Season at a glance for North Dakota State

1 Jul 2016

29-25, 12-18 Summ

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

20 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
3-0258Arkansas-Pine Bluff 22-22
3-185Lamar 34-16 + 
1-0261Maine 17-34 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-066Boston College 35-21 + 
0-2205St Bonaventure 24-22-1  
0-1210Central Michigan 22-37 (+1-0 non-D1)  
1-0227Western Michigan 22-33
0-176Michigan State 35-20
0-1268Army 15-32  
3-3278Western Illinois 10-32 (+1-1 non-D1)
2-4180Nebraska-Omaha 24-26
2-495Oral Roberts 34-19
1-0301Minot State 0-0
3-3220IUPU-Fort Wayne 26-23 (+4-0 non-D1)
1-0301Mary 0-0
2-0287North Dakota 7-35 (+1-0 non-D1)
2-4228South Dakota State 15-33 (+3-0 non-D1)  
1-154Minnesota 33-21 (+2-0 non-D1)
1-0301Valley City State 0-0
2-0301Concordia (MN) 0-0

Results and Schedule

4/6W 13-7301Minot State2/19W 2-0258Arkansas-Pine Bluff3/4W 4-3261Maine
4/9W 12-6220IUPU-Fort Wayne†2/19W 8-7 (10)258Arkansas-Pine Bluff3/5W 4-266Boston College
4/9W 7-1220IUPU-Fort Wayne†2/20W 7-4258Arkansas-Pine Bluff3/5L 1-6205St Bonaventure
4/10W 15-5 (7)220IUPU-Fort Wayne†2/26L 6-785Lamar3/6L 0-2205St Bonaventure
4/12W 1-0301Mary2/27W 7-685Lamar3/11L 4-11210Central Michigan
4/13W 15-4 (7)287North Dakota2/27W 3-085Lamar3/12W 4-2227Western Michigan
4/20W 6-5301Valley City State2/28W 7-585Lamar3/13L 5-976Michigan State
4/22W 12-3278Western Illinois†3/18W 3-1278Western Illinois†3/15L 3-6268Army
4/23W 3-0278Western Illinois†3/19L 6-7278Western Illinois†
4/23L 8-12278Western Illinois†3/20L 4-9278Western Illinois†
4/26W 7-454Minnesota3/25L 8-9180Nebraska-Omaha†
4/29W 4-395Oral Roberts†3/27W 2-1180Nebraska-Omaha†
4/30W 4-395Oral Roberts†3/27L 2-12 (8)180Nebraska-Omaha†
5/1L 3-495Oral Roberts†4/1L 3-1095Oral Roberts†
5/3W 10-1301Concordia (MN)4/3L 6-895Oral Roberts†
5/6L 0-6180Nebraska-Omaha†4/3L 3-695Oral Roberts†
5/7L 2-7180Nebraska-Omaha†4/15L 3-11228South Dakota State†
5/8W 4-3180Nebraska-Omaha†4/16L 7-14228South Dakota State†
5/10W 4-3 (10)301Concordia (MN)4/17L 2-5228South Dakota State†
5/19W 4-2228South Dakota State†4/19L 0-1054Minnesota
5/20W 4-1228South Dakota State†5/4W 4-2287North Dakota
5/21L 4-7228South Dakota State†5/14L 1-3220IUPU-Fort Wayne†
5/14L 2-3220IUPU-Fort Wayne†
5/15L 1-2220IUPU-Fort Wayne†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

4/26 7-4 54Minnesota3/19 6-7at 278Western Illinois
3/5 4-2vs 66Boston College3/20 4-9at 278Western Illinois
2/27 7-6at 85Lamar4/23 8-12 278Western Illinois
2/27 3-0at 85Lamar3/15 3-6vs 268Army
2/28 7-5at 85Lamar4/15 3-11at 228South Dakota State
4/29 4-3 95Oral Roberts4/16 7-14at 228South Dakota State
4/30 4-3 95Oral Roberts4/17 2-5at 228South Dakota State
3/27 2-1at 180Nebraska-Omaha5/21 4-7 228South Dakota State
5/8 4-3 180Nebraska-Omaha5/14 1-3at 220IUPU-Fort Wayne
4/9 12-6 220IUPU-Fort Wayne5/14 2-3at 220IUPU-Fort Wayne
4/9 7-1 220IUPU-Fort Wayne5/15 1-2at 220IUPU-Fort Wayne
4/10 15-5 (7) 220IUPU-Fort Wayne3/11 4-11vs 210Central Michigan
3/12 4-2vs 227Western Michigan3/5 1-6vs 205St Bonaventure
5/19 4-2 228South Dakota State3/6 0-2vs 205St Bonaventure
5/20 4-1 228South Dakota State3/25 8-9at 180Nebraska-Omaha
2/19 2-0at 258Arkansas-Pine Bluff3/27 2-12 (8)at 180Nebraska-Omaha
2/19 8-7 (10)at 258Arkansas-Pine Bluff5/6 0-6 180Nebraska-Omaha
2/20 7-4at 258Arkansas-Pine Bluff5/7 2-7 180Nebraska-Omaha
3/4 4-3vs 261Maine4/1 3-10at 95Oral Roberts
3/18 3-1at 278Western Illinois4/3 6-8at 95Oral Roberts
4/22 12-3 278Western Illinois4/3 3-6at 95Oral Roberts
4/23 3-0 278Western Illinois5/1 3-4 95Oral Roberts
4/13 15-4 (7) 287North Dakota2/26 6-7at 85Lamar
5/4 4-2at 287North Dakota3/13 5-9vs 76Michigan State
4/6 13-7 301Minot State4/19 0-10at 54Minnesota
4/12 1-0 301Mary
4/20 6-5 301Valley City State
5/3 10-1 301Concordia (MN)
5/10 4-3 (10) 301Concordia (MN)

© Copyright 2016 Paul Kislanko