Season at a glance for Penn State

1 Jul 2016

28-27, 12-12 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

27 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
0-1197Monmouth 29-27  
2-0268Army 16-30
0-158Bryant 46-12
0-313South Carolina 43-18
1-267North Carolina-Wilmington 39-18
1-069Duke 33-23 + 
1-0284New York Tech 17-25
0-1192Princeton 23-21  
0-1201Richmond 27-24  
2-1273Niagara 15-35-1
1-041West Virginia 36-21 + 
1-0186Rhode Island 31-26
1-289Illinois 26-22
1-0254Youngstown State 14-37
1-0171Binghamton 30-24
3-0219Purdue 10-41
2-0105Pittsburgh 25-24 + 
1-0275Lafayette 14-28
1-276Michigan State 34-19
2-0262Bucknell 18-32
3-0206Northwestern 15-35 (+0-1 non-D1)
0-263Kent State 41-14 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-2154Rutgers 25-27  
1-282Maryland 28-26
0-33Texas Christian 46-18
1-242Nebraska 35-21
1-294Iowa 25-25 (+3-0 non-D1)

Results and Schedule

3/18L 3-4273Niagara2/26L 1-713South Carolina2/19L 1-3197Monmouth
3/19W 4-1273Niagara2/27L 5-1613South Carolina2/20W 11-0268Army
3/19W 16-4273Niagara2/28L 2-413South Carolina2/20W 5-4268Army
3/22W 5-441West Virginia3/5L 1-567North Carolina-Wilmington2/21L 1-358Bryant
3/23W 5-3186Rhode Island3/6L 2-1167North Carolina-Wilmington3/11W 15-2284New York Tech
3/29W 6-1254Youngstown State3/7W 5-467North Carolina-Wilmington3/12L 2-6192Princeton
3/30W 5-2171Binghamton3/9W 2-169Duke
4/1W 3-1219Purdue†3/13L 5-6201Richmond
4/2W 7-2219Purdue†3/25L 0-589Illinois†
4/2W 7-6 (12)219Purdue†3/26L 1-689Illinois†
4/5W 7-0105Pittsburgh3/26W 5-389Illinois†
4/8L 0-776Michigan State†4/6W 20-12275Lafayette
4/10L 2-576Michigan State†4/15W 4-2206Northwestern†
4/10W 7-676Michigan State†4/16W 8-2206Northwestern†
4/13W 8-1262Bucknell4/17W 11-3206Northwestern†
4/19W 9-5262Bucknell4/20L 9-1063Kent State
4/27L 2-663Kent State4/22L 0-5154Rutgers†
4/29L 1-782Maryland†4/23L 4-6154Rutgers†
4/30L 3-882Maryland†4/24W 7-5154Rutgers†
4/30W 2-082Maryland†5/11W 11-6105Pittsburgh
5/7L 2-63Texas Christian5/13W 7-442Nebraska†
5/7L 4-53Texas Christian5/14L 0-642Nebraska†
5/8L 5-93Texas Christian5/15L 1-842Nebraska†
5/19L 2-394Iowa†
5/20L 0-894Iowa†
5/20W 5-4 (12)94Iowa†

Best Wins and Worst Losses

3/22 5-4 41West Virginia3/18 3-4 273Niagara
5/13 7-4at 42Nebraska3/13 5-6at 201Richmond
3/7 5-4at 67North Carolina-Wilmington2/19 1-3vs 197Monmouth
3/9 2-1at 69Duke3/12 2-6vs 192Princeton
4/10 7-6 76Michigan State4/22 0-5at 154Rutgers
4/30 2-0 82Maryland4/23 4-6at 154Rutgers
3/26 5-3at 89Illinois5/19 2-3 94Iowa
5/20 5-4 (12) 94Iowa5/20 0-8 94Iowa
4/5 7-0 105Pittsburgh3/25 0-5at 89Illinois
5/11 11-6at 105Pittsburgh3/26 1-6at 89Illinois
4/24 7-5at 154Rutgers4/29 1-7 82Maryland
3/30 5-2 171Binghamton4/30 3-8 82Maryland
3/23 5-3 186Rhode Island4/8 0-7 76Michigan State
4/15 4-2at 206Northwestern4/10 2-5 76Michigan State
4/16 8-2at 206Northwestern3/5 1-5at 67North Carolina-Wilmington
4/17 11-3at 206Northwestern3/6 2-11at 67North Carolina-Wilmington
4/1 3-1 219Purdue4/20 9-10at 63Kent State
4/2 7-2 219Purdue4/27 2-6 63Kent State
4/2 7-6 (12) 219Purdue2/21 1-3vs 58Bryant
3/29 6-1 254Youngstown State5/14 0-6at 42Nebraska
4/13 8-1 262Bucknell5/15 1-8at 42Nebraska
4/19 9-5 262Bucknell2/26 1-7at 13South Carolina
2/20 11-0vs 268Army2/27 5-16at 13South Carolina
2/20 5-4vs 268Army2/28 2-4at 13South Carolina
3/19 4-1 273Niagara5/7 2-6 3Texas Christian
3/19 16-4 273Niagara5/7 4-5 3Texas Christian
4/6 20-12at 275Lafayette5/8 5-9 3Texas Christian
3/11 15-2vs 284New York Tech

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