Season at a glance for South Carolina

25 Jun 2015

32-25, 13-18 SEC

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

25 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
2-154College of Charleston 44-13
1-1164Furman 24-32
3-0226Northeastern 25-27
1-243Clemson 30-28  
1-0211Charleston Southern 23-29
1-0109High Point 29-25
3-0252Miami Ohio 13-36
2-0165Penn State 18-28
3-040Kentucky 30-22
0-199Winthrop 39-19  
1-333Missouri 26-27 (+1-0 non-D1)  
0-139Coastal Carolina 38-21  
1-250Georgia 24-27  
2-0159The Citadel 28-28
1-281Mississippi State 22-29  
1-0182Appalachian State 17-35
0-36Florida 49-18
0-1189Presbyterian 26-28  
2-11Vanderbilt 50-19 + 
1-272Tennessee 22-25  
1-215Auburn 34-25
1-0145Wofford 39-21
2-13Texas A&M 49-12 + 
1-0229South Carolina-Upstate 15-37
1-25Louisiana State 52-11

Results and Schedule

2/13L 3-654College of Charleston2/27L 4-1143Clemson2/28W 4-143Clemson
2/14W 7-154College of Charleston3/20L 2-333Missouri†5/19L 1-533Missouri†
2/14W 8-354College of Charleston3/21L 3-4 (10)33Missouri†
2/17W 5-2164Furman3/22W 7-533Missouri†
2/21W 10-1226Northeastern3/24L 8-9 (11)39Coastal Carolina
2/21W 6-0226Northeastern3/31W 2-0159The Citadel
2/22W 6-4226Northeastern4/2L 2-1381Mississippi State†
3/2L 0-743Clemson4/3L 5-781Mississippi State†
3/3W 10-4211Charleston Southern4/4W 13-781Mississippi State†
3/4W 11-3109High Point4/10L 3-146Florida†
3/6W 2-0252Miami Ohio4/11L 5-126Florida†
3/7W 7-0252Miami Ohio4/12L 2-126Florida†
3/8W 5-3252Miami Ohio4/21L 1-2164Furman
3/10W 3-0165Penn State4/24W 4-072Tennessee†
3/11W 13-3165Penn State4/25L 3-472Tennessee†
3/13W 10-140Kentucky†4/26L 4-1072Tennessee†
3/14W 4-340Kentucky†5/8W 9-73Texas A&M†
3/15W 6-4 (10)40Kentucky†5/9L 14-153Texas A&M†
3/17L 5-7 (11)99Winthrop5/10W 8-73Texas A&M†
3/28L 5-6 (11)50Georgia†
3/28L 3-450Georgia†
3/29W 8-550Georgia†
4/7W 11-1 (7)182Appalachian State
4/8W 4-2159The Citadel
4/14L 4-7 (10)189Presbyterian
4/16L 0-121Vanderbilt†
4/17W 5-21Vanderbilt†
4/18W 3-21Vanderbilt†
5/1W 10-115Auburn†
5/2L 2-615Auburn†
5/3L 0-315Auburn†
5/6W 5-3145Wofford
5/12W 17-0229South Carolina-Upstate
5/14W 10-75Louisiana State†
5/15L 2-95Louisiana State†
5/16L 1-85Louisiana State†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/17 5-2 1Vanderbilt4/14 4-7 (10) 189Presbyterian
4/18 3-2 1Vanderbilt4/21 1-2at 164Furman
5/8 9-7at 3Texas A&M3/17 5-7 (11) 99Winthrop
5/10 8-7at 3Texas A&M4/2 2-13at 81Mississippi State
5/14 10-7 5Louisiana State4/3 5-7at 81Mississippi State
5/1 10-1 15Auburn4/25 3-4at 72Tennessee
3/22 7-5at 33Missouri4/26 4-10at 72Tennessee
3/13 10-1 40Kentucky2/13 3-6 54College of Charleston
3/14 4-3 40Kentucky3/28 5-6 (11) 50Georgia
3/15 6-4 (10) 40Kentucky3/28 3-4 50Georgia
2/28 4-1vs 43Clemson2/27 4-11at 43Clemson
3/29 8-5 50Georgia3/2 0-7 43Clemson
2/14 7-1 54College of Charleston3/24 8-9 (11)at 39Coastal Carolina
2/14 8-3 54College of Charleston3/20 2-3at 33Missouri
4/24 4-0at 72Tennessee3/21 3-4 (10)at 33Missouri
4/4 13-7at 81Mississippi State5/19 1-5vs 33Missouri
3/4 11-3 109High Point5/2 2-6 15Auburn
5/6 5-3 145Wofford5/3 0-3 15Auburn
3/31 2-0at 159The Citadel4/10 3-14at 6Florida
4/8 4-2 159The Citadel4/11 5-12at 6Florida
2/17 5-2 164Furman4/12 2-12at 6Florida
3/10 3-0 165Penn State5/15 2-9 5Louisiana State
3/11 13-3 165Penn State5/16 1-8 5Louisiana State
4/7 11-1 (7) 182Appalachian State5/9 14-15at 3Texas A&M
3/3 10-4 211Charleston Southern4/16 0-12 1Vanderbilt
2/21 10-1 226Northeastern
2/21 6-0 226Northeastern
2/22 6-4 226Northeastern
5/12 17-0 229South Carolina-Upstate
3/6 2-0 252Miami Ohio
3/7 7-0 252Miami Ohio
3/8 5-3 252Miami Ohio
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko