Season at a glance for Michigan

1 Jul 2016

36-21, 13-10 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

24 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
4-0203Canisius 32-23
1-0183St Joseph's 31-22
0-186Cal Poly 31-25  
0-1141Santa Clara 22-29  
1-011California 32-20 + 
1-0207San Jose State 17-38
0-1150UC Davis 16-36  
4-0117Hawaii 22-25 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-210Oklahoma State 41-21
4-0160Illinois-Chicago 24-26 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-1210Central Michigan 22-36 (+1-0 non-D1)
3-0206Northwestern 15-35 (+0-1 non-D1)
0-1111Notre Dame 26-27  
1-0282Bowling Green State 16-36 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-254Minnesota 32-21 (+2-0 non-D1)  
1-376Michigan State 33-19  
3-0196Eastern Michigan 23-33
3-042Nebraska 37-19
1-0226Toledo 19-37-1
2-194Iowa 26-24 (+3-0 non-D1)
3-0154Rutgers 27-25
0-547Ohio State 39-20-1  
0-1212Oakland 20-27 (+2-0 non-D1)  
1-289Illinois 26-22  

Results and Schedule

3/25W 10-2160Illinois-Chicago2/27L 1-586Cal Poly2/19W 9-0203Canisius
3/26W 5-0 (7)160Illinois-Chicago2/28L 3-5141Santa Clara2/20W 6-2 (7)203Canisius
3/26W 10-4160Illinois-Chicago2/29W 5-011California2/20W 3-0203Canisius
3/27W 5-4160Illinois-Chicago3/2W 6-5207San Jose State2/21W 9-3203Canisius
3/29W 9-7210Central Michigan3/3L 3-4150UC Davis2/26W 5-1183St Joseph's
4/6W 5-0282Bowling Green State3/10W 6-0117Hawaii5/25L 3-847Ohio State†
4/8L 3-554Minnesota†3/11W 5-4 (10)117Hawaii5/26W 3-254Minnesota†
4/8L 1-854Minnesota†3/12W 9-4 (7)117Hawaii5/28L 4-1147Ohio State†
4/13W 19-3196Eastern Michigan3/12W 5-3 (7)117Hawaii
4/15W 10-642Nebraska†3/18L 3-610Oklahoma State
4/16W 7-242Nebraska†3/19L 4-510Oklahoma State
4/17W 6-142Nebraska†3/20W 4-210Oklahoma State
4/20W 2-1226Toledo4/1W 10-4206Northwestern†
4/29W 4-3 (11)76Michigan State†4/1W 12-3206Northwestern†
5/1L 4-776Michigan State†4/3W 11-9206Northwestern†
5/3W 12-4196Eastern Michigan4/5L 5-9111Notre Dame
5/6W 14-1154Rutgers†4/12L 5-1176Michigan State†
5/7W 13-1154Rutgers†4/22W 8-494Iowa†
5/8W 12-5154Rutgers†4/23W 12-994Iowa†
5/17L 5-6 (10)212Oakland4/24L 3-894Iowa†
4/30L 6-776Michigan State†
5/4W 12-0196Eastern Michigan
5/11L 7-8210Central Michigan
5/13L 2-347Ohio State†
5/14L 3-747Ohio State†
5/15L 2-847Ohio State†
5/19W 1-089Illinois†
5/20L 8-1189Illinois†
5/21L 3-689Illinois†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/20 4-2at 10Oklahoma State5/17 5-6 (10) 212Oakland
2/29 5-0at 11California5/11 7-8at 210Central Michigan
4/15 10-6 42Nebraska3/3 3-4at 150UC Davis
4/16 7-2 42Nebraska2/28 3-5at 141Santa Clara
4/17 6-1 42Nebraska4/5 5-9at 111Notre Dame
5/26 3-2vs 54Minnesota4/24 3-8at 94Iowa
4/29 4-3 (11) 76Michigan State5/20 8-11at 89Illinois
5/19 1-0at 89Illinois5/21 3-6at 89Illinois
4/22 8-4at 94Iowa2/27 1-5at 86Cal Poly
4/23 12-9at 94Iowa4/12 5-11at 76Michigan State
3/10 6-0at 117Hawaii4/30 6-7at 76Michigan State
3/11 5-4 (10)at 117Hawaii5/1 4-7 76Michigan State
3/12 9-4 (7)at 117Hawaii4/8 3-5 54Minnesota
3/12 5-3 (7)at 117Hawaii4/8 1-8 54Minnesota
5/6 14-1 154Rutgers5/13 2-3at 47Ohio State
5/7 13-1 154Rutgers5/14 3-7at 47Ohio State
5/8 12-5 154Rutgers5/15 2-8at 47Ohio State
3/25 10-2 160Illinois-Chicago5/25 3-8vs 47Ohio State
3/26 5-0 (7) 160Illinois-Chicago5/28 4-11vs 47Ohio State
3/26 10-4 160Illinois-Chicago3/18 3-6at 10Oklahoma State
3/27 5-4 160Illinois-Chicago3/19 4-5at 10Oklahoma State
2/26 5-1vs 183St Joseph's
4/13 19-3 196Eastern Michigan
5/3 12-4 196Eastern Michigan
5/4 12-0at 196Eastern Michigan
2/19 9-0vs 203Canisius
2/20 6-2 (7)vs 203Canisius
2/20 3-0vs 203Canisius
2/21 9-3vs 203Canisius
4/1 10-4at 206Northwestern
4/1 12-3at 206Northwestern
4/3 11-9at 206Northwestern
3/2 6-5at 207San Jose State
3/29 9-7 210Central Michigan
4/20 2-1 226Toledo
4/6 5-0 282Bowling Green State

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko