Season at a glance for Iowa

25 Jun 2015

41-18, 20-7 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

27 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
0-170Kansas State 26-30  
1-0118St Louis 34-20 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-0193George Mason 23-26-1
1-0210Arkansas-Little Rock 16-32
1-27Missouri State 47-11
3-0184Cincinnati 15-38
2-1137Middle Tennessee State 31-25
1-0302AIB 0-0
2-2113Houston Baptist 26-25
2-1119Kansas 22-30
0-260Bradley 30-21 (+4-0 non-D1)  
3-144Indiana 34-21
1-0302Grand View 0-0
1-1259Western Illinois 14-32 (+2-0 non-D1)
3-0175Purdue 20-31
0-1122Wisconsin-Milwaukee 34-20 (+4-0 non-D1)  
2-138Maryland 41-22
1-0302Cornell (IA) 0-0
2-1174Northwestern 17-34
1-0244Northern Illinois 22-32
3-042Nebraska 34-20
1-0151Cal State Sacramento 32-26 (+1-0 non-D1)
2-268Michigan 37-23
3-0163Minnesota 19-27 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-2197Rutgers 17-34-1  
1-031Ohio State 35-19
2-062Oregon 38-23

Results and Schedule

3/11W 7-1302AIB3/7W 2-1137Middle Tennessee State2/13L 4-570Kansas State
3/25L 2-560Bradley3/7W 6-1137Middle Tennessee State2/14W 4-2118St Louis
3/27W 2-044Indiana†3/8L 8-9137Middle Tennessee State2/15W 4-1193George Mason
3/28W 5-144Indiana†3/14L 1-7113Houston Baptist2/20W 3-1210Arkansas-Little Rock
3/29W 10-644Indiana†3/15L 1-5113Houston Baptist2/21W 6-57Missouri State
3/31W 9-2302Grand View3/16W 7-2113Houston Baptist2/27W 6-2184Cincinnati
4/8L 3-4122Wisconsin-Milwaukee3/17W 7-2113Houston Baptist2/28W 5-1184Cincinnati
4/15W 9-1302Cornell (IA)3/20L 3-4119Kansas3/1W 5-0 (13)184Cincinnati
4/17W 4-3174Northwestern†3/21W 6-4119Kansas5/20W 3-231Ohio State†
4/18W 13-4174Northwestern†3/22W 6-2119Kansas5/21L 5-868Michigan†
4/18L 1-4174Northwestern†4/1L 5-16 (8)259Western Illinois5/22L 2-1044Indiana†
4/22W 4-3 (11)244Northern Illinois4/3W 9-1175Purdue†5/29W 3-162Oregon
4/25W 4-342Nebraska†4/4W 10-5175Purdue†5/30L 3-57Missouri State
4/26W 3-2 (10)42Nebraska†4/5W 4-1175Purdue†5/31L 2-37Missouri State
4/26W 5-142Nebraska†4/10L 1-1038Maryland†5/31W 2-1 (11)62Oregon
4/28W 4-3 (18)151Cal State Sacramento4/11W 3-138Maryland†
5/5W 7-5259Western Illinois4/12W 2-138Maryland†
5/8W 7-3163Minnesota†4/14L 4-560Bradley
5/9W 10-2163Minnesota†5/1W 13-768Michigan†
5/10W 7-1163Minnesota†5/2L 5-1168Michigan†
5/3W 2-068Michigan†
5/14L 3-5197Rutgers†
5/15W 10-3197Rutgers†
5/16L 2-3197Rutgers†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

2/21 6-5vs 7Missouri State4/1 5-16 (8)at 259Western Illinois
5/20 3-2vs 31Ohio State5/14 3-5at 197Rutgers
4/11 3-1at 38Maryland5/16 2-3at 197Rutgers
4/12 2-1at 38Maryland4/18 1-4 174Northwestern
4/25 4-3 42Nebraska3/8 8-9at 137Middle Tennessee State
4/26 3-2 (10) 42Nebraska4/8 3-4 122Wisconsin-Milwaukee
4/26 5-1 42Nebraska3/20 3-4at 119Kansas
3/27 2-0 44Indiana3/14 1-7at 113Houston Baptist
3/28 5-1 44Indiana3/15 1-5at 113Houston Baptist
3/29 10-6 44Indiana2/13 4-5vs 70Kansas State
5/29 3-1vs 62Oregon5/2 5-11at 68Michigan
5/31 2-1 (11)vs 62Oregon5/21 5-8vs 68Michigan
5/1 13-7at 68Michigan3/25 2-5 60Bradley
5/3 2-0at 68Michigan4/14 4-5at 60Bradley
3/16 7-2at 113Houston Baptist5/22 2-10vs 44Indiana
3/17 7-2at 113Houston Baptist4/10 1-10at 38Maryland
2/14 4-2vs 118St Louis5/30 3-5vs 7Missouri State
3/21 6-4at 119Kansas5/31 2-3vs 7Missouri State
3/22 6-2at 119Kansas
3/7 2-1at 137Middle Tennessee State
3/7 6-1at 137Middle Tennessee State
4/28 4-3 (18) 151Cal State Sacramento
5/8 7-3 163Minnesota
5/9 10-2 163Minnesota
5/10 7-1 163Minnesota
4/17 4-3 174Northwestern
4/18 13-4 174Northwestern
4/3 9-1at 175Purdue
4/4 10-5at 175Purdue
4/5 4-1at 175Purdue
2/27 6-2vs 184Cincinnati
2/28 5-1vs 184Cincinnati
3/1 5-0 (13)vs 184Cincinnati
2/15 4-1vs 193George Mason
5/15 10-3at 197Rutgers
2/20 3-1vs 210Arkansas-Little Rock
4/22 4-3 (11) 244Northern Illinois
5/5 7-5 259Western Illinois
3/11 7-1 302AIB
3/31 9-2 302Grand View
4/15 9-1 302Cornell (IA)
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