Season at a glance for Louisville

25 Jun 2014

50-17, 21-7 AAC

Records vs Opponents' RPI Ranks

RPIVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

31 Opponents

Rec vRPIOppO-recRV?
1-055West Virginia 28-25
0-1162The Citadel 23-34  
1-0136Delaware 26-25 (+0-1 non-D1)
1-0215Eastern Kentucky 24-30
2-1206Western Michigan 23-29
1-0178Eastern Illinois 21-32-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
2-0208Toledo 22-30
0-312Indiana 41-15
2-1127Miami Ohio 29-25
2-0237Western Illinois 20-29 (+1-1 non-D1)
3-076Samford 35-22
3-199Rutgers 29-22
2-0120Western Kentucky 29-26
2-0114Xavier 30-27
1-0242Butler 16-29 (+4-0 non-D1)
1-220Kentucky 35-24  
3-1107Memphis 29-26
1-0210Purdue 13-36
3-17Houston 47-15 + 
1-240Central Florida 34-22  
1-0199Morehead State 27-27 (+2-0 non-D1)
3-0148Connecticut 27-28
1-0117Ohio State 30-27
3-1128South Florida 26-28
1-12Vanderbilt 49-20
2-1216Temple 14-30
3-0166Cincinnati 22-28
1-0142Kent State 35-22 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-051Kansas 35-25
2-049Kennesaw State 40-22
0-13Texas 45-21

Results and Schedule

2/19W 13-1215Eastern Kentucky2/15L 3-5162The Citadel2/14W 7-6 (10)55West Virginia
2/21W 21-8206Western Michigan3/19L 3-912Indiana2/16W 6-1136Delaware
2/22W 8-0206Western Michigan4/1L 3-820Kentucky3/26W 5-3120Western Kentucky
2/23L 2-4206Western Michigan4/8W 3-1 (10)210Purdue5/22W 13-3 (7)107Memphis†
2/25W 6-0178Eastern Illinois4/11W 4-27Houston†5/23L 1-2128South Florida†
2/28W 6-2208Toledo4/12W 3-27Houston†5/24W 9-399Rutgers†
3/1L 2-612Indiana4/13W 10-37Houston†5/25L 4-107Houston†
3/1W 8-2208Toledo4/17L 2-840Central Florida†5/30W 5-0142Kent State
3/7L 4-6127Miami Ohio4/17L 3-4 (11)40Central Florida†5/31W 6-351Kansas
3/8W 10-1127Miami Ohio4/18W 3-240Central Florida†6/1W 4-120Kentucky
3/9W 9-0127Miami Ohio5/3W 3-1128South Florida†6/6W 5-349Kennesaw State
3/11W 8-0237Western Illinois5/3W 3-2 (11)128South Florida†6/7W 7-449Kennesaw State
3/11W 5-2237Western Illinois5/4W 9-5128South Florida†6/14L 3-52Vanderbilt
3/14W 20-1076Samford5/6W 11-72Vanderbilt6/16L 1-43Texas
3/15W 18-276Samford5/9W 2-0216Temple†
3/15W 4-276Samford5/10L 2-4216Temple†
3/21W 6-199Rutgers†5/11W 6-4 (11)216Temple†
3/22W 9-899Rutgers†
3/23L 2-1199Rutgers†
3/28W 8-1114Xavier
3/29W 15-1242Butler
3/30W 12-3114Xavier
4/4W 5-4107Memphis†
4/5L 2-3107Memphis†
4/6W 8-7 (12)107Memphis†
4/15L 2-420Kentucky
4/22W 3-1120Western Kentucky
4/23W 7-3199Morehead State
4/25W 2-0148Connecticut†
4/26W 6-1148Connecticut†
4/27W 8-2148Connecticut†
4/30W 7-3117Ohio State
5/13L 2-712Indiana
5/15W 5-1166Cincinnati†
5/16W 5-1166Cincinnati†
5/17W 10-0 (7)166Cincinnati†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/6 11-7at 2Vanderbilt5/10 2-4at 216Temple
4/11 4-2at 7Houston2/23 2-4 206Western Michigan
4/12 3-2at 7Houston2/15 3-5at 162The Citadel
4/13 10-3at 7Houston5/23 1-2vs 128South Florida
6/1 4-1vs 20Kentucky3/7 4-6 127Miami Ohio
4/18 3-2at 40Central Florida4/5 2-3 107Memphis
6/6 5-3vs 49Kennesaw State3/23 2-11 99Rutgers
6/7 7-4vs 49Kennesaw State4/17 2-8at 40Central Florida
5/31 6-3vs 51Kansas4/17 3-4 (11)at 40Central Florida
2/14 7-6 (10)vs 55West Virginia4/1 3-8at 20Kentucky
3/14 20-10 76Samford4/15 2-4 20Kentucky
3/15 18-2 76Samford3/1 2-6 12Indiana
3/15 4-2 76Samford3/19 3-9at 12Indiana
3/21 6-1 99Rutgers5/13 2-7 12Indiana
3/22 9-8 99Rutgers5/25 4-10vs 7Houston
5/24 9-3vs 99Rutgers6/16 1-4vs 3Texas
4/4 5-4 107Memphis6/14 3-5vs 2Vanderbilt
4/6 8-7 (12) 107Memphis
5/22 13-3 (7)vs 107Memphis
3/28 8-1 114Xavier
3/30 12-3 114Xavier
4/30 7-3 117Ohio State
3/26 5-3vs 120Western Kentucky
4/22 3-1 120Western Kentucky
3/8 10-1 127Miami Ohio
3/9 9-0 127Miami Ohio
5/3 3-1at 128South Florida
5/3 3-2 (11)at 128South Florida
5/4 9-5at 128South Florida
2/16 6-1vs 136Delaware
5/30 5-0vs 142Kent State
4/25 2-0 148Connecticut
4/26 6-1 148Connecticut
4/27 8-2 148Connecticut
5/15 5-1 166Cincinnati
5/16 5-1 166Cincinnati
5/17 10-0 (7) 166Cincinnati
2/25 6-0 178Eastern Illinois
4/23 7-3 199Morehead State
2/21 21-8 206Western Michigan
2/22 8-0 206Western Michigan
2/28 6-2 208Toledo
3/1 8-2 208Toledo
4/8 3-1 (10)at 210Purdue
2/19 13-1 215Eastern Kentucky
5/9 2-0at 216Temple
5/11 6-4 (11)at 216Temple
3/11 8-0 237Western Illinois
3/11 5-2 237Western Illinois
3/29 15-1 242Butler

0 games remaining vs better RPI, 0 vs worse RPI; ROWP=0.0000, RORPI=0.0000.

In memory of

Paul Kislanko