Season at a glance for St Louis

25 Jun 2015

35-21, 16-10 A10

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

27 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
0-1152Pittsburgh 19-32  
0-128Iowa 37-18 (+3-0 non-D1)
0-131Ohio State 34-20
1-070Kansas State 27-29 + 
1-0112Troy 30-24 + 
1-021Southern Mississippi 36-17-1 + 
0-147North Florida 44-16
1-276Memphis 35-20
4-0299St Peter's 10-34-1
0-291Southeast Missouri State 33-23 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-1243Eastern Illinois 10-35 (+2-0 non-D1)
3-0277Northern Colorado 14-28 (+2-1 non-D1)
1-0257Tennessee-Martin 14-34 (+3-0 non-D1)
2-1155Rhode Island 25-23-1
2-2172Davidson 26-20
1-060Bradley 32-20 (+4-0 non-D1) + 
3-0191East Tennessee State 21-32
0-110Illinois 48-10-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
2-1213La Salle 23-25-1
1-0302Rockhurst 0-0
3-0278Massachusetts 16-24
1-0212Southern Illinois-Edwardsville 20-29
0-3216Fordham 19-32  
3-196Virginia Commonwealth 39-22 + 
0-17Missouri State 48-12
2-1201George Washington 31-20
2-1218St Joseph's 20-26

Results and Schedule

3/6W 13-4299St Peter's2/28L 3-4 (10)76Memphis2/13L 1-18152Pittsburgh
3/6W 12-1 (7)299St Peter's2/28W 3-276Memphis2/14L 2-428Iowa
3/7W 5-1299St Peter's3/1L 2-5 (7)76Memphis2/14L 5-631Ohio State
3/7W 1-0 (7)299St Peter's3/24L 1-1391Southeast Missouri State2/15W 7-470Kansas State
3/10L 7-991Southeast Missouri State3/27W 10-7172Davidson†2/20W 2-1112Troy
3/11W 13-12 (10)243Eastern Illinois3/28L 9-10 (11)172Davidson†2/21W 2-121Southern Mississippi
3/14W 9-2277Northern Colorado3/29W 6-1172Davidson†2/22L 6-847North Florida
3/14W 16-1 (7)277Northern Colorado3/31W 4-160Bradley5/21L 3-1496Virginia Commonwealth†
3/15W 5-4277Northern Colorado4/8L 2-710Illinois5/22L 2-10172Davidson†
3/18W 6-5257Tennessee-Martin4/22W 17-4212Southern Illinois-Edwardsville
3/20W 8-3155Rhode Island†4/24L 3-4216Fordham†
3/21W 12-4155Rhode Island†4/25L 2-7216Fordham†
3/22L 6-9155Rhode Island†4/26L 0-3216Fordham†
4/2W 10-8191East Tennessee State4/28L 4-13243Eastern Illinois
4/3W 11-4191East Tennessee State5/8L 4-6201George Washington†
4/4W 14-3191East Tennessee State5/9W 5-2201George Washington†
4/10L 10-12 (10)213La Salle†5/10W 6-3 (10)201George Washington†
4/11W 9-4213La Salle†5/14L 3-6218St Joseph's†
4/12W 11-1213La Salle†5/15W 13-10218St Joseph's†
4/15W 3-0302Rockhurst5/16W 14-8218St Joseph's†
4/17W 6-0278Massachusetts†
4/18W 1-0278Massachusetts†
4/18W 13-7278Massachusetts†
5/1W 7-196Virginia Commonwealth†
5/2W 3-296Virginia Commonwealth†
5/3W 12-996Virginia Commonwealth†
5/5L 2-87Missouri State

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/21 2-1vs 21Southern Mississippi4/28 4-13at 243Eastern Illinois
3/31 4-1at 60Bradley5/14 3-6at 218St Joseph's
2/15 7-4vs 70Kansas State4/24 3-4at 216Fordham
2/28 3-2at 76Memphis4/25 2-7at 216Fordham
5/1 7-1 96Virginia Commonwealth4/26 0-3at 216Fordham
5/2 3-2 96Virginia Commonwealth4/10 10-12 (10) 213La Salle
5/3 12-9 96Virginia Commonwealth5/8 4-6at 201George Washington
2/20 2-1vs 112Troy3/28 9-10 (11)at 172Davidson
3/20 8-3 155Rhode Island5/22 2-10vs 172Davidson
3/21 12-4 155Rhode Island3/22 6-9 155Rhode Island
3/27 10-7at 172Davidson2/13 1-18vs 152Pittsburgh
3/29 6-1at 172Davidson5/21 3-14vs 96Virginia Commonwealth
4/2 10-8 191East Tennessee State3/10 7-9 91Southeast Missouri State
4/3 11-4 191East Tennessee State3/24 1-13at 91Southeast Missouri State
4/4 14-3 191East Tennessee State2/28 3-4 (10)at 76Memphis
5/9 5-2at 201George Washington3/1 2-5 (7)at 76Memphis
5/10 6-3 (10)at 201George Washington2/22 6-8vs 47North Florida
4/22 17-4at 212Southern Illinois-Edwardsville2/14 5-6vs 31Ohio State
4/11 9-4 213La Salle2/14 2-4vs 28Iowa
4/12 11-1 213La Salle4/8 2-7at 10Illinois
5/15 13-10at 218St Joseph's5/5 2-8 7Missouri State
5/16 14-8at 218St Joseph's
3/11 13-12 (10) 243Eastern Illinois
3/18 6-5 257Tennessee-Martin
3/14 9-2 277Northern Colorado
3/14 16-1 (7) 277Northern Colorado
3/15 5-4 277Northern Colorado
4/17 6-0 278Massachusetts
4/18 1-0 278Massachusetts
4/18 13-7 278Massachusetts
3/6 13-4 299St Peter's
3/6 12-1 (7) 299St Peter's
3/7 5-1 299St Peter's
3/7 1-0 (7) 299St Peter's
4/15 3-0 302Rockhurst
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko