Season at a glance for James Madison

25 Jun 2015

18-33, 6-18 CAA

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

22 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-1203Gardner-Webb 21-30
1-0275Buffalo 16-34
0-2198Longwood 20-34
2-2233Quinnipiac 27-25
4-0187Canisius 34-26 + 
0-2205Virginia Military 19-30
1-0163Minnesota 19-29 (+2-0 non-D1) + 
0-1250Monmouth 21-24
0-196Virginia Commonwealth 39-25
1-1193George Mason 22-26-1
0-3178Elon 22-29
1-138Maryland 41-23
0-354College of Charleston 42-15
2-1170Delaware 25-21 (+0-1 non-D1) + 
0-125Virginia 43-24
0-3226Northeastern 22-30
0-3202William and Mary 19-30
2-1264Towson 16-33-2
1-082Liberty 33-22 + 
0-375Radford 42-16
2-1249Hofstra 17-27 (+1-0 non-D1) + 
0-386North Carolina-Wilmington 38-18

Results and Schedule

2/25L 5-6198Longwood2/13W 9-6203Gardner-Webb2/13W 5-4275Buffalo
2/27W 7-2233Quinnipiac2/14L 0-10203Gardner-Webb3/13W 9-7163Minnesota
2/28L 5-6 (7)233Quinnipiac3/15L 1-796Virginia Commonwealth3/15L 6-7250Monmouth
2/28L 4-8233Quinnipiac3/18L 5-8193George Mason
3/1W 9-6233Quinnipiac3/20L 4-5 (10)178Elon†
3/7W 7-5187Canisius3/21L 3-17178Elon†
3/8W 5-4 (8)187Canisius3/22L 7-8 (13)178Elon†
3/8W 10-8 (7)187Canisius3/31L 9-10198Longwood
3/9W 7-5187Canisius4/1L 0-338Maryland
3/11L 3-7205Virginia Military4/8L 1-1425Virginia
3/24W 8-638Maryland4/10L 0-1226Northeastern†
3/27L 0-1254College of Charleston†4/11L 2-3226Northeastern†
3/28L 6-1054College of Charleston†4/12L 5-7226Northeastern†
3/29L 7-854College of Charleston†4/17L 7-17202William and Mary†
4/3W 12-9170Delaware†4/18L 3-10202William and Mary†
4/4W 16-8170Delaware†4/19L 5-9202William and Mary†
4/5L 5-9170Delaware†4/28W 13-1082Liberty
4/21W 15-13193George Mason5/1L 1-2275Radford
4/24W 9-3264Towson†5/2L 3-1175Radford
4/25W 10-6264Towson†5/12L 6-10205Virginia Military
4/26L 7-8264Towson†5/14L 7-886North Carolina-Wilmington†
5/3L 9-2575Radford5/15L 4-1486North Carolina-Wilmington†
5/8W 10-7249Hofstra†5/16L 1-586North Carolina-Wilmington†
5/9L 6-8249Hofstra†
5/10W 23-7249Hofstra†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/24 8-6 38Maryland4/26 7-8 264Towson
4/28 13-10at 82Liberty3/15 6-7vs 250Monmouth
3/13 9-7vs 163Minnesota5/9 6-8 249Hofstra
4/3 12-9 170Delaware2/28 5-6 (7) 233Quinnipiac
4/4 16-8 170Delaware2/28 4-8 233Quinnipiac
3/7 7-5 187Canisius4/10 0-1at 226Northeastern
3/8 5-4 (8) 187Canisius4/11 2-3at 226Northeastern
3/8 10-8 (7) 187Canisius4/12 5-7at 226Northeastern
3/9 7-5 187Canisius3/11 3-7 205Virginia Military
4/21 15-13 193George Mason5/12 6-10at 205Virginia Military
2/13 9-6at 203Gardner-Webb2/14 0-10at 203Gardner-Webb
2/27 7-2 233Quinnipiac4/17 7-17at 202William and Mary
3/1 9-6 233Quinnipiac4/18 3-10at 202William and Mary
5/8 10-7 249Hofstra4/19 5-9at 202William and Mary
5/10 23-7 249Hofstra2/25 5-6 198Longwood
4/24 9-3 264Towson3/31 9-10at 198Longwood
4/25 10-6 264Towson3/18 5-8at 193George Mason
2/13 5-4vs 275Buffalo3/20 4-5 (10)at 178Elon
3/21 3-17at 178Elon
3/22 7-8 (13)at 178Elon
4/5 5-9 170Delaware
3/15 1-7at 96Virginia Commonwealth
5/14 7-8at 86North Carolina-Wilmington
5/15 4-14at 86North Carolina-Wilmington
5/16 1-5at 86North Carolina-Wilmington
5/1 1-22at 75Radford
5/2 3-11at 75Radford
5/3 9-25 75Radford
3/27 0-12 54College of Charleston
3/28 6-10 54College of Charleston
3/29 7-8 54College of Charleston
4/1 0-3at 38Maryland
4/8 1-14at 25Virginia
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko