Season at a glance for Coastal Carolina

25 Jun 2015

39-21, 20-8 BigS

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

35 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-097Old Dominion 27-28
0-194Western Kentucky 23-28  
1-1187Canisius 33-29
1-0271Albany 14-27
1-083Georgia Tech 32-22
1-029North Carolina State 36-22 + 
1-0108West Virginia 27-26
0-1149Kent State 30-22  
1-0160Ball State 33-24
0-110Illinois 48-10-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0159The Citadel 28-29
1-0158Akron 27-29 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-168Michigan 38-25  
0-179Michigan State 33-23  
1-0177Toledo 25-32
1-123North Carolina 33-23
2-0168Bryant 29-23
1-043Clemson 32-28
3-0217North Carolina-Asheville 21-31
1-027South Carolina 32-24 + 
3-199Winthrop 39-16
1-085Wake Forest 27-25
2-1198Longwood 21-32
4-0109High Point 29-22
0-254College of Charleston 43-15  
1-375Radford 42-15  
3-0189Presbyterian 27-25
1-086North Carolina-Wilmington 41-17
1-219Florida State 42-20
2-182Liberty 32-21
1-2123Campbell 30-24  
1-0211Charleston Southern 23-29
0-124California 35-21
1-0204Texas Southern 26-16 (+5-2 non-D1)
0-13Texas A&M 49-14

Results and Schedule

2/13W 4-097Old Dominion3/4W 5-1159The Citadel5/19W 10-0211Charleston Southern†
2/14L 4-994Western Kentucky3/20W 12-4217North Carolina-Asheville†5/20W 8-099Winthrop†
2/16W 13-3187Canisius3/21W 13-3217North Carolina-Asheville†5/22W 9-3109High Point†
2/17L 3-14187Canisius3/22W 2-1217North Carolina-Asheville†5/23L 4-575Radford†
2/21W 12-0271Albany3/31W 10-485Wake Forest5/29L 3-924California
2/21W 7-583Georgia Tech4/7L 3-923North Carolina5/30W 4-1204Texas Southern
2/22W 12-329North Carolina State4/11W 6-4109High Point†5/31L 1-83Texas A&M
2/27W 4-3 (13)108West Virginia4/12W 8-3109High Point†
2/28L 1-9149Kent State4/13W 6-2109High Point†
3/1W 7-6 (10)160Ball State4/22L 5-854College of Charleston
3/2L 1-710Illinois4/24W 8-6189Presbyterian†
3/6W 17-9158Akron4/26W 10-7189Presbyterian†
3/7L 4-1068Michigan4/26W 9-2189Presbyterian†
3/8L 5-679Michigan State4/28W 5-286North Carolina-Wilmington
3/9W 8-6177Toledo5/1L 2-1619Florida State
3/10W 13-223North Carolina5/2L 3-819Florida State
3/13W 7-2168Bryant5/3W 4-219Florida State
3/15W 10-7168Bryant5/14L 9-10123Campbell†
3/17W 9-543Clemson5/15L 2-5123Campbell†
3/24W 9-8 (11)27South Carolina5/16W 11-3123Campbell†
3/27W 19-499Winthrop†
3/28W 6-099Winthrop†
3/29L 0-399Winthrop†
4/2W 5-1198Longwood†
4/3W 12-3198Longwood†
4/4L 7-10198Longwood†
4/14L 3-854College of Charleston
4/17L 3-475Radford†
4/18W 3-275Radford†
4/19L 1-775Radford†
5/8L 5-782Liberty†
5/9W 7-482Liberty†
5/11W 12-1 (5)82Liberty†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/3 4-2at 19Florida State4/4 7-10 198Longwood
3/10 13-2 23North Carolina2/17 3-14 187Canisius
3/24 9-8 (11) 27South Carolina2/28 1-9 149Kent State
2/22 12-3 29North Carolina State5/14 9-10at 123Campbell
3/17 9-5 43Clemson5/15 2-5at 123Campbell
4/18 3-2 75Radford3/29 0-3 99Winthrop
5/9 7-4 82Liberty2/14 4-9 94Western Kentucky
5/11 12-1 (5) 82Liberty5/8 5-7 82Liberty
2/21 7-5 83Georgia Tech3/8 5-6 79Michigan State
3/31 10-4at 85Wake Forest4/17 3-4 75Radford
4/28 5-2at 86North Carolina-Wilmington4/19 1-7 75Radford
2/13 4-0 97Old Dominion5/23 4-5vs 75Radford
3/27 19-4 99Winthrop3/7 4-10 68Michigan
3/28 6-0 99Winthrop4/14 3-8 54College of Charleston
5/20 8-0vs 99Winthrop4/22 5-8at 54College of Charleston
2/27 4-3 (13) 108West Virginia5/29 3-9vs 24California
4/11 6-4at 109High Point4/7 3-9at 23North Carolina
4/12 8-3at 109High Point5/1 2-16at 19Florida State
4/13 6-2at 109High Point5/2 3-8at 19Florida State
5/22 9-3vs 109High Point3/2 1-7 10Illinois
5/16 11-3at 123Campbell5/31 1-8vs 3Texas A&M
3/6 17-9 158Akron
3/4 5-1at 159The Citadel
3/1 7-6 (10) 160Ball State
3/13 7-2 168Bryant
3/15 10-7 168Bryant
3/9 8-6 177Toledo
2/16 13-3 187Canisius
4/24 8-6at 189Presbyterian
4/26 10-7at 189Presbyterian
4/26 9-2at 189Presbyterian
4/2 5-1 198Longwood
4/3 12-3 198Longwood
5/30 4-1vs 204Texas Southern
5/19 10-0vs 211Charleston Southern
3/20 12-4at 217North Carolina-Asheville
3/21 13-3at 217North Carolina-Asheville
3/22 2-1at 217North Carolina-Asheville
2/21 12-0 271Albany
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