Season at a glance for Minnesota

1 Jul 2016

36-22, 16-7 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

24 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
2-084Utah 26-27
2-2147Utah Valley State 35-21
0-119Oregon State 34-19
2-1168Campbell 25-25
2-1189Georgia State 22-28 (+1-1 non-D1)
1-392Seattle 34-20  
1-0301Augsburg 0-0
2-157Missouri State 37-19
1-0301St. Marys (MN) 0-0
2-294Iowa 25-24 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-0187Northern Illinois 24-31
2-132Michigan 35-19 + 
1-1228South Dakota State 18-34 (+3-0 non-D1)
2-182Maryland 29-25
1-1204North Dakota State 23-24 (+5-0 non-D1)
3-0206Northwestern 15-35 (+0-1 non-D1)
2-189Illinois 27-21
2-0140Kansas 17-33-1 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-2121Indiana 30-23  
3-0219Purdue 10-41
1-247Ohio State 42-19-1
1-168Wake Forest 34-26
1-0171Binghamton 30-24
0-11Texas A&M 48-16

Results and Schedule

3/22W 10-3301Augsburg2/26L 7-11168Campbell2/19W 6-184Utah
3/30W 9-1301St. Marys (MN)2/27W 3-1168Campbell2/20W 8-2147Utah Valley State
4/1W 4-194Iowa†2/28W 7-5168Campbell2/21L 7-819Oregon State
4/3W 6-394Iowa†3/4W 3-0189Georgia State2/21W 9-384Utah
4/3L 3-694Iowa†3/5L 3-4 (11)189Georgia State5/25L 2-894Iowa†
4/6W 12-10187Northern Illinois3/6W 11-6189Georgia State5/26L 2-332Michigan†
4/12W 7-3228South Dakota State3/11L 3-1392Seattle6/3L 3-568Wake Forest
4/15W 9-582Maryland†3/12L 4-592Seattle6/4W 8-5171Binghamton
4/16L 2-482Maryland†3/14L 1-492Seattle6/5L 2-81Texas A&M
4/17W 6-482Maryland†3/16W 12-292Seattle6/5W 8-368Wake Forest
4/19W 10-0204North Dakota State3/18W 13-5147Utah Valley State
5/3W 19-7140Kansas3/19L 2-3147Utah Valley State
5/4W 12-7140Kansas3/20L 6-15147Utah Valley State
5/6L 8-12121Indiana†3/25L 4-557Missouri State
5/7W 8-6121Indiana†3/26W 7-557Missouri State
5/8L 2-3121Indiana†3/26W 12-557Missouri State
5/19L 2-347Ohio State†4/8W 5-332Michigan†
5/20W 4-347Ohio State†4/8W 8-132Michigan†
5/21L 5-6 (10)47Ohio State†4/22W 6-5206Northwestern†
4/23W 10-1206Northwestern†
4/24W 8-0206Northwestern†
4/26L 4-7204North Dakota State
4/29L 0-289Illinois†
4/29W 3-189Illinois†
5/1W 14-689Illinois†
5/13W 4-3 (10)219Purdue†
5/14W 14-4219Purdue†
5/15W 3-0219Purdue†
5/17L 6-7 (10)228South Dakota State

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/8 5-3at 32Michigan5/17 6-7 (10)at 228South Dakota State
4/8 8-1at 32Michigan4/26 4-7at 204North Dakota State
5/20 4-3 47Ohio State3/5 3-4 (11)at 189Georgia State
3/26 7-5at 57Missouri State2/26 7-11at 168Campbell
3/26 12-5at 57Missouri State3/19 2-3at 147Utah Valley State
6/5 8-3vs 68Wake Forest3/20 6-15at 147Utah Valley State
4/15 9-5 82Maryland5/6 8-12 121Indiana
4/17 6-4 82Maryland5/8 2-3 121Indiana
2/19 6-1vs 84Utah4/3 3-6 94Iowa
2/21 9-3vs 84Utah5/25 2-8vs 94Iowa
4/29 3-1at 89Illinois3/11 3-13at 92Seattle
5/1 14-6at 89Illinois3/12 4-5at 92Seattle
3/16 12-2at 92Seattle3/14 1-4at 92Seattle
4/1 4-1 94Iowa4/29 0-2at 89Illinois
4/3 6-3 94Iowa4/16 2-4 82Maryland
5/7 8-6 121Indiana6/3 3-5vs 68Wake Forest
5/3 19-7 140Kansas3/25 4-5at 57Missouri State
5/4 12-7 140Kansas5/19 2-3 47Ohio State
2/20 8-2vs 147Utah Valley State5/21 5-6 (10) 47Ohio State
3/18 13-5at 147Utah Valley State5/26 2-3vs 32Michigan
2/27 3-1at 168Campbell2/21 7-8vs 19Oregon State
2/28 7-5at 168Campbell6/5 2-8vs 1Texas A&M
6/4 8-5vs 171Binghamton
4/6 12-10 187Northern Illinois
3/4 3-0at 189Georgia State
3/6 11-6at 189Georgia State
4/19 10-0 204North Dakota State
4/22 6-5at 206Northwestern
4/23 10-1at 206Northwestern
4/24 8-0at 206Northwestern
5/13 4-3 (10)at 219Purdue
5/14 14-4at 219Purdue
5/15 3-0at 219Purdue
4/12 7-3 228South Dakota State
3/22 10-3 301Augsburg
3/30 9-1 301St. Marys (MN)

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko