Season at a glance for Maryland

27 Jun 2017

38-23, 18-11 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISRm Ranks

ISRmVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

29 Opponents

Rec vISRmOppO-recRV?
0-1156Ball State 29-28  
0-16Louisville 52-12
1-0208Alabama State 31-24
0-34Louisiana State 48-20 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0121Notre Dame 26-31
1-039North Carolina State 36-24 + 
1-0267Dayton 20-34
2-0139William and Mary 32-23
1-0215St Joseph's 21-24
3-0192Bryant 29-23
0-12North Carolina 48-14
3-0240Princeton 12-25-1
1-1153North Carolina-Wilmington 29-28
2-132Michigan 41-15 + 
3-0183Rutgers 19-31
1-0264Richmond 17-35
2-255Nebraska 33-20-1
1-228West Virginia 34-25
0-1220George Mason 25-33  
3-0203Penn State 18-34
3-081Michigan State 29-20
1-247Indiana 32-23-2
1-0257Towson 20-33
1-2146Illinois 21-27  
2-0204Maryland-Baltimore County 23-23
2-3152Northwestern 24-28  
1-2150High Point 28-22  
0-178Iowa 36-22 (+2-0 non-D1)  
1-0127Purdue 29-26

Results and Schedule

3/7W 9-8139William and Mary2/24L 1-64Louisiana State2/17L 3-8156Ball State
3/8W 11-5215St Joseph's2/25L 0-144Louisiana State2/18L 7-106Louisville
3/10W 7-1192Bryant2/26L 5-94Louisiana State2/19W 9-7208Alabama State
3/12W 9-2192Bryant3/14L 2-92North Carolina3/3W 4-3121Notre Dame
3/12W 4-0192Bryant3/21L 7-10153North Carolina-Wilmington3/4W 9-239North Carolina State
3/17W 4-0240Princeton3/22W 10-6153North Carolina-Wilmington3/5W 11-2267Dayton
3/18W 6-2240Princeton4/1W 5-1183Rutgers†5/3W 6-5257Towson
3/19W 2-0240Princeton4/2W 6-1183Rutgers†5/25L 8-978Iowa†
3/24W 7-232Michigan†4/2W 9-1183Rutgers†5/25W 5-2127Purdue†
3/25W 5-432Michigan†4/7L 1-355Nebraska†5/26W 8-555Nebraska†
3/26L 2-632Michigan†4/8W 8-555Nebraska†5/27W 9-5152Northwestern†
4/4W 12-11264Richmond4/9L 4-855Nebraska†5/28L 5-6152Northwestern†
4/11W 7-628West Virginia4/12L 5-8220George Mason
4/14W 2-1203Penn State†4/19W 6-0139William and Mary
4/15W 8-3203Penn State†4/29L 2-947Indiana†
4/16W 15-2203Penn State†4/29W 9-247Indiana†
4/21W 12-281Michigan State†4/30L 3-647Indiana†
4/23W 2-181Michigan State†5/5W 9-4146Illinois†
4/23W 6-281Michigan State†5/6L 2-6146Illinois†
5/9W 6-2204Maryland-Baltimore County5/7L 6-8146Illinois†
5/12W 7-1152Northwestern†5/18L 1-2150High Point
5/13L 3-11152Northwestern†5/19L 6-7150High Point
5/14L 5-6152Northwestern†5/20W 9-2150High Point
6/2L 1-928West Virginia
6/3W 16-2204Maryland-Baltimore County
6/4L 5-828West Virginia

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/11 7-6 28West Virginia4/12 5-8at 220George Mason
3/24 7-2 32Michigan2/17 3-8vs 156Ball State
3/25 5-4 32Michigan3/21 7-10at 153North Carolina-Wilmington
3/4 9-2vs 39North Carolina State5/13 3-11 152Northwestern
4/29 9-2at 47Indiana5/14 5-6 152Northwestern
4/8 8-5at 55Nebraska5/28 5-6vs 152Northwestern
5/26 8-5vs 55Nebraska5/18 1-2at 150High Point
4/21 12-2 81Michigan State5/19 6-7at 150High Point
4/23 2-1 81Michigan State5/6 2-6at 146Illinois
4/23 6-2 81Michigan State5/7 6-8at 146Illinois
3/3 4-3vs 121Notre Dame5/25 8-9vs 78Iowa
5/25 5-2vs 127Purdue4/7 1-3at 55Nebraska
3/7 9-8 139William and Mary4/9 4-8at 55Nebraska
4/19 6-0at 139William and Mary4/29 2-9at 47Indiana
5/5 9-4at 146Illinois4/30 3-6at 47Indiana
5/20 9-2at 150High Point3/26 2-6 32Michigan
5/12 7-1 152Northwestern6/2 1-9at 28West Virginia
5/27 9-5vs 152Northwestern6/4 5-8at 28West Virginia
3/22 10-6at 153North Carolina-Wilmington2/18 7-10vs 6Louisville
4/1 5-1at 183Rutgers2/24 1-6at 4Louisiana State
4/2 6-1at 183Rutgers2/25 0-14at 4Louisiana State
4/2 9-1at 183Rutgers2/26 5-9at 4Louisiana State
3/10 7-1 192Bryant3/14 2-9at 2North Carolina
3/12 9-2 192Bryant
3/12 4-0 192Bryant
4/14 2-1 203Penn State
4/15 8-3 203Penn State
4/16 15-2 203Penn State
5/9 6-2 204Maryland-Baltimore County
6/3 16-2at 204Maryland-Baltimore County
2/19 9-7vs 208Alabama State
3/8 11-5 215St Joseph's
3/17 4-0 240Princeton
3/18 6-2 240Princeton
3/19 2-0 240Princeton
5/3 6-5vs 257Towson
4/4 12-11 264Richmond
3/5 11-2vs 267Dayton

Projected record: 38-23; 0.0-0.0 in future games.
Avg remaining opponents' ISR: 0.00; 0 better ISR, 0 worse ISR.

© Copyright 2017 Paul Kislanko