Season at a glance for St John's

7 Jan 2016

41-16, 17-3 BigE

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

31 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
0-144Georgia Tech 31-23
1-1132Kennesaw State 27-27
1-084Liberty 33-21 (+0-1 non-D1)
0-142East Carolina 37-21 (+2-1 non-D1)
1-0302North Carolina-Greensboro 0-0
1-0191Charleston Southern 21-28 (+2-1 non-D1)
1-140North Florida 44-15
0-345Oregon 35-25
1-0281Fairleigh Dickinson 20-24 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-1216Holy Cross 23-25
1-0262Fairfield 17-31
1-0289Central Connecticut State 17-30
2-0295St Peter's 10-30-1 (+0-6 non-D1)
0-1237Hofstra 16-26 (+2-3 non-D1)  
2-1158Rider 27-20
3-0219Butler 17-26 (+6-1 non-D1)
1-0291Long Island 16-31 (+0-3 non-D1)
0-181Columbia 32-15 (+1-2 non-D1)  
2-1171Seton Hall 24-23
2-0269Albany 13-21 (+1-5 non-D1)
1-0285Princeton 6-28 (+1-3 non-D1)
3-183Creighton 30-16 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0256Marist 19-26-1
2-1220Villanova 21-25 (+0-1 non-D1)
1-0279Iona 20-32
4-0193Georgetown 25-23 (+0-1 non-D1)
3-0246Xavier 15-35
3-0250Southern Illinois 12-43
1-113Oklahoma State 37-19
1-049Oral Roberts 28-15 (+13-0 non-D1) + 
0-123Arkansas 39-25

Results and Schedule

3/22W 3-0289Central Connecticut State2/13L 3-1744Georgia Tech2/21W 4-184Liberty
3/24W 3-2295St Peter's2/14W 6-2132Kennesaw State2/22W 4-0302North Carolina-Greensboro
3/25L 3-6237Hofstra2/14L 5-10132Kennesaw State2/27W 8-640North Florida
3/27W 1-0158Rider2/22L 2-942East Carolina2/28L 2-1440North Florida
3/28W 17-3158Rider2/27W 9-4191Charleston Southern3/15L 0-6216Holy Cross
3/29L 2-7158Rider3/6L 3-4 (12)45Oregon3/15W 5-2216Holy Cross
4/8L 4-581Columbia3/7L 2-745Oregon3/17W 7-0262Fairfield
4/10W 5-1171Seton Hall†3/8L 6-845Oregon5/21W 2-1193Georgetown†
4/11W 7-4171Seton Hall†3/13W 13-5281Fairleigh Dickinson5/22W 8-183Creighton†
4/12L 4-19171Seton Hall†4/2W 7-5219Butler†5/24W 8-783Creighton†
4/15W 9-1285Princeton4/3W 6-4219Butler†5/29L 4-513Oklahoma State
4/21W 5-4256Marist4/4W 7-6219Butler†5/30W 10-449Oral Roberts
4/24W 7-3220Villanova†4/7W 6-3291Long Island5/31W 2-113Oklahoma State
4/25W 10-7220Villanova†4/14W 8-5269Albany5/31L 3-423Arkansas
4/26L 6-7220Villanova†4/17L 0-683Creighton†
4/29W 5-4279Iona4/18W 4-183Creighton†
5/5W 8-7269Albany5/1W 11-8193Georgetown†
5/8W 9-5246Xavier†5/2W 4-1193Georgetown†
5/9W 5-0246Xavier†5/3W 5-4193Georgetown†
5/10W 8-6246Xavier†
5/12W 6-4295St Peter's
5/14W 9-2250Southern Illinois
5/15W 8-5250Southern Illinois
5/16W 4-3250Southern Illinois

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/31 2-1vs 13Oklahoma State3/25 3-6 237Hofstra
2/27 8-6vs 40North Florida4/26 6-7 220Villanova
5/30 10-4vs 49Oral Roberts3/15 0-6vs 216Holy Cross
4/18 4-1at 83Creighton4/12 4-19 171Seton Hall
5/22 8-1vs 83Creighton3/29 2-7 158Rider
5/24 8-7vs 83Creighton2/14 5-10at 132Kennesaw State
2/21 4-1vs 84Liberty4/17 0-6at 83Creighton
2/14 6-2at 132Kennesaw State4/8 4-5 81Columbia
3/27 1-0 158Rider3/6 3-4 (12)at 45Oregon
3/28 17-3 158Rider3/7 2-7at 45Oregon
4/10 5-1 171Seton Hall3/8 6-8at 45Oregon
4/11 7-4 171Seton Hall2/13 3-17at 44Georgia Tech
2/27 9-4at 191Charleston Southern2/22 2-9at 42East Carolina
5/1 11-8at 193Georgetown2/28 2-14vs 40North Florida
5/2 4-1at 193Georgetown5/31 3-4vs 23Arkansas
5/3 5-4at 193Georgetown5/29 4-5vs 13Oklahoma State
5/21 2-1vs 193Georgetown
3/15 5-2vs 216Holy Cross
4/2 7-5at 219Butler
4/3 6-4at 219Butler
4/4 7-6at 219Butler
4/24 7-3 220Villanova
4/25 10-7 220Villanova
5/8 9-5 246Xavier
5/9 5-0 246Xavier
5/10 8-6 246Xavier
5/14 9-2 250Southern Illinois
5/15 8-5 250Southern Illinois
5/16 4-3 250Southern Illinois
4/21 5-4 256Marist
3/17 7-0vs 262Fairfield
4/14 8-5at 269Albany
5/5 8-7 269Albany
4/29 5-4 279Iona
3/13 13-5at 281Fairleigh Dickinson
4/15 9-1 285Princeton
3/22 3-0 289Central Connecticut State
4/7 6-3at 291Long Island
3/24 3-2 295St Peter's
5/12 6-4 295St Peter's
2/22 4-0vs 302North Carolina-Greensboro

Projected record: 41-16; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko