Season at a glance for Fairleigh Dickinson

1 Jul 2016

28-28, 16-15 NE

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

16 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-2296Maryland-Eastern Shore 14-31  
0-3198Longwood 29-27
1-0275Lafayette 14-28
0-1167St John's 27-26-1
4-0265Lehigh 23-25 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-1253Hofstra 14-37
6-2298Mount St Mary's 9-31
2-2284New York Tech 15-24
3-6224Sacred Heart 24-25
1-0256Siena 25-31 + 
1-458Bryant 43-11
1-1297Coppin State 13-37
0-1285New Jersey Tech 15-36 (+1-0 non-D1)  
2-2267Wagner 17-31
4-1246Central Connecticut State 22-30 + 
2-2270Long Island 17-33

Results and Schedule

3/9L 1-16167St John's3/4L 3-4198Longwood2/19L 1-5296Maryland-Eastern Shore
3/12W 10-6 (7)265Lehigh3/5L 3-6198Longwood2/20L 4-6296Maryland-Eastern Shore
3/12W 7-0 (7)265Lehigh3/6L 3-5198Longwood2/21W 7-5296Maryland-Eastern Shore
3/15L 1-4253Hofstra3/8W 7-6275Lafayette5/26L 8-9224Sacred Heart†
3/18W 9-4 (7)298Mount St Mary's†3/13W 5-4 (7)265Lehigh5/27W 2-0246Central Connecticut State†
3/18W 4-3298Mount St Mary's†3/13W 6-5265Lehigh5/28W 11-8224Sacred Heart†
3/19L 6-13 (7)298Mount St Mary's†3/26L 0-9 (7)284New York Tech5/28L 3-858Bryant†
3/19W 6-0298Mount St Mary's†3/26W 1-0 (7)284New York Tech
3/25L 3-6 (7)284New York Tech4/1L 6-9224Sacred Heart†
3/25W 11-1 (7)284New York Tech4/2L 0-2 (7)224Sacred Heart†
4/6W 10-6256Siena4/2W 5-4 (7)224Sacred Heart†
4/8L 2-658Bryant†4/12L 8-15297Coppin State
4/9W 10-3 (7)58Bryant†4/13W 35-24297Coppin State
4/10L 1-1958Bryant†4/15W 17-2298Mount St Mary's†
4/10L 9-1158Bryant†4/16W 4-1 (7)298Mount St Mary's†
4/22L 7-8224Sacred Heart†4/16L 2-5 (7)298Mount St Mary's†
4/23L 5-6 (7)224Sacred Heart†4/17W 1-0298Mount St Mary's†
4/23L 0-3 (7)224Sacred Heart†4/19L 3-14285New Jersey Tech
4/24W 7-5 (10)224Sacred Heart†4/29L 0-7 (7)267Wagner†
5/7W 2-1246Central Connecticut State†4/29L 3-6267Wagner†
5/7L 4-8 (7)246Central Connecticut State†4/30W 6-4 (7)267Wagner†
5/8W 2-1246Central Connecticut State†4/30W 6-3267Wagner†
5/8W 3-2 (7)246Central Connecticut State†5/14L 9-10270Long Island†
5/14W 8-7270Long Island†
5/15L 7-8 (8)270Long Island†
5/15W 17-2270Long Island†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/9 10-3 (7) 58Bryant3/19 6-13 (7) 298Mount St Mary's
4/2 5-4 (7)at 224Sacred Heart4/16 2-5 (7)at 298Mount St Mary's
4/24 7-5 (10) 224Sacred Heart4/12 8-15at 297Coppin State
5/28 11-8vs 224Sacred Heart2/19 1-5vs 296Maryland-Eastern Shore
5/7 2-1 246Central Connecticut State2/20 4-6vs 296Maryland-Eastern Shore
5/8 2-1 246Central Connecticut State4/19 3-14at 285New Jersey Tech
5/8 3-2 (7) 246Central Connecticut State3/25 3-6 (7) 284New York Tech
5/27 2-0vs 246Central Connecticut State3/26 0-9 (7)at 284New York Tech
4/6 10-6 256Siena5/14 9-10at 270Long Island
3/12 10-6 (7) 265Lehigh5/15 7-8 (8)at 270Long Island
3/12 7-0 (7) 265Lehigh4/29 0-7 (7)at 267Wagner
3/13 5-4 (7)at 265Lehigh4/29 3-6at 267Wagner
3/13 6-5at 265Lehigh3/15 1-4 253Hofstra
4/30 6-4 (7)at 267Wagner5/7 4-8 (7) 246Central Connecticut State
4/30 6-3at 267Wagner4/1 6-9at 224Sacred Heart
5/14 8-7at 270Long Island4/2 0-2 (7)at 224Sacred Heart
5/15 17-2at 270Long Island4/22 7-8 224Sacred Heart
3/8 7-6at 275Lafayette4/23 5-6 (7) 224Sacred Heart
3/25 11-1 (7) 284New York Tech4/23 0-3 (7) 224Sacred Heart
3/26 1-0 (7)at 284New York Tech5/26 8-9vs 224Sacred Heart
2/21 7-5vs 296Maryland-Eastern Shore3/4 3-4at 198Longwood
4/13 35-24at 297Coppin State3/5 3-6at 198Longwood
3/18 9-4 (7) 298Mount St Mary's3/6 3-5at 198Longwood
3/18 4-3 298Mount St Mary's3/9 1-16 167St John's
3/19 6-0 298Mount St Mary's4/8 2-6 58Bryant
4/15 17-2at 298Mount St Mary's4/10 1-19 58Bryant
4/16 4-1 (7)at 298Mount St Mary's4/10 9-11 58Bryant
4/17 1-0at 298Mount St Mary's5/28 3-8vs 58Bryant

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko