Season at a glance for North Carolina-Wilmington

1 Jul 2016

41-19, 16-6 CAA

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

28 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-0146Western Carolina 31-30
1-0167St John's 28-25-1
1-0201Richmond 28-23
1-0228South Dakota State 19-34 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-0209Eastern Kentucky 24-30
1-0153Virginia Commonwealth 38-18
1-126North Carolina State 37-21
2-1152Penn State 27-25
1-098North Carolina-Greensboro 38-20
0-3100North Florida 36-19  
0-222Coastal Carolina 53-18
3-0289Iona 11-36
2-0200Elon 25-27
0-170East Carolina 37-23-1  
0-2164Northeastern 29-27  
2-0168Campbell 26-25
3-2149William and Mary 29-28
2-0137High Point 32-22
3-0208East Tennessee State 27-27
3-0235Towson 20-32
1-112North Carolina 33-20
3-0253Hofstra 15-34
3-1110College of Charleston 30-23-1
2-2217James Madison 22-29
2-1194Delaware 30-20 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-069Duke 33-23
1-0186Rhode Island 31-26
0-213South Carolina 44-18

Results and Schedule

2/19W 15-2146Western Carolina3/2L 2-526North Carolina State5/26W 5-4 (10)217James Madison†
2/20W 16-1167St John's3/11L 2-3 (11)100North Florida5/27W 6-1110College of Charleston†
2/21W 12-9201Richmond3/12L 1-13100North Florida5/29L 8-9 (12)149William and Mary†
2/26W 15-5228South Dakota State3/13L 11-12100North Florida5/29L 9-14149William and Mary†
2/27W 10-7209Eastern Kentucky3/29L 6-970East Carolina6/3W 11-169Duke
2/28W 11-4153Virginia Commonwealth4/1L 4-9164Northeastern†6/4W 11-7186Rhode Island
3/5W 5-1152Penn State4/2L 0-3164Northeastern†6/5L 1-1013South Carolina
3/6W 11-2152Penn State4/6W 11-4168Campbell6/7L 5-1013South Carolina
3/7L 4-5152Penn State4/8W 2-1149William and Mary†
3/9W 8-498North Carolina-Greensboro4/9W 7-4149William and Mary†
3/16L 4-622Coastal Carolina4/10W 6-1149William and Mary†
3/18W 11-1289Iona4/13W 5-1137High Point
3/19W 11-4289Iona4/26L 9-1012North Carolina
3/20W 19-7289Iona5/13W 5-3217James Madison†
3/22W 6-426North Carolina State5/14L 6-8217James Madison†
3/25W 10-4200Elon†5/15L 7-11217James Madison†
3/26W 12-3200Elon†5/17L 1-422Coastal Carolina
4/15W 15-5208East Tennessee State5/19W 12-2194Delaware†
4/16W 17-7208East Tennessee State5/20L 7-11194Delaware†
4/17W 16-11208East Tennessee State5/20W 6-2194Delaware†
4/19W 14-7168Campbell
4/22W 7-2235Towson†
4/23W 6-2235Towson†
4/24W 11-4235Towson†
4/27W 11-6137High Point
4/29W 6-5253Hofstra†
4/30W 10-5253Hofstra†
5/1W 18-4253Hofstra†
5/6W 8-3110College of Charleston†
5/7W 9-5110College of Charleston†
5/8L 5-8 (10)110College of Charleston†
5/11W 6-212North Carolina

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/11 6-2 12North Carolina5/14 6-8at 217James Madison
3/22 6-4 26North Carolina State5/15 7-11at 217James Madison
6/3 11-1vs 69Duke5/20 7-11at 194Delaware
3/9 8-4 98North Carolina-Greensboro4/1 4-9at 164Northeastern
5/6 8-3 110College of Charleston4/2 0-3at 164Northeastern
5/7 9-5 110College of Charleston3/7 4-5 152Penn State
5/27 6-1vs 110College of Charleston5/29 8-9 (12)vs 149William and Mary
4/13 5-1at 137High Point5/29 9-14vs 149William and Mary
4/27 11-6 137High Point5/8 5-8 (10) 110College of Charleston
2/19 15-2 146Western Carolina3/11 2-3 (11)at 100North Florida
4/8 2-1at 149William and Mary3/12 1-13at 100North Florida
4/9 7-4at 149William and Mary3/13 11-12at 100North Florida
4/10 6-1at 149William and Mary3/29 6-9at 70East Carolina
3/5 5-1 152Penn State3/2 2-5at 26North Carolina State
3/6 11-2 152Penn State3/16 4-6 22Coastal Carolina
2/28 11-4 153Virginia Commonwealth5/17 1-4at 22Coastal Carolina
2/20 16-1 167St John's6/5 1-10vs 13South Carolina
4/6 11-4at 168Campbell6/7 5-10vs 13South Carolina
4/19 14-7 168Campbell4/26 9-10at 12North Carolina
6/4 11-7vs 186Rhode Island
5/19 12-2at 194Delaware
5/20 6-2at 194Delaware
3/25 10-4 200Elon
3/26 12-3 200Elon
2/21 12-9 201Richmond
4/15 15-5 208East Tennessee State
4/16 17-7 208East Tennessee State
4/17 16-11 208East Tennessee State
2/27 10-7 209Eastern Kentucky
5/13 5-3at 217James Madison
5/26 5-4 (10)vs 217James Madison
2/26 15-5 228South Dakota State
4/22 7-2 235Towson
4/23 6-2 235Towson
4/24 11-4 235Towson
4/29 6-5 253Hofstra
4/30 10-5 253Hofstra
5/1 18-4 253Hofstra
3/18 11-1 289Iona
3/19 11-4 289Iona
3/20 19-7 289Iona

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