Season at a glance for Long Island

7 Jan 2016

16-35, 9-15 NE

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

21 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
2-1271Savannah State 20-31 + 
1-2112High Point 23-23 (+4-2 non-D1)
0-1236Maine 17-20 (+6-8 non-D1)
1-0219Butler 17-28 (+6-1 non-D1) + 
1-0234Bucknell 24-21 + 
1-0275Cornell 13-25 (+0-1 non-D1) + 
0-1136Illinois State 24-27 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-2288New York Tech 12-30
1-2143Stetson 27-29
0-4255New Jersey Tech 19-21-1 (+1-2 non-D1)
2-2224Wagner 25-21-1
0-175St John's 39-16 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-1279Iona 19-33
2-2296Mount St Mary's 9-27 (+1-2 non-D1)
0-189Stony Brook 24-15-1 (+10-1 non-D1)
1-3257Sacred Heart 20-31-1
0-1237Hofstra 16-26 (+2-3 non-D1)
2-2190Bryant 26-23 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-3281Fairleigh Dickinson 17-24 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-3289Central Connecticut State 14-30
0-3302Massachusetts-Lowell 0-0

Results and Schedule

3/25L 7-8288New York Tech2/27L 2-8271Savannah State3/10L 2-12236Maine
4/7L 3-675St John's2/28W 6-4271Savannah State3/11W 12-3219Butler
4/8L 5-13279Iona2/28W 4-2271Savannah State3/12W 3-2234Bucknell
4/10W 6-5296Mount St Mary's†3/7L 3-4 (10)112High Point3/13W 5-4 (12)275Cornell
4/11W 5-3 (7)296Mount St Mary's†3/7W 3-2112High Point3/14L 1-18 (7)136Illinois State
4/11L 1-2 (7)296Mount St Mary's†3/8L 0-9112High Point
4/12L 2-12296Mount St Mary's†3/17L 4-5288New York Tech
4/17W 5-2257Sacred Heart†3/20L 3-6143Stetson
4/18L 1-2 (7)257Sacred Heart†3/21W 8-1143Stetson
4/18L 2-6 (7)257Sacred Heart†3/22L 1-19143Stetson
4/19L 7-12 (10)257Sacred Heart†3/27L 3-8255New Jersey Tech
5/8L 3-6289Central Connecticut State†3/28L 3-6 (7)255New Jersey Tech
5/9W 6-0 (7)289Central Connecticut State†3/28L 2-4 (7)255New Jersey Tech
5/9L 2-6 (7)289Central Connecticut State†3/29L 1-9255New Jersey Tech
5/10L 5-9289Central Connecticut State†4/2L 2-3224Wagner†
4/2W 3-2 (10)224Wagner†
4/4W 10-3 (7)224Wagner†
4/4L 6-9224Wagner†
4/15L 4-689Stony Brook
4/22L 5-10 (7)237Hofstra
4/24L 3-8190Bryant†
4/25W 5-4 (7)190Bryant†
4/25L 1-9 (7)190Bryant†
4/26W 13-4190Bryant†
5/1L 6-10281Fairleigh Dickinson†
5/2L 5-6281Fairleigh Dickinson†
5/2L 7-13 (7)281Fairleigh Dickinson†
5/3W 5-1281Fairleigh Dickinson†
5/14L 1-5253Massachusetts-Lowell
5/15L 4-6 (7)253Massachusetts-Lowell
5/15L 8-10 (7)253Massachusetts-Lowell

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/7 3-2at 112High Point5/14 1-5at 253Massachusetts-Lowell
3/21 8-1at 143Stetson5/15 4-6 (7)at 253Massachusetts-Lowell
4/25 5-4 (7)at 190Bryant5/15 8-10 (7)at 253Massachusetts-Lowell
4/26 13-4at 190Bryant4/11 1-2 (7) 296Mount St Mary's
3/11 12-3vs 219Butler4/12 2-12 296Mount St Mary's
4/2 3-2 (10)at 224Wagner5/8 3-6 289Central Connecticut State
4/4 10-3 (7)at 224Wagner5/9 2-6 (7) 289Central Connecticut State
3/12 3-2vs 234Bucknell5/10 5-9 289Central Connecticut State
4/17 5-2 257Sacred Heart3/17 4-5at 288New York Tech
2/28 6-4at 271Savannah State3/25 7-8 288New York Tech
2/28 4-2at 271Savannah State5/1 6-10at 281Fairleigh Dickinson
3/13 5-4 (12)vs 275Cornell5/2 5-6at 281Fairleigh Dickinson
5/3 5-1at 281Fairleigh Dickinson5/2 7-13 (7)at 281Fairleigh Dickinson
5/9 6-0 (7) 289Central Connecticut State4/8 5-13 279Iona
4/10 6-5 296Mount St Mary's2/27 2-8at 271Savannah State
4/11 5-3 (7) 296Mount St Mary's4/18 1-2 (7) 257Sacred Heart
4/18 2-6 (7) 257Sacred Heart
4/19 7-12 (10) 257Sacred Heart
3/27 3-8at 255New Jersey Tech
3/28 3-6 (7)at 255New Jersey Tech
3/28 2-4 (7)at 255New Jersey Tech
3/29 1-9at 255New Jersey Tech
4/22 5-10 (7)at 237Hofstra
3/10 2-12vs 236Maine
4/2 2-3at 224Wagner
4/4 6-9at 224Wagner
4/24 3-8at 190Bryant
4/25 1-9 (7)at 190Bryant
3/20 3-6at 143Stetson
3/22 1-19at 143Stetson
3/14 1-18 (7)vs 136Illinois State
3/7 3-4 (10)at 112High Point
3/8 0-9at 112High Point
4/15 4-6at 89Stony Brook
4/7 3-6 75St John's

Projected record: 16-35; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko