Season at a glance for William and Mary

1 Jul 2016

31-31, 14-9 CAA

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

26 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
2-1128North Carolina-Charlotte 22-30 + 
0-2118Liberty 29-28
3-0221Holy Cross 28-24 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-229Virginia 36-21
0-119Oregon State 34-19
1-2103San Diego 25-28
0-293Cal State Northridge 31-22
0-248Connecticut 36-25
1-1240Norfolk State 28-20
2-1200Elon 24-27
1-0201Richmond 28-23
2-0253Hofstra 15-35
2-1229Georgetown 23-27 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0178Virginia Tech 19-35
0-1108Old Dominion 31-24
2-367North Carolina-Wilmington 38-17
0-1153Virginia Commonwealth 37-19  
2-1217James Madison 23-29
0-112North Carolina 33-21
4-0164Northeastern 31-23
2-1194Delaware 30-20 (+1-0 non-D1)
2-1235Towson 19-33
0-341West Virginia 33-22
2-3110College of Charleston 28-24-1
1-058Bryant 47-11 + 
0-170East Carolina 37-23-1

Results and Schedule

2/26W 8-5221Holy Cross2/19L 3-7128North Carolina-Charlotte3/5L 3-1219Oregon State
2/27W 6-5221Holy Cross2/20W 5-1128North Carolina-Charlotte3/11L 1-1848Connecticut
2/28W 12-11221Holy Cross2/21W 11-0128North Carolina-Charlotte3/12L 2-348Connecticut
3/15W 10-6240Norfolk State2/23L 4-8118Liberty5/26L 2-7110College of Charleston†
3/22W 12-8201Richmond3/1L 8-1629Virginia5/27W 10-3110College of Charleston†
3/25W 14-6253Hofstra†3/6L 3-9103San Diego5/27W 5-1164Northeastern†
3/26W 15-10253Hofstra†3/8W 13-11 (10)103San Diego5/29W 9-8 (12)67North Carolina-Wilmington†
4/1L 6-8 (13)229Georgetown3/8L 3-7103San Diego5/29W 14-967North Carolina-Wilmington†
4/2W 10-9229Georgetown3/10L 3-1193Cal State Northridge6/3L 4-1729Virginia
4/3W 16-2229Georgetown3/12L 7-1193Cal State Northridge6/4W 4-358Bryant
4/8L 1-267North Carolina-Wilmington†3/18W 10-5200Elon†6/5L 4-870East Carolina
4/9L 4-767North Carolina-Wilmington†3/19L 7-13200Elon†6/5W 5-429Virginia
4/10L 1-667North Carolina-Wilmington†3/20W 14-7200Elon†
4/13L 5-12153Virginia Commonwealth4/5W 12-8178Virginia Tech
4/27L 7-10118Liberty4/6L 1-7108Old Dominion
4/29W 10-0194Delaware†4/15L 5-8217James Madison†
4/30W 7-4194Delaware†4/16W 11-4217James Madison†
4/30L 2-4194Delaware†4/17W 2-0217James Madison†
5/7W 8-7235Towson†4/19L 3-6240Norfolk State
5/7L 1-9235Towson†4/20L 2-1712North Carolina
5/8W 9-1235Towson†4/22W 2-0164Northeastern†
4/23W 8-5164Northeastern†
4/24W 3-0164Northeastern†
5/13L 7-8 (10)41West Virginia
5/13L 6-741West Virginia
5/15L 1-641West Virginia
5/19L 1-5110College of Charleston†
5/20W 6-1110College of Charleston†
5/21L 0-6110College of Charleston†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

6/5 5-4vs 29Virginia4/19 3-6at 240Norfolk State
6/4 4-3vs 58Bryant5/7 1-9 235Towson
5/29 9-8 (12)vs 67North Carolina-Wilmington4/1 6-8 (13) 229Georgetown
5/29 14-9vs 67North Carolina-Wilmington4/15 5-8at 217James Madison
3/8 13-11 (10)at 103San Diego3/19 7-13at 200Elon
5/20 6-1at 110College of Charleston4/30 2-4 194Delaware
5/27 10-3vs 110College of Charleston4/13 5-12 153Virginia Commonwealth
2/20 5-1at 128North Carolina-Charlotte2/19 3-7at 128North Carolina-Charlotte
2/21 11-0at 128North Carolina-Charlotte2/23 4-8at 118Liberty
4/22 2-0at 164Northeastern4/27 7-10 118Liberty
4/23 8-5at 164Northeastern5/19 1-5at 110College of Charleston
4/24 3-0at 164Northeastern5/21 0-6at 110College of Charleston
5/27 5-1vs 164Northeastern5/26 2-7vs 110College of Charleston
4/5 12-8at 178Virginia Tech4/6 1-7at 108Old Dominion
4/29 10-0 194Delaware3/6 3-9at 103San Diego
4/30 7-4 194Delaware3/8 3-7at 103San Diego
3/18 10-5at 200Elon3/10 3-11at 93Cal State Northridge
3/20 14-7at 200Elon3/12 7-11at 93Cal State Northridge
3/22 12-8 201Richmond6/5 4-8vs 70East Carolina
4/16 11-4at 217James Madison4/8 1-2 67North Carolina-Wilmington
4/17 2-0at 217James Madison4/9 4-7 67North Carolina-Wilmington
2/26 8-5 221Holy Cross4/10 1-6 67North Carolina-Wilmington
2/27 6-5 221Holy Cross3/11 1-18vs 48Connecticut
2/28 12-11 221Holy Cross3/12 2-3vs 48Connecticut
4/2 10-9 229Georgetown5/13 7-8 (10)at 41West Virginia
4/3 16-2 229Georgetown5/13 6-7at 41West Virginia
5/7 8-7 235Towson5/15 1-6at 41West Virginia
5/8 9-1 235Towson3/1 8-16at 29Virginia
3/15 10-6 240Norfolk State6/3 4-17vs 29Virginia
3/25 14-6 253Hofstra3/5 3-12vs 19Oregon State
3/26 15-10 253Hofstra4/20 2-17at 12North Carolina

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