Season at a glance for Louisville

27 Jun 2017

53-12, 24-7 ACC

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

33 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
1-0208Alabama State 31-24
1-064Maryland 38-22
1-0156Ball State 30-27
2-0226Eastern Kentucky 24-30
3-0281Nebraska-Omaha 12-37
1-0125Morehead State 35-22 (+1-0 non-D1)
3-0190Eastern Michigan 27-32
1-0293IUPU-Fort Wayne 7-41 (+1-1 non-D1)
3-0134Pittsburgh 23-27
2-094Xavier 34-25
3-0103Boston College 25-25
0-1105Cincinnati 27-30  
2-139North Carolina State 35-23
1-0234Western Kentucky 16-38
2-116Virginia 42-14
3-111Kentucky 42-20
2-114Wake Forest 42-18
1-0127Purdue 29-26
3-077Georgia Tech 27-25
2-184Duke 29-26
1-0221Northern Kentucky 24-32
3-0247Toledo 17-38
1-0217Miami Ohio 22-33
4-0121Notre Dame 26-28
1-020Vanderbilt 36-24-1
3-018Clemson 42-18
0-147Indiana 33-24-2  
0-312Florida State 43-23  
1-0179Radford 27-31
1-046Oklahoma 35-23
1-022Texas A&M 41-22
0-13Florida 51-19
0-17Texas Christian 50-19  

Results and Schedule

2/22W 19-3226Eastern Kentucky3/21L 3-6105Cincinnati2/17W 7-0208Alabama State
2/24W 7-2281Nebraska-Omaha3/24L 1-339North Carolina State†2/18W 10-764Maryland
2/25W 10-0281Nebraska-Omaha3/25W 7-639North Carolina State†2/19W 10-4156Ball State
2/26W 6-0281Nebraska-Omaha3/26W 8-139North Carolina State†5/25W 10-3121Notre Dame†
3/1W 20-2125Morehead State3/31W 5-216Virginia†5/26L 2-612Florida State†
3/3W 13-0190Eastern Michigan4/1L 2-1116Virginia†6/10W 6-211Kentucky
3/4W 3-2190Eastern Michigan4/2W 4-316Virginia†6/18W 8-422Texas A&M
3/5W 8-7190Eastern Michigan4/13W 3-077Georgia Tech†6/20L 1-53Florida
3/8W 12-2293IUPU-Fort Wayne4/14W 10-177Georgia Tech†6/22L 3-47Texas Christian
3/10W 3-0134Pittsburgh†4/15W 5-477Georgia Tech†
3/11W 8-2134Pittsburgh†4/18L 7-1111Kentucky
3/12W 3-1134Pittsburgh†4/25W 14-4226Eastern Kentucky
3/15W 13-494Xavier5/5W 2-0121Notre Dame†
3/17W 6-0103Boston College†5/6W 5-1121Notre Dame†
3/18W 6-4103Boston College†5/7W 9-4121Notre Dame†
3/19W 5-3103Boston College†5/12W 4-218Clemson†
3/28W 11-1234Western Kentucky5/13W 6-418Clemson†
4/4W 5-311Kentucky5/14W 6-418Clemson†
4/7L 1-214Wake Forest†5/16L 3-447Indiana
4/8W 7-614Wake Forest†
4/9W 7-514Wake Forest†
4/11W 13-2127Purdue
4/21L 3-584Duke†
4/22W 7-584Duke†
4/23W 10-084Duke†
4/26W 6-4221Northern Kentucky
4/28W 5-4247Toledo
4/29W 11-1247Toledo
4/30W 17-2247Toledo
5/2W 6-5217Miami Ohio
5/9W 6-220Vanderbilt
5/18L 9-1212Florida State†
5/19L 2-812Florida State†
6/2W 11-6179Radford
6/3W 11-146Oklahoma
6/4W 8-794Xavier
6/9W 5-211Kentucky

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/4 5-3 11Kentucky3/21 3-6at 105Cincinnati
6/9 5-2 11Kentucky4/21 3-5 84Duke
6/10 6-2vs 11Kentucky5/16 3-4at 47Indiana
4/8 7-6 14Wake Forest3/24 1-3at 39North Carolina State
4/9 7-5 14Wake Forest4/1 2-11at 16Virginia
3/31 5-2at 16Virginia4/7 1-2 14Wake Forest
4/2 4-3at 16Virginia5/18 9-12 12Florida State
5/12 4-2at 18Clemson5/19 2-8 12Florida State
5/13 6-4at 18Clemson5/26 2-6vs 12Florida State
5/14 6-4at 18Clemson4/18 7-11at 11Kentucky
5/9 6-2 20Vanderbilt6/22 3-4vs 7Texas Christian
6/18 8-4vs 22Texas A&M6/20 1-5vs 3Florida
3/25 7-6at 39North Carolina State
3/26 8-1at 39North Carolina State
6/3 11-1 46Oklahoma
2/18 10-7vs 64Maryland
4/13 3-0at 77Georgia Tech
4/14 10-1at 77Georgia Tech
4/15 5-4at 77Georgia Tech
4/22 7-5 84Duke
4/23 10-0 84Duke
3/15 13-4 94Xavier
6/4 8-7 94Xavier
3/17 6-0 103Boston College
3/18 6-4 103Boston College
3/19 5-3 103Boston College
5/5 2-0at 121Notre Dame
5/6 5-1at 121Notre Dame
5/7 9-4at 121Notre Dame
5/25 10-3vs 121Notre Dame
3/1 20-2 125Morehead State
4/11 13-2 127Purdue
3/10 3-0 134Pittsburgh
3/11 8-2 134Pittsburgh
3/12 3-1 134Pittsburgh
2/19 10-4vs 156Ball State
6/2 11-6 179Radford
3/3 13-0 190Eastern Michigan
3/4 3-2 190Eastern Michigan
3/5 8-7 190Eastern Michigan
2/17 7-0vs 208Alabama State
5/2 6-5 217Miami Ohio
4/26 6-4 221Northern Kentucky
2/22 19-3 226Eastern Kentucky
4/25 14-4at 226Eastern Kentucky
3/28 11-1 234Western Kentucky
4/28 5-4 247Toledo
4/29 11-1 247Toledo
4/30 17-2 247Toledo
2/24 7-2 281Nebraska-Omaha
2/25 10-0 281Nebraska-Omaha
2/26 6-0 281Nebraska-Omaha
3/8 12-2 293IUPU-Fort Wayne

Projected record: 53-12; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2017 Paul Kislanko