Season at a glance for Creighton

27 Jun 2017

24-25, 12-6 BigE

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

21 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
0-3164Alabama-Birmingham 21-31
1-0233Santa Clara 13-39
0-132Michigan 41-17
0-1140St Louis 34-21 (+0-1 non-D1)
0-3260Abilene Christian 7-44 (+3-0 non-D1)  
0-2159Air Force 23-27 (+2-0 non-D1)
3-1245Utah Valley State 17-33
1-072Kansas 30-27 + 
2-1131UC Davis 20-28 + 
1-2123Winthrop 32-23
1-255Nebraska 33-21-1
2-253St John's 40-11
1-0239South Dakota State 22-23 (+4-0 non-D1)
3-0228Georgetown 27-25
3-0266Villanova 14-30
1-0132Wichita State 28-29 + 
0-294Xavier 32-27
3-1110Seton Hall 28-21 + 
1-0281Nebraska-Omaha 12-39
0-352McNeese State 33-20 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-1162Butler 28-19 (+2-0 non-D1)

Results and Schedule

3/17L 1-2245Utah Valley State2/17L 2-3164Alabama-Birmingham2/18L 1-5164Alabama-Birmingham
3/18W 3-2245Utah Valley State2/19L 1-14164Alabama-Birmingham2/25L 6-732Michigan
3/18W 6-5245Utah Valley State2/24W 3-1233Santa Clara2/26L 3-7140St Louis
3/19W 19-5245Utah Valley State3/3L 2-3260Abilene Christian5/25W 4-1110Seton Hall†
3/26L 1-12131UC Davis3/4L 7-8260Abilene Christian
3/27W 2-1131UC Davis3/5L 3-4260Abilene Christian
3/28W 4-3131UC Davis3/8L 5-7159Air Force
3/31W 7-1123Winthrop3/8L 9-12159Air Force
4/1L 0-4123Winthrop3/22W 7-372Kansas
4/2L 1-2123Winthrop4/4L 6-1455Nebraska
4/7L 2-353St John's†4/13W 7-5228Georgetown†
4/8W 7-453St John's†4/14W 6-4228Georgetown†
4/9W 5-153St John's†4/15W 11-9228Georgetown†
4/11W 6-5239South Dakota State5/5W 2-1110Seton Hall†
4/18W 5-255Nebraska5/6L 0-1110Seton Hall†
4/21W 6-5266Villanova†5/6W 4-3110Seton Hall†
4/22W 11-2266Villanova†5/9W 7-5281Nebraska-Omaha
4/23W 2-1266Villanova†5/18W 3-1162Butler†
4/26W 4-3132Wichita State5/19L 1-7162Butler†
4/28L 1-294Xavier†
5/10L 0-455Nebraska
5/12L 1-552McNeese State
5/13L 3-552McNeese State
5/14L 4-952McNeese State
5/26L 6-794Xavier†
5/27L 2-1053St John's†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/8 7-4 53St John's3/3 2-3at 260Abilene Christian
4/9 5-1 53St John's3/4 7-8at 260Abilene Christian
4/18 5-2 55Nebraska3/5 3-4at 260Abilene Christian
3/22 7-3at 72Kansas3/17 1-2 245Utah Valley State
5/5 2-1at 110Seton Hall2/17 2-3at 164Alabama-Birmingham
5/6 4-3at 110Seton Hall2/18 1-5vs 164Alabama-Birmingham
5/25 4-1vs 110Seton Hall2/19 1-14at 164Alabama-Birmingham
3/31 7-1 123Winthrop5/19 1-7at 162Butler
3/27 2-1 131UC Davis3/8 5-7at 159Air Force
3/28 4-3 131UC Davis3/8 9-12at 159Air Force
4/26 4-3 132Wichita State2/26 3-7vs 140St Louis
5/18 3-1at 162Butler3/26 1-12 131UC Davis
4/13 7-5at 228Georgetown4/1 0-4 123Winthrop
4/14 6-4at 228Georgetown4/2 1-2 123Winthrop
4/15 11-9at 228Georgetown5/6 0-1at 110Seton Hall
2/24 3-1at 233Santa Clara4/28 1-2 94Xavier
4/11 6-5 239South Dakota State5/26 6-7 94Xavier
3/18 3-2 245Utah Valley State4/4 6-14at 55Nebraska
3/18 6-5 245Utah Valley State5/10 0-4 55Nebraska
3/19 19-5 245Utah Valley State4/7 2-3 53St John's
4/21 6-5 266Villanova5/27 2-10 53St John's
4/22 11-2 266Villanova5/12 1-5 52McNeese State
4/23 2-1 266Villanova5/13 3-5 52McNeese State
5/9 7-5at 281Nebraska-Omaha5/14 4-9 52McNeese State
2/25 6-7vs 32Michigan

Projected record: 24-25; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2017 Paul Kislanko