Season at a glance for Brigham Young

1 Jul 2016

37-17, 18-9 WCC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

17 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
4-0211St Louis 24-27 (+1-0 non-D1)
3-1112Samford 34-23
3-0140Kansas 17-32-1 (+3-0 non-D1)
2-1147Utah Valley State 36-21
4-0273Niagara 16-33-1
2-184Utah 25-27
2-1172Pacific 21-28
2-199Loyola Marymount 25-25
3-0215Portland 17-34
0-16Arizona 48-24
2-1103San Diego 26-27
1-264St Mary's 31-24  
1-274Creighton 36-16  
2-253Gonzaga 34-19
1-345Pepperdine 26-23  
2-1148San Francisco 21-32
3-0141Santa Clara 23-26

Results and Schedule

3/8W 6-1147Utah Valley State2/25W 7-1112Samford2/19W 21-7211St Louis
3/10W 14-1273Niagara2/26W 4-3 (10)112Samford2/20W 11-3211St Louis
3/11W 14-10273Niagara2/26L 5-10112Samford2/20W 5-0211St Louis
3/11W 14-2273Niagara2/27W 6-4112Samford2/22W 11-7211St Louis
3/12W 15-3273Niagara3/3W 11-10140Kansas5/26L 3-553Gonzaga†
3/15W 6-084Utah3/4W 8-2140Kansas5/27L 2-745Pepperdine†
3/17W 19-3172Pacific†3/5W 7-6140Kansas
3/18W 11-4172Pacific†3/31W 8-2215Portland†
3/19L 8-10172Pacific†4/1W 4-1215Portland†
3/24W 4-199Loyola Marymount†4/2W 5-3215Portland†
3/25L 5-1099Loyola Marymount†4/14L 4-564St Mary's†
3/26W 7-499Loyola Marymount†4/15L 4-764St Mary's†
4/4L 5-116Arizona4/16W 5-464St Mary's†
4/7W 12-2103San Diego†5/5W 9-545Pepperdine†
4/8W 13-1103San Diego†5/6L 0-345Pepperdine†
4/9L 7-13103San Diego†5/7L 3-445Pepperdine†
4/12W 14-384Utah5/10W 17-6147Utah Valley State
4/22W 13-474Creighton5/12L 5-6148San Francisco†
4/23L 2-1074Creighton5/13W 12-6148San Francisco†
4/23L 5-874Creighton5/14W 9-3148San Francisco†
4/28W 11-253Gonzaga†5/17L 1-884Utah
4/29L 5-953Gonzaga†
4/30W 5-453Gonzaga†
5/3L 6-7 (11)147Utah Valley State
5/19W 8-2141Santa Clara†
5/20W 9-8141Santa Clara†
5/21W 10-5141Santa Clara†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/5 9-5at 45Pepperdine3/19 8-10 172Pacific
4/28 11-2 53Gonzaga5/12 5-6at 148San Francisco
4/30 5-4 53Gonzaga5/3 6-7 (11) 147Utah Valley State
4/16 5-4at 64St Mary's2/26 5-10at 112Samford
4/22 13-4 74Creighton4/9 7-13 103San Diego
3/15 6-0 84Utah3/25 5-10 99Loyola Marymount
4/12 14-3 84Utah5/17 1-8at 84Utah
3/24 4-1 99Loyola Marymount4/23 2-10 74Creighton
3/26 7-4 99Loyola Marymount4/23 5-8 74Creighton
4/7 12-2 103San Diego4/14 4-5at 64St Mary's
4/8 13-1 103San Diego4/15 4-7at 64St Mary's
2/25 7-1at 112Samford4/29 5-9 53Gonzaga
2/26 4-3 (10)at 112Samford5/26 3-5vs 53Gonzaga
2/27 6-4at 112Samford5/6 0-3at 45Pepperdine
3/3 11-10at 140Kansas5/7 3-4at 45Pepperdine
3/4 8-2at 140Kansas5/27 2-7vs 45Pepperdine
3/5 7-6at 140Kansas4/4 5-11 6Arizona
5/19 8-2 141Santa Clara
5/20 9-8 141Santa Clara
5/21 10-5 141Santa Clara
3/8 6-1 147Utah Valley State
5/10 17-6at 147Utah Valley State
5/13 12-6at 148San Francisco
5/14 9-3at 148San Francisco
3/17 19-3 172Pacific
3/18 11-4 172Pacific
2/19 21-7vs 211St Louis
2/20 11-3vs 211St Louis
2/20 5-0vs 211St Louis
2/22 11-7vs 211St Louis
3/31 8-2at 215Portland
4/1 4-1at 215Portland
4/2 5-3at 215Portland
3/10 14-1 273Niagara
3/11 14-10 273Niagara
3/11 14-2 273Niagara
3/12 15-3 273Niagara

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko