Season at a glance for Chicago State

27 Jun 2017

12-42, 7-17 WAC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

28 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
3-1260Northern Illinois 16-36 + 
0-1223South Dakota State 21-24 (+4-0 non-D1)
1-0294IUPU-Fort Wayne 7-41 (+1-1 non-D1)
0-1177Canisius 34-22
0-1282New Jersey Tech 8-40
0-1249Georgetown 26-28
0-1169Ball State 29-28
0-1188Northeastern 28-25
0-327Illinois-Chicago 35-17 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-144Missouri 35-23
1-2224Eastern Kentucky 22-31
0-2184Valparaiso 22-29
0-1116Dartmouth 20-17-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
2-1202Seattle 19-33-1 + 
0-1128Notre Dame 25-32
0-1158Northwestern 26-30
0-2187Eastern Michigan 25-35
0-1178Butler 28-20 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-2129Cal State Bakersfield 30-23
0-2161Wisconsin-Milwaukee 20-32
1-2124Grand Canyon 27-24
1-2244Utah Valley State 16-35
1-2194UT Rio Grande Valley 22-27
0-1235Jackson State 29-17-1 (+6-0 non-D1)
1-2103Cal State Sacramento 30-29
0-1243Eastern Illinois 17-35 (+3-0 non-D1)
0-3117New Mexico State 29-23 (+3-0 non-D1)
0-3237Northern Colorado 18-27 (+3-3 non-D1)

Results and Schedule

2/22L 0-4260Northern Illinois3/9L 0-827Illinois-Chicago2/17W 11-1260Northern Illinois
2/22W 7-6 (12)260Northern Illinois3/15L 6-744Missouri2/18L 1-3223South Dakota State
3/12L 3-427Illinois-Chicago3/17W 24-10224Eastern Kentucky2/18W 7-6 (12)260Northern Illinois
3/21L 1-13184Valparaiso3/18L 9-15224Eastern Kentucky2/24W 7-5294IUPU-Fort Wayne
3/31L 6-10187Eastern Michigan3/19L 3-10224Eastern Kentucky2/25L 1-8177Canisius
4/1L 2-6178Butler3/24W 4-3202Seattle†2/26L 2-7282New Jersey Tech
4/2L 2-5187Eastern Michigan3/25L 2-7202Seattle†3/3L 0-11249Georgetown
4/7L 0-3129Cal State Bakersfield†3/25W 6-3202Seattle†3/4L 6-8169Ball State
4/8W 8-4129Cal State Bakersfield†3/28L 4-7128Notre Dame3/5L 7-10188Northeastern
4/9L 1-12129Cal State Bakersfield†3/29L 0-2158Northwestern3/21L 11-19116Dartmouth
4/11L 1-15161Wisconsin-Milwaukee4/18L 3-10184Valparaiso5/2L 7-9235Jackson State
4/13W 6-4124Grand Canyon†4/21L 1-4244Utah Valley State†
4/14L 2-12124Grand Canyon†4/22W 4-3244Utah Valley State†
4/15L 3-4124Grand Canyon†4/22L 10-11244Utah Valley State†
5/5W 6-2103Cal State Sacramento†4/25L 0-727Illinois-Chicago
5/6L 0-7103Cal State Sacramento†4/28L 9-10194UT Rio Grande Valley†
5/7L 3-10103Cal State Sacramento†4/29L 1-7194UT Rio Grande Valley†
5/9L 2-6243Eastern Illinois4/30W 12-5194UT Rio Grande Valley†
5/12L 1-12117New Mexico State†5/10L 1-17161Wisconsin-Milwaukee
5/13L 4-10117New Mexico State†5/18L 0-10237Northern Colorado†
5/14L 1-3117New Mexico State†5/19L 1-9237Northern Colorado†
5/20L 10-11237Northern Colorado†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/5 6-2 103Cal State Sacramento2/26 2-7vs 282New Jersey Tech
4/13 6-4 124Grand Canyon2/22 0-4 260Northern Illinois
4/8 8-4 129Cal State Bakersfield3/3 0-11vs 249Georgetown
4/30 12-5at 194UT Rio Grande Valley4/21 1-4at 244Utah Valley State
3/24 4-3at 202Seattle4/22 10-11at 244Utah Valley State
3/25 6-3at 202Seattle5/9 2-6 243Eastern Illinois
3/17 24-10at 224Eastern Kentucky5/18 0-10at 237Northern Colorado
4/22 4-3at 244Utah Valley State5/19 1-9at 237Northern Colorado
2/17 11-1vs 260Northern Illinois5/20 10-11at 237Northern Colorado
2/18 7-6 (12)vs 260Northern Illinois5/2 7-9vs 235Jackson State
2/22 7-6 (12) 260Northern Illinois3/18 9-15at 224Eastern Kentucky
2/24 7-5vs 294IUPU-Fort Wayne3/19 3-10at 224Eastern Kentucky
2/18 1-3vs 223South Dakota State
3/25 2-7at 202Seattle
4/28 9-10at 194UT Rio Grande Valley
4/29 1-7at 194UT Rio Grande Valley
3/5 7-10vs 188Northeastern
3/31 6-10 187Eastern Michigan
4/2 2-5 187Eastern Michigan
3/21 1-13 184Valparaiso
4/18 3-10at 184Valparaiso
4/1 2-6 178Butler
2/25 1-8vs 177Canisius
3/4 6-8vs 169Ball State
4/11 1-15 161Wisconsin-Milwaukee
5/10 1-17at 161Wisconsin-Milwaukee
3/29 0-2at 158Northwestern
4/7 0-3 129Cal State Bakersfield
4/9 1-12 129Cal State Bakersfield
3/28 4-7at 128Notre Dame
4/14 2-12 124Grand Canyon
4/15 3-4 124Grand Canyon
5/12 1-12 117New Mexico State
5/13 4-10 117New Mexico State
5/14 1-3 117New Mexico State
3/21 11-19vs 116Dartmouth
5/6 0-7 103Cal State Sacramento
5/7 3-10 103Cal State Sacramento
3/15 6-7at 44Missouri
3/9 0-8at 27Illinois-Chicago
3/12 3-4 27Illinois-Chicago
4/25 0-7at 27Illinois-Chicago

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