Season at a glance for Northeastern

25 Jun 2015

25-30, 15-12 CAA

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

28 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
2-1235Incarnate Word 20-31
0-327South Carolina 29-25
0-1119Kansas 22-32
0-140Kentucky 29-25
1-0276Chicago State 12-39-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0297Mount St Mary's 12-30
2-0293Central Connecticut State 17-29
0-1282Brown 10-28  
1-0213La Salle 24-26-1 + 
0-1251Wagner 26-23-1  
0-1218St Joseph's 20-28
0-486North Carolina-Wilmington 37-18
0-295Boston College 25-27
0-1255Massachusetts-Lowell 16-26  
3-1170Delaware 25-20 (+0-1 non-D1) + 
0-1155Rhode Island 25-25-1
0-1168Bryant 28-25
1-2178Elon 23-28
0-161Connecticut 34-25
3-0254James Madison 18-30
0-1233Quinnipiac 28-27  
2-1291New York Tech 13-28
1-0230Harvard 18-23
3-0249Hofstra 18-26 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-2264Towson 15-34-2  
0-1258Hartford 22-31  
3-1202William and Mary 21-27 + 
1-254College of Charleston 43-14

Results and Schedule

3/24L 1-2295Boston College2/13W 3-1235Incarnate Word2/28L 4-6119Kansas
3/25L 9-11255Massachusetts-Lowell2/14L 1-6235Incarnate Word2/28L 4-540Kentucky
3/27W 3-2 (13)170Delaware†2/15W 9-3235Incarnate Word3/1W 10-6 (6)276Chicago State
3/29W 5-3 (7)170Delaware†2/21L 1-1027South Carolina3/2W 15-1297Mount St Mary's
3/29W 5-4170Delaware†2/21L 0-627South Carolina3/8L 6-13 (8)282Brown
3/31L 8-18155Rhode Island2/22L 4-627South Carolina3/14L 3-9251Wagner
4/10W 1-0254James Madison†3/7W 5-3 (11)293Central Connecticut State4/22W 7-6230Harvard
4/11W 3-2254James Madison†3/9W 5-2293Central Connecticut State5/21W 3-2202William and Mary†
4/12W 7-5254James Madison†3/13W 7-0213La Salle5/21L 7-1686North Carolina-Wilmington†
4/17W 7-0291New York Tech3/15L 0-2218St Joseph's5/22L 3-7170Delaware†
4/18W 8-4291New York Tech3/20L 5-1086North Carolina-Wilmington†
4/19L 0-2291New York Tech3/21L 3-486North Carolina-Wilmington†
4/24W 5-1249Hofstra†3/22L 1-1586North Carolina-Wilmington†
4/25W 3-2249Hofstra†4/1L 2-18168Bryant
4/26W 8-3249Hofstra†4/3L 2-6178Elon†
5/14W 5-4 (10)54College of Charleston†4/4W 7-5178Elon†
5/15L 6-1254College of Charleston†4/5L 3-6178Elon†
5/16L 2-854College of Charleston†4/7L 1-961Connecticut
4/8L 1-495Boston College
4/15L 1-5233Quinnipiac
5/1L 7-13264Towson†
5/2L 3-4264Towson†
5/3W 16-6264Towson†
5/5L 6-9258Hartford
5/8L 1-3202William and Mary†
5/9W 2-1 (11)202William and Mary†
5/10W 8-2202William and Mary†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/14 5-4 (10) 54College of Charleston4/19 0-2 291New York Tech
3/27 3-2 (13) 170Delaware3/8 6-13 (8)vs 282Brown
3/29 5-3 (7) 170Delaware5/1 7-13at 264Towson
3/29 5-4 170Delaware5/2 3-4at 264Towson
4/4 7-5at 178Elon5/5 6-9at 258Hartford
5/9 2-1 (11)at 202William and Mary3/25 9-11 255Massachusetts-Lowell
5/10 8-2at 202William and Mary3/14 3-9vs 251Wagner
5/21 3-2vs 202William and Mary2/14 1-6at 235Incarnate Word
3/13 7-0at 213La Salle4/15 1-5at 233Quinnipiac
4/22 7-6vs 230Harvard3/15 0-2at 218St Joseph's
2/13 3-1at 235Incarnate Word5/8 1-3at 202William and Mary
2/15 9-3at 235Incarnate Word4/3 2-6at 178Elon
4/24 5-1 249Hofstra4/5 3-6at 178Elon
4/25 3-2 249Hofstra5/22 3-7vs 170Delaware
4/26 8-3 249Hofstra4/1 2-18at 168Bryant
4/10 1-0 254James Madison3/31 8-18 155Rhode Island
4/11 3-2 254James Madison2/28 4-6vs 119Kansas
4/12 7-5 254James Madison3/24 1-22 95Boston College
5/3 16-6at 264Towson4/8 1-4at 95Boston College
3/1 10-6 (6)vs 276Chicago State3/20 5-10at 86North Carolina-Wilmington
4/17 7-0 291New York Tech3/21 3-4at 86North Carolina-Wilmington
4/18 8-4 291New York Tech3/22 1-15at 86North Carolina-Wilmington
3/7 5-3 (11)at 293Central Connecticut State5/21 7-16vs 86North Carolina-Wilmington
3/9 5-2at 293Central Connecticut State4/7 1-9at 61Connecticut
3/2 15-1vs 297Mount St Mary's5/15 6-12 54College of Charleston
5/16 2-8 54College of Charleston
2/28 4-5vs 40Kentucky
2/21 1-10at 27South Carolina
2/21 0-6at 27South Carolina
2/22 4-6at 27South Carolina
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko