Season at a glance for Indiana State

27 Jun 2017

29-26, 13-12 MVC

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

21 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
3-1258Illinois State 14-37 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0276Youngstown State 15-39
1-0173Austin Peay State 28-29
1-1168Marist 30-22
0-226Mississippi State 38-27
2-2245Utah Valley State 16-34
0-1244Seattle 19-35-1  
2-258Washington 26-24
3-0259Oakland 17-37
1-1232Eastern Illinois 17-34 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-147Indiana 33-23-2
0-3146Illinois 20-28  
1-1127Purdue 28-26
4-1255Evansville 16-35 (+1-0 non-D1)
2-1182Southern Illinois 26-28
1-0268Northern Illinois 17-38
0-563Dallas Baptist 37-21
3-0216Bradley 16-28 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-329Missouri State 40-20
1-0156Ball State 30-27
2-1132Wichita State 27-28 + 

Results and Schedule

3/17W 8-4259Oakland2/19W 12-9173Austin Peay State2/17L 7-17258Illinois State†
3/18W 9-5259Oakland2/24L 6-1126Mississippi State2/18W 14-4276Youngstown State
3/19W 5-4259Oakland2/25L 1-926Mississippi State2/24L 3-9168Marist
3/21W 2-1232Eastern Illinois3/3L 6-7245Utah Valley State2/26W 3-1168Marist
4/11L 0-247Indiana3/4W 10-5245Utah Valley State5/24W 13-4255Evansville†
4/14L 1-2182Southern Illinois†3/4W 11-8245Utah Valley State5/25L 2-663Dallas Baptist†
4/15W 15-2182Southern Illinois†3/5L 7-9245Utah Valley State5/26W 11-3255Evansville†
4/15W 4-1182Southern Illinois†3/8L 0-4244Seattle5/26L 5-663Dallas Baptist†
4/18W 17-8268Northern Illinois3/10W 4-258Washington
4/19L 7-10127Purdue3/11W 5-358Washington
4/28W 5-4216Bradley†3/11L 0-858Washington
4/29W 6-4216Bradley†3/12L 2-358Washington
4/29W 4-1216Bradley†3/29W 7-347Indiana
5/16W 8-2156Ball State3/31L 4-6146Illinois
5/18W 13-6132Wichita State†4/1L 1-2146Illinois
5/19L 2-5132Wichita State†4/2L 2-5146Illinois
5/20W 5-3132Wichita State†4/4W 5-2127Purdue
4/7W 9-1255Evansville†
4/8L 1-4255Evansville†
4/9W 5-3255Evansville†
4/21L 12-2063Dallas Baptist†
4/22L 2-363Dallas Baptist†
4/23L 0-163Dallas Baptist†
4/25L 7-8232Eastern Illinois
5/5W 9-6258Illinois State†
5/6W 15-4258Illinois State†
5/7W 4-3258Illinois State†
5/12L 4-1429Missouri State†
5/13L 1-429Missouri State†
5/14L 2-529Missouri State†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/29 7-3at 47Indiana2/17 7-17vs 258Illinois State
3/10 4-2at 58Washington4/8 1-4at 255Evansville
3/11 5-3at 58Washington3/3 6-7at 245Utah Valley State
4/4 5-2at 127Purdue3/5 7-9at 245Utah Valley State
5/18 13-6 132Wichita State3/8 0-4at 244Seattle
5/20 5-3 132Wichita State4/25 7-8at 232Eastern Illinois
5/16 8-2 156Ball State4/14 1-2 182Southern Illinois
2/26 3-1vs 168Marist2/24 3-9vs 168Marist
2/19 12-9at 173Austin Peay State3/31 4-6at 146Illinois
4/15 15-2 182Southern Illinois4/1 1-2at 146Illinois
4/15 4-1 182Southern Illinois4/2 2-5at 146Illinois
4/28 5-4 216Bradley5/19 2-5 132Wichita State
4/29 6-4 216Bradley4/19 7-10 127Purdue
4/29 4-1 216Bradley4/21 12-20at 63Dallas Baptist
3/21 2-1 232Eastern Illinois4/22 2-3at 63Dallas Baptist
3/4 10-5at 245Utah Valley State4/23 0-1at 63Dallas Baptist
3/4 11-8at 245Utah Valley State5/25 2-6vs 63Dallas Baptist
4/7 9-1at 255Evansville5/26 5-6vs 63Dallas Baptist
4/9 5-3at 255Evansville3/11 0-8at 58Washington
5/24 13-4vs 255Evansville3/12 2-3at 58Washington
5/26 11-3vs 255Evansville4/11 0-2 47Indiana
5/5 9-6at 258Illinois State5/12 4-14at 29Missouri State
5/6 15-4at 258Illinois State5/13 1-4at 29Missouri State
5/7 4-3at 258Illinois State5/14 2-5at 29Missouri State
3/17 8-4 259Oakland2/24 6-11at 26Mississippi State
3/18 9-5 259Oakland2/25 1-9at 26Mississippi State
3/19 5-4 259Oakland
4/18 17-8 268Northern Illinois
2/18 14-4vs 276Youngstown State

Projected record: 29-26; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2017 Paul Kislanko