Season at a glance for Cal State Northridge

1 Jul 2016

33-22, 11-13 BigW

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

19 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-2188Cal State Bakersfield 17-36  
1-145Pepperdine 28-23
3-1232Northern Colorado 14-29 (+1-2 non-D1)
1-0264George Mason 19-34
3-0230George Washington 24-30
2-083UCLA 25-29 + 
2-0149William and Mary 31-29
2-048Connecticut 38-23 + 
4-0170Houston Baptist 24-25
2-2215Portland 15-35
0-328Cal State Fullerton 33-23
1-220Long Beach State 36-21
0-352UC Santa Barbara 40-20-1
2-1117Hawaii 21-27 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-2101UC Riverside 24-28  
3-086Cal Poly 32-22 + 
3-0150UC Davis 17-33
1-3219Purdue 7-43  
1-275UC Irvine 29-24

Results and Schedule

2/19L 5-8188Cal State Bakersfield2/20W 7-5188Cal State Bakersfield
2/21L 3-5188Cal State Bakersfield2/23W 3-045Pepperdine
2/26W 5-3232Northern Colorado3/3W 1-0264George Mason
2/27W 4-2232Northern Colorado3/5W 6-5 (11)230George Washington
2/27W 6-0232Northern Colorado3/5W 4-2230George Washington
2/28L 2-3232Northern Colorado3/6W 9-3230George Washington
3/8W 20-1283UCLA3/24W 2-1 (15)215Portland
3/10W 11-3149William and Mary3/24L 5-6215Portland
3/12W 11-7149William and Mary3/25W 2-1215Portland
3/13W 2-148Connecticut3/26L 3-7215Portland
3/13W 12-448Connecticut4/1L 4-728Cal State Fullerton†
3/18W 2-0170Houston Baptist4/2L 1-228Cal State Fullerton†
3/19W 7-1170Houston Baptist4/3L 5-828Cal State Fullerton†
3/19W 6-3170Houston Baptist4/5W 4-183UCLA
3/20W 7-2170Houston Baptist4/15L 0-152UC Santa Barbara†
4/10L 0-1220Long Beach State†4/16L 4-552UC Santa Barbara†
4/10L 3-620Long Beach State†4/17L 2-852UC Santa Barbara†
4/11W 4-220Long Beach State†4/29L 4-6101UC Riverside†
4/22W 2-1117Hawaii†4/30W 7-2101UC Riverside†
4/23L 5-6 (10)117Hawaii†5/1L 0-6101UC Riverside†
4/24W 9-3117Hawaii†5/19L 0-5219Purdue
5/7W 7-286Cal Poly†5/20L 0-1 (10)219Purdue
5/7W 5-386Cal Poly†5/21W 6-0219Purdue
5/8W 2-186Cal Poly†5/22L 0-8219Purdue
5/13W 5-4150UC Davis†5/26L 1-475UC Irvine†
5/14W 11-8150UC Davis†5/27W 8-275UC Irvine†
5/15W 4-2150UC Davis†5/28L 6-775UC Irvine†
5/17L 1-345Pepperdine

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/11 4-2 20Long Beach State2/28 2-3 232Northern Colorado
2/23 3-0at 45Pepperdine5/19 0-5at 219Purdue
3/13 2-1 48Connecticut5/20 0-1 (10)at 219Purdue
3/13 12-4 48Connecticut5/22 0-8at 219Purdue
5/27 8-2at 75UC Irvine3/24 5-6at 215Portland
3/8 20-12 83UCLA3/26 3-7at 215Portland
4/5 4-1at 83UCLA2/19 5-8 188Cal State Bakersfield
5/7 7-2 86Cal Poly2/21 3-5 188Cal State Bakersfield
5/7 5-3 86Cal Poly4/23 5-6 (10) 117Hawaii
5/8 2-1 86Cal Poly4/29 4-6at 101UC Riverside
4/30 7-2at 101UC Riverside5/1 0-6at 101UC Riverside
4/22 2-1 117Hawaii5/26 1-4at 75UC Irvine
4/24 9-3 117Hawaii5/28 6-7at 75UC Irvine
3/10 11-3 149William and Mary4/15 0-1at 52UC Santa Barbara
3/12 11-7 149William and Mary4/16 4-5at 52UC Santa Barbara
5/13 5-4 150UC Davis4/17 2-8at 52UC Santa Barbara
5/14 11-8 150UC Davis5/17 1-3 45Pepperdine
5/15 4-2 150UC Davis4/1 4-7at 28Cal State Fullerton
3/18 2-0 170Houston Baptist4/2 1-2at 28Cal State Fullerton
3/19 7-1 170Houston Baptist4/3 5-8at 28Cal State Fullerton
3/19 6-3 170Houston Baptist4/10 0-12 20Long Beach State
3/20 7-2 170Houston Baptist4/10 3-6 20Long Beach State
2/20 7-5at 188Cal State Bakersfield
3/24 2-1 (15)at 215Portland
3/25 2-1at 215Portland
5/21 6-0at 219Purdue
3/5 6-5 (11)at 230George Washington
3/5 4-2at 230George Washington
3/6 9-3at 230George Washington
2/26 5-3 232Northern Colorado
2/27 4-2 232Northern Colorado
2/27 6-0 232Northern Colorado
3/3 1-0at 264George Mason

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko