-1 (15)68Illinois†5/28W 3-2 (10)74Michigan State†
4/13W 7-3136Morehead State4/23W 9-168Illinois†5/28W 11-452Michigan†
4/15L 4-7128Rutgers†4/24L 3-568Illinois†5/29W 8-777Iowa†
4/16W 11-3128Rutgers†4/29W 3-1269Purdue†5/29W 7-374Michigan State†
4/17W 2-1128Rutgers†4/29W 3-2269Purdue†6/3W 7-647Wright State
4/19W 9-0111Cincinnati5/1W 5-1269Purdue†6/4L 3-153Louisville
5/3L 3-6150Alabama-Birmingham5/19W 3-262Minnesota†6/5L 3-747Wright State
5/4W 12-3150Alabama-Birmingham5/20L 3-462Minnesota†
5/6W 6-077Iowa†5/21W 6-5 (10)62Minnesota†
5/7L 0-1277Iowa†
5/8W 3-077Iowa†
5/11W 10-231Florida Atlantic
5/13W 3-252Michigan†
5/14W 7-352Michigan†
5/15W 8-252Michigan†
5/17W 2-0207Eastern Michigan

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/27 6-4at 5Coastal Carolina3/25 5-6 256Northwestern2/21 5-5vs 221Toledo
5/11 10-2 31Florida Atlantic3/5 4-5vs 217Illinois State
6/3 7-6vs 47Wright State5/3 3-6 150Alabama-Birmingham
5/13 3-2 52Michigan3/11 2-5at 141Nevada-Las Vegas
5/14 7-3 52Michigan3/13 7-8at 141Nevada-Las Vegas
5/15 8-2 52Michigan4/15 4-7 128Rutgers
5/25 8-3vs 52Michigan5/7 0-12 77Iowa
5/28 11-4vs 52Michigan5/27 4-5 (10)vs 77Iowa
5/19 3-2at 62Minnesota4/5 3-8at 71Kent State
5/21 6-5 (10)at 62Minnesota4/22 0-1 (15)at 68Illinois
4/23 9-1at 68Illinois4/24 3-5at 68Illinois
5/28 3-2 (10)vs 74Michigan State5/20 3-4at 62Minnesota
5/29 7-3vs 74Michigan State4/8 1-2 (10)at 60Maryland
5/6 6-0 77Iowa4/8 0-3at 60Maryland
5/8 3-0 77Iowa4/10 4-5at 60Maryland
5/29 8-7vs 77Iowa6/5 3-7vs 47Wright State
2/20 11-8 (13)vs 92Pittsburgh3/6 2-6vs 30Boston College
3/22 11-6 98Xavier2/26 1-8vs 26Duke
2/28 5-4vs 102Liberty2/29 2-3 (10)at 5Coastal Carolina
4/19 9-0 111Cincinnati6/4 3-15vs 3Louisville
4/16 11-3 128Rutgers
4/17 2-1 128Rutgers
3/4 9-3vs 133Seton Hall
4/12 1-0 136Morehead State
4/13 7-3 136Morehead State
3/12 20-3at 141Nevada-Las Vegas
3/15 8-7at 141Nevada-Las Vegas
5/4 12-3 150Alabama-Birmingham
4/1 6-2 161Bethune-Cookman
4/2 11-2 161Bethune-Cookman
4/3 13-5 161Bethune-Cookman
5/17 2-0 207Eastern Michigan
2/19 7-1vs 221Toledo
3/30 9-8 221Toledo
3/29 6-3at 241Ohio
3/26 5-2 256Northwestern
3/27 5-4 256Northwestern
3/18 12-1 258Hofstra
3/19 4-2 258Hofstra
3/20 2-1 258Hofstra
4/29 3-1at 269Purdue
4/29 3-2at 269Purdue
5/1 5-1at 269Purdue
2/20 10-7vs 279Niagara

0 games remaining vs better RPI, 0 vs worse RPI; ROWP=0.0000, RORPI=0.0000.

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko