Season at a glance for Holy Cross

1 Jul 2016

30-27, 14-6 Pat

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

21 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-220Long Beach State 36-21
0-3149William and Mary 28-31
1-2159Furman 27-29
1-1243Pennsylvania 18-21
0-3158South Florida 21-33
2-1272Yale 17-26-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0259Massachusetts 18-26
0-1255Massachusetts-Lowell 19-32  
2-2257Brown 13-22
0-1131Hartford 36-18
1-0237Harvard 17-23
3-4126Navy 38-13-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-1245Dartmouth 17-25  
5-2265Lehigh 21-24 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-0186Rhode Island 31-26 + 
2-2268Army 14-30
1-0256Siena 25-31
4-0262Bucknell 18-30
0-148Connecticut 37-25
3-1275Lafayette 13-26
2-0301Lesley 0-0

Results and Schedule

3/23L 2-5255Massachusetts-Lowell2/19L 1-720Long Beach State3/8L 3-4 (10)243Pennsylvania
3/27L 0-3 (7)257Brown2/20L 1-220Long Beach State3/9W 5-3243Pennsylvania
3/27W 12-11257Brown2/21W 3-220Long Beach State5/14W 9-4265Lehigh†
3/29L 4-8131Hartford2/26L 5-8149William and Mary5/14L 5-18265Lehigh†
3/30W 11-4237Harvard2/27L 5-6149William and Mary5/15W 12-8265Lehigh†
4/13W 5-3186Rhode Island2/28L 11-12149William and Mary5/22L 1-2 (10)126Navy†
4/16W 6-3 (7)268Army†3/5L 2-5159Furman5/23W 3-2126Navy†
4/16L 1-6268Army†3/5L 4-7159Furman5/23L 0-1126Navy†
4/17W 6-2 (7)268Army†3/6W 10-7159Furman
4/17L 0-3268Army†3/11L 2-3 (15)158South Florida
4/27L 1-548Connecticut3/12L 3-4158South Florida
4/30W 2-0 (7)275Lafayette†3/13L 2-3158South Florida
4/30W 10-9275Lafayette†3/19L 5-10272Yale
5/1W 6-5 (7)275Lafayette†3/19W 8-1272Yale
5/1L 2-4275Lafayette†3/20W 4-2272Yale
5/8W 5-1 (7)301Lesley3/22W 6-3259Massachusetts
5/8W 5-0301Lesley3/26L 1-2 (7)257Brown
3/26W 9-0257Brown
4/2W 3-1 (7)126Navy†
4/2W 4-2126Navy†
4/3L 0-9 (7)126Navy†
4/3L 2-4126Navy†
4/6L 1-2245Dartmouth
4/10W 6-1 (7)265Lehigh†
4/10L 4-5265Lehigh†
4/11W 5-4 (13)265Lehigh†
4/11W 12-3265Lehigh†
4/20W 9-6256Siena
4/23W 3-0 (10)262Bucknell†
4/23W 10-6 (14)262Bucknell†
4/24W 5-3 (8)262Bucknell†
4/24W 12-10262Bucknell†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/21 3-2at 20Long Beach State5/1 2-4 275Lafayette
4/2 3-1 (7)at 126Navy3/19 5-10at 272Yale
4/2 4-2at 126Navy4/16 1-6 268Army
5/23 3-2vs 126Navy4/17 0-3 268Army
3/6 10-7at 159Furman4/10 4-5at 265Lehigh
4/13 5-3 186Rhode Island5/14 5-18vs 265Lehigh
3/30 11-4 237Harvard3/26 1-2 (7)at 257Brown
3/9 5-3vs 243Pennsylvania3/27 0-3 (7) 257Brown
4/20 9-6at 256Siena3/23 2-5 255Massachusetts-Lowell
3/26 9-0at 257Brown4/6 1-2at 245Dartmouth
3/27 12-11 257Brown3/8 3-4 (10)vs 243Pennsylvania
3/22 6-3at 259Massachusetts3/5 2-5at 159Furman
4/23 3-0 (10)at 262Bucknell3/5 4-7at 159Furman
4/23 10-6 (14)at 262Bucknell3/11 2-3 (15)at 158South Florida
4/24 5-3 (8)at 262Bucknell3/12 3-4at 158South Florida
4/24 12-10at 262Bucknell3/13 2-3at 158South Florida
4/10 6-1 (7)at 265Lehigh2/26 5-8at 149William and Mary
4/11 5-4 (13)at 265Lehigh2/27 5-6at 149William and Mary
4/11 12-3at 265Lehigh2/28 11-12at 149William and Mary
5/14 9-4vs 265Lehigh3/29 4-8 131Hartford
5/15 12-8vs 265Lehigh4/3 0-9 (7)at 126Navy
4/16 6-3 (7) 268Army4/3 2-4at 126Navy
4/17 6-2 (7) 268Army5/22 1-2 (10)vs 126Navy
3/19 8-1at 272Yale5/23 0-1vs 126Navy
3/20 4-2at 272Yale4/27 1-5 48Connecticut
4/30 2-0 (7) 275Lafayette2/19 1-7at 20Long Beach State
4/30 10-9 275Lafayette2/20 1-2at 20Long Beach State
5/1 6-5 (7) 275Lafayette
5/8 5-1 (7) 301Lesley
5/8 5-0 301Lesley

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko