Season at a glance for Illinois

25 Jun 2015

50-10-1, 23-3 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

31 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
2-0272New Mexico State 11-36-1
2-0215Lamar 21-29
1-0-1126Florida Gulf Coast 30-25
1-0216Fordham 22-31
1-1160Ball State 32-24
1-1149Kent State 30-21
1-0108West Virginia 27-26
1-039Coastal Carolina 39-20
2-19Oklahoma State 37-18 + 
1-0276Chicago State 12-39-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
3-1222Southern Illinois 11-43
1-0302Lindenwood-Belleville 0-0
2-171South Florida 33-24-1
3-179Michigan State 33-20
1-033Missouri 29-27 (+1-0 non-D1)
3-0174Northwestern 18-33
2-0243Eastern Illinois 11-34 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-0118St Louis 34-20 (+1-0 non-D1)
3-0175Purdue 20-31
1-0106Illinois State 25-26 (+2-0 non-D1)
2-044Indiana 35-22
3-0165Penn State 18-27
3-031Ohio State 35-17
3-0197Rutgers 19-32-1
3-042Nebraska 34-20
0-138Maryland 41-24  
0-168Michigan 38-25  
1-0136Ohio 36-20
1-034Notre Dame 37-22
1-037Wright State 43-16
0-21Vanderbilt 49-21

Results and Schedule

3/10W 7-3276Chicago State2/14W 8-1215Lamar2/13W 5-1 (10)272New Mexico State
3/13L 0-2222Southern Illinois2/15W 9-3215Lamar2/14W 4-2272New Mexico State
3/14W 6-2222Southern Illinois2/20W 13-2126Florida Gulf Coast2/21W 7-6216Fordham
3/15W 4-1222Southern Illinois2/22T 4-4126Florida Gulf Coast2/27W 1-0160Ball State
3/18W 7-1302Lindenwood-Belleville3/2W 7-139Coastal Carolina2/28L 1-2160Ball State
3/20W 13-171South Florida3/6W 6-29Oklahoma State3/1L 3-4149Kent State
3/21W 5-271South Florida3/7L 1-89Oklahoma State3/1W 2-1108West Virginia
3/22L 5-8 (10)71South Florida3/8W 4-2 (10)9Oklahoma State3/31W 4-333Missouri
3/25W 9-4149Kent State3/28W 8-479Michigan State†5/20W 3-242Nebraska†
4/3W 3-1 (13)174Northwestern†3/29L 2-579Michigan State†5/21L 1-238Maryland†
4/4W 11-4174Northwestern†3/30W 13-979Michigan State†5/22W 2-079Michigan State†
4/5W 17-2174Northwestern†4/7W 14-10243Eastern Illinois5/23L 3-568Michigan†
4/8W 7-2118St Louis4/14W 7-3106Illinois State5/29W 10-3136Ohio
4/11W 10-5175Purdue†4/24W 10-1165Penn State†5/31W 3-034Notre Dame
4/12W 5-1175Purdue†4/25W 4-2 (15)165Penn State†6/1W 8-437Wright State
4/13W 2-1175Purdue†4/26W 6-3165Penn State†6/6L 0-131Vanderbilt
4/17W 5-144Indiana†4/28W 7-5222Southern Illinois6/8L 2-41Vanderbilt
4/18W 6-344Indiana†5/1W 8-131Ohio State†
4/21W 10-1243Eastern Illinois5/2W 6-531Ohio State†
5/9W 5-4197Rutgers†5/3W 6-231Ohio State†
5/9W 6-2197Rutgers†
5/10W 28-13197Rutgers†
5/14W 6-342Nebraska†
5/15W 10-942Nebraska†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/6 6-2at 9Oklahoma State3/13 0-2 222Southern Illinois2/22 4-4at 126Florida Gulf Coast
3/8 4-2 (10)at 9Oklahoma State2/28 1-2vs 160Ball State
5/1 8-1at 31Ohio State3/1 3-4vs 149Kent State
5/2 6-5at 31Ohio State3/29 2-5at 79Michigan State
5/3 6-2at 31Ohio State3/22 5-8 (10) 71South Florida
3/31 4-3vs 33Missouri5/23 3-5vs 68Michigan
5/31 3-0vs 34Notre Dame5/21 1-2vs 38Maryland
6/1 8-4vs 37Wright State3/7 1-8at 9Oklahoma State
3/2 7-1at 39Coastal Carolina6/6 0-13vs 1Vanderbilt
5/14 6-3 42Nebraska6/8 2-4vs 1Vanderbilt
5/15 10-9 42Nebraska
5/20 3-2vs 42Nebraska
4/17 5-1 44Indiana
4/18 6-3 44Indiana
3/20 13-1 71South Florida
3/21 5-2 71South Florida
3/28 8-4at 79Michigan State
3/30 13-9at 79Michigan State
5/22 2-0vs 79Michigan State
4/14 7-3at 106Illinois State
3/1 2-1vs 108West Virginia
4/8 7-2 118St Louis
2/20 13-2at 126Florida Gulf Coast
5/29 10-3vs 136Ohio
3/25 9-4 149Kent State
2/27 1-0vs 160Ball State
4/24 10-1at 165Penn State
4/25 4-2 (15)at 165Penn State
4/26 6-3at 165Penn State
4/3 3-1 (13) 174Northwestern
4/4 11-4 174Northwestern
4/5 17-2 174Northwestern
4/11 10-5 175Purdue
4/12 5-1 175Purdue
4/13 2-1 175Purdue
5/9 5-4 197Rutgers
5/9 6-2 197Rutgers
5/10 28-13 197Rutgers
2/14 8-1at 215Lamar
2/15 9-3at 215Lamar
2/21 7-6vs 216Fordham
3/14 6-2 222Southern Illinois
3/15 4-1 222Southern Illinois
4/28 7-5at 222Southern Illinois
4/7 14-10at 243Eastern Illinois
4/21 10-1 243Eastern Illinois
2/13 5-1 (10)vs 272New Mexico State
2/14 4-2vs 272New Mexico State
3/10 7-3 276Chicago State
3/18 7-1 302Lindenwood-Belleville
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