Season at a glance for Notre Dame

27 Jun 2017

26-32, 10-21 ACC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

33 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
0-1289Lafayette 7-44  
1-0259Incarnate Word 20-35
0-2154St Louis 33-21 (+0-1 non-D1)  
0-1105UC Irvine 22-33
0-133San Diego 34-18-1
0-155San Diego State 41-21
0-156Maryland 37-23
0-1164Massachusetts-Lowell 21-26  
1-0113Rhode Island 31-21 + 
1-0209Monmouth 20-27
0-318Clemson 39-21
1-0160Davidson 34-25
2-1137Pittsburgh 22-28
1-0260Northern Illinois 17-38
0-411Florida State 42-23
1-0285Chicago State 12-41
2-132North Carolina State 35-23 + 
0-138Michigan 41-17
3-059Georgia Tech 27-25 + 
1-067Michigan State 29-22 + 
1-0261Toledo 17-40
0-323Wake Forest 40-20
1-0172Central Michigan 30-26 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-0226Illinois State 15-39 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-219Virginia 41-15
1-0184Valparaiso 24-28
1-0187Eastern Michigan 27-34
2-184Duke 29-26 + 
1-0158Northwestern 27-29
0-46Louisville 49-12
2-1176Austin Peay State 27-28
1-0197Western Michigan 23-28 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-3121Boston College 22-28

Results and Schedule

3/21W 12-1260Northern Illinois2/24L 2-633San Diego2/17L 2-10289Lafayette
3/24L 3-811Florida State†2/25L 6-755San Diego State2/18W 12-10259Incarnate Word
3/24L 2-811Florida State†3/10L 1-418Clemson†2/18L 6-8154St Louis
3/25L 1-511Florida State†3/11L 5-618Clemson†2/19L 3-8154St Louis
3/28W 7-4285Chicago State3/12L 0-418Clemson†2/23L 4-18105UC Irvine
3/31W 4-132North Carolina State†3/14W 2-0160Davidson3/3L 3-456Maryland
4/1W 2-132North Carolina State†3/17W 10-5137Pittsburgh†3/4L 0-8164Massachusetts-Lowell
4/2L 2-932North Carolina State†3/19W 4-3137Pittsburgh†3/4W 8-4113Rhode Island
4/7W 4-359Georgia Tech†3/19L 1-2137Pittsburgh†3/5W 4-0209Monmouth
4/8W 4-359Georgia Tech†4/4L 3-438Michigan4/18W 8-3172Central Michigan
4/9W 9-659Georgia Tech†4/14L 3-423Wake Forest†5/24L 3-511Florida State†
4/11W 2-167Michigan State4/15L 7-1323Wake Forest†5/25L 3-106Louisville†
4/12W 8-3261Toledo4/16L 1-523Wake Forest†
4/19W 7-6226Illinois State4/21L 4-1419Virginia†
4/25W 10-3184Valparaiso4/21W 8-219Virginia†
4/26W 5-0187Eastern Michigan4/22L 0-919Virginia†
4/28W 5-484Duke†5/18L 2-6121Boston College†
4/28L 1-1484Duke†5/19L 9-10121Boston College†
4/29W 3-284Duke†5/20L 7-8121Boston College†
5/2W 3-2158Northwestern
5/5L 0-26Louisville†
5/6L 1-56Louisville†
5/7L 4-96Louisville†
5/12W 5-2176Austin Peay State
5/13W 7-2176Austin Peay State
5/14L 3-5176Austin Peay State
5/16W 10-2197Western Michigan

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/21 8-2at 19Virginia2/17 2-10vs 289Lafayette
3/31 4-1 32North Carolina State5/14 3-5 176Austin Peay State
4/1 2-1 32North Carolina State3/4 0-8vs 164Massachusetts-Lowell
4/7 4-3 59Georgia Tech2/18 6-8vs 154St Louis
4/8 4-3 59Georgia Tech2/19 3-8vs 154St Louis
4/9 9-6 59Georgia Tech3/19 1-2at 137Pittsburgh
4/11 2-1 67Michigan State5/18 2-6at 121Boston College
4/28 5-4 84Duke5/19 9-10at 121Boston College
4/29 3-2 84Duke5/20 7-8at 121Boston College
3/4 8-4vs 113Rhode Island2/23 4-18vs 105UC Irvine
3/17 10-5at 137Pittsburgh4/28 1-14 84Duke
3/19 4-3at 137Pittsburgh3/3 3-4vs 56Maryland
5/2 3-2 158Northwestern2/25 6-7at 55San Diego State
3/14 2-0at 160Davidson4/4 3-4at 38Michigan
4/18 8-3vs 172Central Michigan2/24 2-6at 33San Diego
5/12 5-2 176Austin Peay State4/2 2-9 32North Carolina State
5/13 7-2 176Austin Peay State4/14 3-4at 23Wake Forest
4/25 10-3 184Valparaiso4/15 7-13at 23Wake Forest
4/26 5-0 187Eastern Michigan4/16 1-5at 23Wake Forest
5/16 10-2 197Western Michigan4/21 4-14at 19Virginia
3/5 4-0vs 209Monmouth4/22 0-9at 19Virginia
4/19 7-6 226Illinois State3/10 1-4at 18Clemson
2/18 12-10vs 259Incarnate Word3/11 5-6at 18Clemson
3/21 12-1 260Northern Illinois3/12 0-4at 18Clemson
4/12 8-3 261Toledo3/24 3-8 11Florida State
3/28 7-4 285Chicago State3/24 2-8 11Florida State
3/25 1-5 11Florida State
5/24 3-5vs 11Florida State
5/5 0-2 6Louisville
5/6 1-5 6Louisville
5/7 4-9 6Louisville
5/25 3-10vs 6Louisville

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