Season at a glance for St Louis

1 Jul 2016

25-31, 15-9 A10

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

27 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
0-436Brigham Young 33-17
0-1180Nebraska-Omaha 27-28
0-2109Arkansas State 27-29
0-1142Morehead State 30-27 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0301Rockhurst 0-0
3-0280Chicago State 12-38 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-0241Eastern Illinois 12-38 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-0219Purdue 10-43
0-1140Kansas 16-35-1 (+3-0 non-D1)
0-1287North Dakota 6-37 (+1-0 non-D1)  
1-0176Illinois State 17-36 + 
2-1277Butler 11-38 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-2279Southern Illinois-Edwardsville 7-40  
3-0239Dayton 19-33
0-191Missouri 25-30
3-0264George Mason 19-32
0-157Missouri State 37-21
1-2201Richmond 26-23
0-1181Murray State 24-28 (+2-1 non-D1)
0-389Illinois 25-23
1-171Southeast Missouri State 37-20 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-2183St Joseph's 29-22
2-1191Davidson 27-24 + 
0-3153Virginia Commonwealth 35-19
2-1205St Bonaventure 25-20-1 + 
3-1230George Washington 23-30
0-1225Fordham 28-29  

Results and Schedule

3/2W 2-1 (12)301Rockhurst3/12L 3-5140Kansas2/19L 7-2136Brigham Young
3/4W 8-2280Chicago State3/22L 8-9279Southern Illinois-Edwardsville2/20L 3-1136Brigham Young
3/5W 7-1280Chicago State3/25W 5-1239Dayton†2/20L 0-536Brigham Young
3/6W 7-0280Chicago State3/26W 7-2239Dayton†2/22L 7-1136Brigham Young
3/8W 2-0241Eastern Illinois3/27W 5-3239Dayton†2/26L 2-16180Nebraska-Omaha
3/16W 5-4 (14)176Illinois State4/5L 4-1557Missouri State2/27L 4-5109Arkansas State
3/18W 9-4277Butler4/8W 13-7201Richmond†2/27L 2-9109Arkansas State
3/19L 6-8277Butler4/9L 2-4201Richmond†2/28L 1-4142Morehead State
3/20W 13-12277Butler4/10L 3-5201Richmond†3/11W 3-2219Purdue
4/1W 15-0264George Mason†4/15L 4-689Illinois3/13L 2-7287North Dakota
4/2W 15-6264George Mason†4/16L 1-389Illinois3/29L 3-591Missouri
4/3W 3-2264George Mason†4/17L 2-689Illinois5/25L 1-6230George Washington†
4/12L 1-6279Southern Illinois-Edwardsville5/3W 12-871Southeast Missouri State5/25L 7-9225Fordham†
4/13L 1-9181Murray State5/7L 0-1153Virginia Commonwealth†
4/19L 3-1071Southeast Missouri State5/7L 1-5153Virginia Commonwealth†
4/22L 2-3183St Joseph's†5/8L 6-7153Virginia Commonwealth†
4/23L 2-3183St Joseph's†5/12L 2-4205St Bonaventure†
4/24W 22-6183St Joseph's†5/13W 6-1205St Bonaventure†
4/29W 2-1191Davidson†5/13W 7-4205St Bonaventure†
4/30L 0-1191Davidson†
5/1W 12-2191Davidson†
5/19W 11-1230George Washington†
5/20W 9-4230George Washington†
5/21W 8-5230George Washington†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/3 12-8at 71Southeast Missouri State3/13 2-7vs 287North Dakota
3/16 5-4 (14) 176Illinois State3/22 8-9at 279Southern Illinois-Edwardsville
4/24 22-6 183St Joseph's4/12 1-6 279Southern Illinois-Edwardsville
4/29 2-1 191Davidson3/19 6-8 277Butler
5/1 12-2 191Davidson5/25 1-6vs 230George Washington
4/8 13-7at 201Richmond5/25 7-9vs 225Fordham
5/13 6-1at 205St Bonaventure5/12 2-4at 205St Bonaventure
5/13 7-4at 205St Bonaventure4/9 2-4at 201Richmond
3/11 3-2vs 219Purdue4/10 3-5at 201Richmond
5/19 11-1 230George Washington4/30 0-1 191Davidson
5/20 9-4 230George Washington4/22 2-3 183St Joseph's
5/21 8-5 230George Washington4/23 2-3 183St Joseph's
3/25 5-1at 239Dayton4/13 1-9 181Murray State
3/26 7-2at 239Dayton2/26 2-16vs 180Nebraska-Omaha
3/27 5-3at 239Dayton5/7 0-1at 153Virginia Commonwealth
3/8 2-0 241Eastern Illinois5/7 1-5at 153Virginia Commonwealth
4/1 15-0 264George Mason5/8 6-7at 153Virginia Commonwealth
4/2 15-6 264George Mason2/28 1-4vs 142Morehead State
4/3 3-2 264George Mason3/12 3-5at 140Kansas
3/18 9-4 277Butler2/27 4-5vs 109Arkansas State
3/20 13-12 277Butler2/27 2-9vs 109Arkansas State
3/4 8-2 280Chicago State3/29 3-5vs 91Missouri
3/5 7-1 280Chicago State4/15 4-6at 89Illinois
3/6 7-0 280Chicago State4/16 1-3at 89Illinois
3/2 2-1 (12) 301Rockhurst4/17 2-6at 89Illinois
4/19 3-10 71Southeast Missouri State
4/5 4-15at 57Missouri State
2/19 7-21vs 36Brigham Young
2/20 3-11vs 36Brigham Young
2/20 0-5vs 36Brigham Young
2/22 7-11vs 36Brigham Young

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko