Season at a glance for Wofford

25 Jun 2014

32-28, 14-16 SoCon

Records vs Opponents' nRPI Ranks

nRPIVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

26 Opponents

Rec vnRPIOppO-recRV?
0-1215Dayton 22-30 (+1-0 non-D1)  
0-162Ball State 36-18 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-1185Morehead State 26-28 (+2-0 non-D1)
2-0212Gardner-Webb 23-29 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0235Fordham 24-29
1-0249Butler 16-29 (+4-0 non-D1)
2-2243Presbyterian 17-32-1
1-1211Charleston Southern 29-25
2-1225Longwood 21-31
2-0198Winthrop 27-31
1-2270Marist 15-31  
0-1253Savannah State 21-31  
3-0293Alcorn State 11-38 (+0-1 non-D1)
2-2102Davidson 27-17
0-353Western Carolina 34-18
1-0273North Carolina-Asheville 13-39
1-2170Appalachian State 19-33
1-140Old Dominion 35-25
1-2145Elon 25-25
0-2174Furman 24-33
1-0265South Carolina-Upstate 17-37
2-186Georgia Southern 39-21 + 
3-1192The Citadel 23-31
0-115South Carolina 43-18
3-0207North Carolina-Greensboro 21-25
2-372Samford 32-23

Results and Schedule

2/15L 5-14215Dayton2/25W 10-4211Charleston Southern3/19W 10-6243Presbyterian
2/16L 4-6 (10)62Ball State3/12W 2-1198Winthrop5/21L 2-472Samford†
2/17L 3-5185Morehead State3/21L 7-9102Davidson†5/22W 4-2192The Citadel†
2/19W 7-6212Gardner-Webb3/22W 20-7102Davidson†5/23W 10-7102Davidson†
2/21W 5-3235Fordham3/23L 3-7102Davidson†5/24L 3-1272Samford†
2/22W 6-2249Butler3/26W 7-4212Gardner-Webb
2/23W 8-7243Presbyterian3/28L 4-1153Western Carolina†
2/28L 1-7225Longwood3/29L 4-1153Western Carolina†
3/1W 4-3225Longwood3/30L 1-653Western Carolina†
3/2W 4-3225Longwood4/2W 7-3273North Carolina-Asheville
3/5W 2-1198Winthrop4/8W 4-140Old Dominion
3/8L 3-8270Marist4/9L 2-1540Old Dominion
3/8L 1-3270Marist4/17L 5-6174Furman†
3/9W 12-10270Marist4/18L 1-5174Furman†
3/11L 4-8253Savannah State4/23L 4-5 (10)243Presbyterian
3/14W 7-4293Alcorn State5/2L 1-8192The Citadel†
3/15W 9-4293Alcorn State5/3W 1-0 (10)192The Citadel†
3/15W 12-2293Alcorn State5/4W 11-1192The Citadel†
4/4L 5-12170Appalachian State†5/5L 10-11 (10)243Presbyterian
4/5L 4-13170Appalachian State†5/7L 1-1515South Carolina
4/6W 4-3170Appalachian State†
4/11L 9-10145Elon†
4/12L 2-12145Elon†
4/13W 7-2145Elon†
4/22W 3-2265South Carolina-Upstate
4/25W 8-386Georgia Southern†
4/26W 6-486Georgia Southern†
4/27L 2-2086Georgia Southern†
4/30L 4-7211Charleston Southern
5/9W 5-4207North Carolina-Greensboro†
5/10W 2-1207North Carolina-Greensboro†
5/11W 8-4207North Carolina-Greensboro†
5/16L 0-272Samford†
5/17W 6-572Samford†
5/17W 10-272Samford†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/8 4-1at 40Old Dominion3/8 3-8 270Marist
5/17 6-5 72Samford3/8 1-3 270Marist
5/17 10-2 72Samford3/11 4-8 253Savannah State
4/25 8-3 86Georgia Southern4/23 4-5 (10)at 243Presbyterian
4/26 6-4 86Georgia Southern5/5 10-11 (10)at 243Presbyterian
3/22 20-7at 102Davidson2/28 1-7 225Longwood
5/23 10-7vs 102Davidson2/15 5-14 215Dayton
4/13 7-2 145Elon4/30 4-7 211Charleston Southern
4/6 4-3 170Appalachian State5/2 1-8at 192The Citadel
5/3 1-0 (10)at 192The Citadel2/17 3-5 185Morehead State
5/4 11-1at 192The Citadel4/17 5-6at 174Furman
5/22 4-2vs 192The Citadel4/18 1-5at 174Furman
3/5 2-1 198Winthrop4/4 5-12 170Appalachian State
3/12 2-1at 198Winthrop4/5 4-13 170Appalachian State
5/9 5-4 207North Carolina-Greensboro4/11 9-10 145Elon
5/10 2-1 207North Carolina-Greensboro4/12 2-12 145Elon
5/11 8-4 207North Carolina-Greensboro3/21 7-9at 102Davidson
2/25 10-4at 211Charleston Southern3/23 3-7at 102Davidson
2/19 7-6 212Gardner-Webb4/27 2-20 86Georgia Southern
3/26 7-4at 212Gardner-Webb5/16 0-2 72Samford
3/1 4-3 225Longwood5/21 2-4vs 72Samford
3/2 4-3 225Longwood5/24 3-12vs 72Samford
2/21 5-3 235Fordham2/16 4-6 (10) 62Ball State
2/23 8-7 243Presbyterian3/28 4-11at 53Western Carolina
3/19 10-6vs 243Presbyterian3/29 4-11at 53Western Carolina
2/22 6-2 249Butler3/30 1-6at 53Western Carolina
4/22 3-2 265South Carolina-Upstate4/9 2-15at 40Old Dominion
3/9 12-10 270Marist5/7 1-15at 15South Carolina
4/2 7-3at 273North Carolina-Asheville
3/14 7-4 293Alcorn State
3/15 9-4 293Alcorn State
3/15 12-2 293Alcorn State

0 games remaining vs better RPI, 0 vs worse RPI; ROWP=0.0000, RORPI=0.0000.

In memory of

Paul Kislanko