Season at a glance for North Carolina-Greensboro

1 Jul 2016

38-21, 15-9 SoCon

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

24 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
2-1137High Point 31-22
1-1200Elon 24-28
3-0171Binghamton 30-22
0-126North Carolina State 37-22
2-1268Army 15-30
0-167North Carolina-Wilmington 40-19
1-122Coastal Carolina 54-17
2-089Illinois 28-21 + 
1-0296Maryland-Eastern Shore 16-31
3-0231Marist 24-24
1-1288North Carolina A&T 12-40
3-0229Georgetown 24-26 (+1-0 non-D1)
2-0168Campbell 26-25
3-0233Virginia Military 21-32
0-169Duke 32-24
2-1252The Citadel 16-40
1-168Wake Forest 34-26
2-2159Furman 27-28
3-0208East Tennessee State 27-27
1-3112Samford 32-25  
3-1214Wofford 29-25
0-1274North Carolina-Asheville 15-38  
1-2146Western Carolina 29-30  
1-2120Mercer 36-22  

Results and Schedule

2/20W 13-5137High Point2/19W 9-3137High Point3/11W 20-989Illinois
2/23W 7-3200Elon2/21L 5-15137High Point3/12W 5-4 (10)89Illinois
2/26W 10-9171Binghamton3/1L 4-826North Carolina State3/22L 8-9 (10)288North Carolina A&T
2/27W 5-2171Binghamton3/9L 4-867North Carolina-Wilmington5/25L 5-8112Samford†
2/28W 19-4171Binghamton3/11W 4-222Coastal Carolina5/26W 9-6214Wofford†
3/4W 16-2268Army3/13L 4-722Coastal Carolina5/27L 10-15159Furman†
3/5W 10-6268Army3/30W 8-2168Campbell
3/6L 4-6268Army4/5L 4-769Duke
3/16W 8-2296Maryland-Eastern Shore4/8W 14-1252The Citadel†
3/18W 16-3231Marist4/9L 5-7252The Citadel†
3/19W 8-6231Marist4/10W 7-4252The Citadel†
3/20W 16-4231Marist4/12L 4-668Wake Forest
3/24W 17-9229Georgetown4/15L 7-9159Furman†
3/25W 8-4229Georgetown4/16W 18-11159Furman†
3/26W 5-4229Georgetown4/17W 14-0 (7)159Furman†
3/29W 6-2288North Carolina A&T4/20L 8-14200Elon
4/1W 10-4233Virginia Military†5/6L 3-12214Wofford†
4/2W 11-6233Virginia Military†5/7W 6-1214Wofford†
4/3W 6-1233Virginia Military†5/8W 6-1214Wofford†
4/13W 18-368Wake Forest5/11L 7-12274North Carolina-Asheville
4/22W 6-5208East Tennessee State†5/13L 5-8146Western Carolina†
4/23W 13-6208East Tennessee State†5/14L 8-19146Western Carolina†
4/24W 9-7208East Tennessee State†5/15W 8-5146Western Carolina†
4/26W 10-2168Campbell
4/29W 10-2112Samford†
4/30L 5-9112Samford†
4/30L 3-9112Samford†
5/19W 1-0120Mercer†
5/19L 2-8120Mercer†
5/20L 1-9120Mercer†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/11 4-2at 22Coastal Carolina3/22 8-9 (10)vs 288North Carolina A&T
4/13 18-3 68Wake Forest5/11 7-12at 274North Carolina-Asheville
3/11 20-9vs 89Illinois3/6 4-6 268Army
3/12 5-4 (10)vs 89Illinois4/9 5-7at 252The Citadel
4/29 10-2 112Samford5/6 3-12at 214Wofford
5/19 1-0 120Mercer4/20 8-14at 200Elon
2/19 9-3at 137High Point4/15 7-9at 159Furman
2/20 13-5 137High Point5/27 10-15vs 159Furman
5/15 8-5at 146Western Carolina5/13 5-8at 146Western Carolina
4/16 18-11at 159Furman5/14 8-19at 146Western Carolina
4/17 14-0 (7)at 159Furman2/21 5-15at 137High Point
3/30 8-2at 168Campbell5/19 2-8 120Mercer
4/26 10-2 168Campbell5/20 1-9 120Mercer
2/26 10-9 171Binghamton4/30 5-9 112Samford
2/27 5-2 171Binghamton4/30 3-9 112Samford
2/28 19-4 171Binghamton5/25 5-8vs 112Samford
2/23 7-3 200Elon4/5 4-7at 69Duke
4/22 6-5 208East Tennessee State4/12 4-6at 68Wake Forest
4/23 13-6 208East Tennessee State3/9 4-8at 67North Carolina-Wilmington
4/24 9-7 208East Tennessee State3/1 4-8at 26North Carolina State
5/7 6-1at 214Wofford3/13 4-7at 22Coastal Carolina
5/8 6-1at 214Wofford
5/26 9-6vs 214Wofford
3/24 17-9 229Georgetown
3/25 8-4 229Georgetown
3/26 5-4 229Georgetown
3/18 16-3 231Marist
3/19 8-6 231Marist
3/20 16-4 231Marist
4/1 10-4 233Virginia Military
4/2 11-6 233Virginia Military
4/3 6-1 233Virginia Military
4/8 14-1at 252The Citadel
4/10 7-4at 252The Citadel
3/4 16-2 268Army
3/5 10-6 268Army
3/29 6-2 288North Carolina A&T
3/16 8-2 296Maryland-Eastern Shore

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko