Season at a glance for Bryant

1 Jul 2016

47-12, 26-4 NE

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

25 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-0268Army 16-31
2-0197Monmouth 30-25
1-0152Penn State 28-26
1-0132San Diego State 21-37
0-152UC Santa Barbara 42-20-1
1-056Kentucky 32-24 + 
2-1264George Mason 18-33
1-282Maryland 28-26  
1-0194Delaware 31-21 (+1-0 non-D1)
8-1246Central Connecticut State 22-26
0-1131Hartford 36-18  
5-1270Long Island 18-30
1-0186Rhode Island 31-26
4-1263Fairleigh Dickinson 27-24
0-148Connecticut 37-25
4-0267Wagner 19-29
1-0164Northeastern 31-26
3-0190Stony Brook 27-24
1-0257Brown 15-23
1-066Boston College 35-21
4-1224Sacred Heart 29-24
1-0255Massachusetts-Lowell 20-31
4-0298Mount St Mary's 11-33
0-170East Carolina 37-23-1  
0-1149William and Mary 30-31  

Results and Schedule

3/23L 8-9131Hartford2/26W 10-2132San Diego State2/19W 6-1268Army
4/1W 3-1270Long Island†3/4W 12-2264George Mason2/20W 8-5197Monmouth
4/2W 5-1 (7)270Long Island†3/5L 2-3264George Mason2/20W 8-4 (17)197Monmouth
4/15W 7-0267Wagner†3/6W 7-0264George Mason2/21W 3-1152Penn State
4/16W 10-4 (7)267Wagner†3/11L 3-582Maryland2/27L 2-1652UC Santa Barbara
4/16W 3-2 (7)267Wagner†3/12W 2-082Maryland2/28W 7-456Kentucky
4/17W 5-1267Wagner†3/13L 6-882Maryland5/26W 8-1246Central Connecticut State†
4/22W 14-5190Stony Brook3/16W 16-5194Delaware5/27W 5-1224Sacred Heart†
4/23W 8-4190Stony Brook3/18W 8-1 (7)246Central Connecticut State†5/28W 8-3263Fairleigh Dickinson†
4/24W 6-2190Stony Brook3/18W 6-1246Central Connecticut State†6/3L 1-970East Carolina
4/29W 7-3224Sacred Heart†3/19W 7-0 (7)246Central Connecticut State†6/4L 3-4149William and Mary
4/30L 1-3 (7)224Sacred Heart†3/19W 5-4246Central Connecticut State†
4/30W 6-3 (7)224Sacred Heart†4/6W 6-5186Rhode Island
5/1W 3-0224Sacred Heart†4/8W 6-2263Fairleigh Dickinson†
5/13W 9-1246Central Connecticut State†4/9L 3-10 (7)263Fairleigh Dickinson†
5/14L 4-8 (7)246Central Connecticut State†4/10W 19-1263Fairleigh Dickinson†
5/14W 9-2 (7)246Central Connecticut State†4/10W 11-9263Fairleigh Dickinson†
5/15W 9-3246Central Connecticut State†4/13L 3-648Connecticut
4/19W 19-2164Northeastern
4/26W 15-3 (7)257Brown
4/27W 18-666Boston College
5/7W 7-3 (7)270Long Island†
5/7L 2-7270Long Island†
5/8W 21-8 (7)270Long Island†
5/8W 15-5270Long Island†
5/17W 15-4255Massachusetts-Lowell
5/19W 6-0298Mount St Mary's†
5/19W 8-0 (7)298Mount St Mary's†
5/20W 19-1298Mount St Mary's†
5/20W 12-1 (7)298Mount St Mary's†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/28 7-4vs 56Kentucky5/7 2-7at 270Long Island
4/27 18-6at 66Boston College3/5 2-3at 264George Mason
3/12 2-0at 82Maryland4/9 3-10 (7)at 263Fairleigh Dickinson
2/26 10-2at 132San Diego State5/14 4-8 (7) 246Central Connecticut State
2/21 3-1vs 152Penn State4/30 1-3 (7) 224Sacred Heart
4/19 19-2at 164Northeastern6/4 3-4vs 149William and Mary
4/6 6-5at 186Rhode Island3/23 8-9 131Hartford
4/22 14-5 190Stony Brook3/11 3-5at 82Maryland
4/23 8-4 190Stony Brook3/13 6-8at 82Maryland
4/24 6-2 190Stony Brook6/3 1-9vs 70East Carolina
3/16 16-5at 194Delaware2/27 2-16vs 52UC Santa Barbara
2/20 8-5vs 197Monmouth4/13 3-6at 48Connecticut
2/20 8-4 (17)vs 197Monmouth
4/29 7-3 224Sacred Heart
4/30 6-3 (7) 224Sacred Heart
5/1 3-0 224Sacred Heart
5/27 5-1vs 224Sacred Heart
3/18 8-1 (7)at 246Central Connecticut State
3/18 6-1at 246Central Connecticut State
3/19 7-0 (7)at 246Central Connecticut State
3/19 5-4at 246Central Connecticut State
5/13 9-1 246Central Connecticut State
5/14 9-2 (7) 246Central Connecticut State
5/15 9-3 246Central Connecticut State
5/26 8-1vs 246Central Connecticut State
5/17 15-4at 255Massachusetts-Lowell
4/26 15-3 (7)at 257Brown
4/8 6-2at 263Fairleigh Dickinson
4/10 19-1at 263Fairleigh Dickinson
4/10 11-9at 263Fairleigh Dickinson
5/28 8-3vs 263Fairleigh Dickinson
3/4 12-2at 264George Mason
3/6 7-0at 264George Mason
4/15 7-0 267Wagner
4/16 10-4 (7) 267Wagner
4/16 3-2 (7) 267Wagner
4/17 5-1 267Wagner
2/19 6-1vs 268Army
4/1 3-1 270Long Island
4/2 5-1 (7) 270Long Island
5/7 7-3 (7)at 270Long Island
5/8 21-8 (7)at 270Long Island
5/8 15-5at 270Long Island
5/19 6-0at 298Mount St Mary's
5/19 8-0 (7)at 298Mount St Mary's
5/20 19-1at 298Mount St Mary's
5/20 12-1 (7)at 298Mount St Mary's

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko