Season at a glance for Illinois-Chicago

1 Jul 2016

25-30, 15-12 Hor

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

15 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
3-1260Texas Southern 18-21 (+5-2 non-D1)
0-39Vanderbilt 40-19
1-391Missouri 23-29
3-0206Northwestern 15-35 (+0-1 non-D1)
1-2280Chicago State 10-40 (+1-1 non-D1)  
1-0301Roosevelt 0-0
3-1212Oakland 20-24 (+2-0 non-D1)
0-1111Notre Dame 26-27
0-432Michigan 32-21
2-2254Youngstown State 12-36
4-1238Northern Kentucky 19-30
0-2187Northern Illinois 22-32  
3-2130Wisconsin-Milwaukee 27-23 (+3-0 non-D1) + 
3-3143Valparaiso 26-25 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-559Wright State 41-16

Results and Schedule

3/8W 11-2206Northwestern2/19L 5-8260Texas Southern5/25W 10-9212Oakland†
3/11W 5-0280Chicago State2/20W 22-5260Texas Southern5/26L 2-4143Valparaiso†
3/16W 7-6301Roosevelt2/20W 22-8260Texas Southern5/26L 3-1159Wright State†
3/18L 4-5212Oakland†2/21W 17-3260Texas Southern
3/19W 6-0212Oakland†2/26L 0-99Vanderbilt
3/20W 3-0212Oakland†2/27L 5-6 (14)9Vanderbilt
4/12L 2-5187Northern Illinois2/28L 8-209Vanderbilt
4/15L 2-7130Wisconsin-Milwaukee†3/4L 4-791Missouri
4/16W 10-3130Wisconsin-Milwaukee†3/5W 4-291Missouri
4/17W 6-5130Wisconsin-Milwaukee†3/5L 5-1091Missouri
4/22W 5-3143Valparaiso†3/6L 5-1391Missouri
4/22L 2-5143Valparaiso†3/12L 3-6280Chicago State
5/4W 5-4206Northwestern3/12L 1-3280Chicago State
5/7W 5-4238Northern Kentucky†3/22L 5-9111Notre Dame
5/7W 5-2238Northern Kentucky†3/25L 2-1032Michigan
5/8W 7-2254Youngstown State†3/26L 0-5 (7)32Michigan
5/8L 0-1254Youngstown State†3/26L 4-1032Michigan
5/19L 3-4 (13)59Wright State†3/27L 4-532Michigan
5/20W 11-159Wright State†4/2L 1-9254Youngstown State†
5/21L 5-1259Wright State†4/2W 15-1254Youngstown State†
4/5W 7-0206Northwestern
4/8W 4-1238Northern Kentucky†
4/9L 6-12238Northern Kentucky†
4/10W 6-3238Northern Kentucky†
4/24W 3-2 (12)130Wisconsin-Milwaukee†
4/24L 1-5130Wisconsin-Milwaukee†
4/26L 6-11187Northern Illinois
4/29L 1-2143Valparaiso†
5/1W 4-3 (10)143Valparaiso†
5/1W 5-0143Valparaiso†
5/13L 4-559Wright State†
5/13L 4-959Wright State†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/20 11-1 59Wright State3/12 3-6at 280Chicago State
3/5 4-2at 91Missouri3/12 1-3at 280Chicago State
4/16 10-3 130Wisconsin-Milwaukee2/19 5-8at 260Texas Southern
4/17 6-5 130Wisconsin-Milwaukee4/2 1-9at 254Youngstown State
4/24 3-2 (12)at 130Wisconsin-Milwaukee5/8 0-1 254Youngstown State
4/22 5-3 143Valparaiso4/9 6-12at 238Northern Kentucky
5/1 4-3 (10)at 143Valparaiso3/18 4-5 212Oakland
5/1 5-0at 143Valparaiso4/12 2-5 187Northern Illinois
3/8 11-2 206Northwestern4/26 6-11at 187Northern Illinois
4/5 7-0at 206Northwestern4/22 2-5 143Valparaiso
5/4 5-4 206Northwestern4/29 1-2at 143Valparaiso
3/19 6-0 212Oakland5/26 2-4vs 143Valparaiso
3/20 3-0 212Oakland4/15 2-7 130Wisconsin-Milwaukee
5/25 10-9vs 212Oakland4/24 1-5at 130Wisconsin-Milwaukee
4/8 4-1at 238Northern Kentucky3/22 5-9at 111Notre Dame
4/10 6-3at 238Northern Kentucky3/4 4-7at 91Missouri
5/7 5-4 238Northern Kentucky3/5 5-10at 91Missouri
5/7 5-2 238Northern Kentucky3/6 5-13at 91Missouri
4/2 15-1at 254Youngstown State5/13 4-5at 59Wright State
5/8 7-2 254Youngstown State5/13 4-9at 59Wright State
2/20 22-5at 260Texas Southern5/19 3-4 (13) 59Wright State
2/20 22-8at 260Texas Southern5/21 5-12 59Wright State
2/21 17-3at 260Texas Southern5/26 3-11vs 59Wright State
3/11 5-0 280Chicago State3/25 2-10at 32Michigan
3/16 7-6 301Roosevelt3/26 0-5 (7)at 32Michigan
3/26 4-10at 32Michigan
3/27 4-5at 32Michigan
2/26 0-9at 9Vanderbilt
2/27 5-6 (14)at 9Vanderbilt
2/28 8-20at 9Vanderbilt

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