Season at a glance for Campbell

25 Jun 2015

32-25, 13-14 BigS

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

25 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
2-1232Northern Kentucky 13-32 (+3-0 non-D1)
2-0167Rider 28-20
1-1114Virginia Tech 26-26
1-0252Miami Ohio 13-38
1-0295Maryland-Eastern Shore 16-32
1-1178Elon 24-28
2-0202William and Mary 22-28
3-0188Bowling Green State 24-26 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-165East Carolina 39-21
3-0198Longwood 22-31
1-154College of Charleston 44-14
1-186North Carolina-Wilmington 40-17
1-2109High Point 27-25
0-375Radford 42-16
1-080Duke 31-21 + 
3-0189Presbyterian 27-25
1-1267North Carolina Central 17-28 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-282Liberty 31-22
1-3211Charleston Southern 20-29  
0-123North Carolina 33-24
2-1203Gardner-Webb 21-29
0-129North Carolina State 35-23
1-224California 34-20
2-139Coastal Carolina 38-19 + 
0-299Winthrop 38-19

Results and Schedule

2/13W 10-1232Northern Kentucky3/10W 9-465East Carolina5/19L 5-899Winthrop†
2/14W 6-2232Northern Kentucky3/18W 13-786North Carolina-Wilmington5/20W 8-1211Charleston Southern†
2/14L 5-6232Northern Kentucky3/20L 2-9109High Point†5/21L 1-299Winthrop†
2/21W 11-4167Rider3/21L 2-10109High Point†
2/21L 5-6114Virginia Tech3/22W 9-4109High Point†
2/22W 2-1167Rider3/25W 2-054College of Charleston
2/23W 3-1114Virginia Tech3/31W 9-680Duke
2/27W 7-2252Miami Ohio4/2W 7-2189Presbyterian†
2/28W 8-0295Maryland-Eastern Shore4/3W 8-1189Presbyterian†
3/2W 12-1178Elon4/4W 6-2189Presbyterian†
3/4W 10-6202William and Mary4/10W 3-282Liberty†
3/4W 8-5202William and Mary4/11L 0-782Liberty†
3/6W 4-2188Bowling Green State4/12L 2-1082Liberty†
3/7W 9-4188Bowling Green State4/21L 3-823North Carolina
3/8W 4-2188Bowling Green State5/1W 6-4203Gardner-Webb†
3/13W 3-2198Longwood†5/2L 0-5203Gardner-Webb†
3/14W 7-1198Longwood†5/3W 5-3203Gardner-Webb†
3/15W 8-6198Longwood†5/5L 5-929North Carolina State
3/17L 3-1054College of Charleston5/6W 11-8267North Carolina Central
3/27L 1-375Radford†
3/28L 2-975Radford†
3/29L 2-675Radford†
4/7L 5-765East Carolina
4/8L 3-6267North Carolina Central
4/17L 3-5211Charleston Southern†
4/18L 5-9211Charleston Southern†
4/18L 2-3211Charleston Southern†
4/22L 4-7178Elon
4/29L 4-986North Carolina-Wilmington
5/8W 5-324California
5/9L 0-424California
5/9L 4-924California
5/14W 10-939Coastal Carolina†
5/15W 5-239Coastal Carolina†
5/16L 3-1139Coastal Carolina†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/8 5-3 24California4/8 3-6 267North Carolina Central
5/14 10-9 39Coastal Carolina2/14 5-6 232Northern Kentucky
5/15 5-2 39Coastal Carolina4/17 3-5 211Charleston Southern
3/25 2-0at 54College of Charleston4/18 5-9 211Charleston Southern
3/10 9-4at 65East Carolina4/18 2-3 211Charleston Southern
3/31 9-6at 80Duke5/2 0-5at 203Gardner-Webb
4/10 3-2at 82Liberty4/22 4-7 178Elon
3/18 13-7at 86North Carolina-Wilmington2/21 5-6 114Virginia Tech
3/22 9-4at 109High Point3/20 2-9at 109High Point
2/23 3-1 114Virginia Tech3/21 2-10at 109High Point
2/21 11-4 167Rider5/19 5-8vs 99Winthrop
2/22 2-1 167Rider5/21 1-2vs 99Winthrop
3/2 12-1 178Elon4/29 4-9 86North Carolina-Wilmington
3/6 4-2 188Bowling Green State4/11 0-7at 82Liberty
3/7 9-4 188Bowling Green State4/12 2-10at 82Liberty
3/8 4-2 188Bowling Green State3/27 1-3 75Radford
4/2 7-2at 189Presbyterian3/28 2-9 75Radford
4/3 8-1at 189Presbyterian3/29 2-6 75Radford
4/4 6-2at 189Presbyterian4/7 5-7 65East Carolina
3/13 3-2 198Longwood3/17 3-10 54College of Charleston
3/14 7-1 198Longwood5/16 3-11 39Coastal Carolina
3/15 8-6 198Longwood5/5 5-9at 29North Carolina State
3/4 10-6 202William and Mary5/9 0-4 24California
3/4 8-5 202William and Mary5/9 4-9 24California
5/1 6-4at 203Gardner-Webb4/21 3-8at 23North Carolina
5/3 5-3at 203Gardner-Webb
5/20 8-1vs 211Charleston Southern
2/13 10-1 232Northern Kentucky
2/14 6-2 232Northern Kentucky
2/27 7-2 252Miami Ohio
5/6 11-8at 267North Carolina Central
2/28 8-0 295Maryland-Eastern Shore
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko