Season at a glance for Purdue

25 Jun 2015

20-34, 6-17 B10

Records vs Opponents' ISOV Ranks

ISOVVs 1-2526-5051-7576-100101-150T 100T 150150+Non-D1

25 Opponents

Rec vISOVOppO-recRV?
1-2192Western Carolina 19-29  
0-1180Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 23-27 (+2-0 non-D1)  
2-0132Sam Houston State 31-26 + 
0-133Missouri 28-28 (+1-0 non-D1)
1-189Gonzaga 23-27
0-155Arizona State 34-23
0-1103Cal State Bakersfield 36-24-1
1-252Oklahoma 32-26
2-1244Northern Illinois 21-31
0-113Louisville 46-18
2-0194Valparaiso 22-29
1-2197Rutgers 17-34-1  
0-1149Kent State 30-22
1-1160Ball State 32-24
0-3195Butler 16-30 (+4-0 non-D1)  
2-0208IUPU-Fort Wayne 24-24 (+4-0 non-D1)
0-328Iowa 35-18 (+3-0 non-D1)
1-187Indiana State 27-25
0-310Illinois 46-10-1 (+1-0 non-D1)
0-368Michigan 36-25
0-338Maryland 39-24
1-0106Illinois State 25-26 (+2-0 non-D1) + 
1-279Michigan State 32-22
2-142Nebraska 33-21 + 
2-0165Penn State 18-28 + 

Results and Schedule

3/18W 2-0194Valparaiso2/13L 6-17192Western Carolina2/21W 4-3 (12)132Sam Houston State
3/20W 9-5197Rutgers†2/14L 4-15192Western Carolina2/21W 9-7132Sam Houston State
3/21L 1-4197Rutgers†2/14W 9-5192Western Carolina2/22L 0-133Missouri
3/22L 2-5197Rutgers†2/20L 2-6180Texas A&M-Corpus Christi2/26W 5-389Gonzaga
3/24L 3-4149Kent State2/27L 5-1555Arizona State2/26L 2-1289Gonzaga
3/28L 0-4195Butler3/6W 6-352Oklahoma2/28L 4-6 (11)103Cal State Bakersfield
3/28L 1-13195Butler3/7L 1-752Oklahoma3/14L 1-4244Northern Illinois
4/1W 9-1208IUPU-Fort Wayne3/8L 10-1352Oklahoma3/14W 10-2244Northern Illinois
4/3L 1-928Iowa†3/17L 3-513Louisville3/15W 23-5244Northern Illinois
4/4L 5-1028Iowa†3/25L 2-8160Ball State
4/5L 1-428Iowa†3/29L 3-5195Butler
4/15W 14-5208IUPU-Fort Wayne4/7W 10-687Indiana State
4/21L 6-787Indiana State4/11L 5-1010Illinois†
4/22W 6-0160Ball State4/12L 1-510Illinois†
4/24L 3-1238Maryland†4/13L 1-210Illinois†
4/24L 3-738Maryland†4/17L 3-968Michigan†
4/26L 3-438Maryland†4/18L 0-768Michigan†
4/28W 9-6106Illinois State4/18L 5-768Michigan†
5/14W 8-2165Penn State†5/1L 2-1279Michigan State†
5/16W 7-3165Penn State†5/2L 7-1079Michigan State†
5/3W 6-479Michigan State†
5/9L 6-942Nebraska†
5/10W 2-142Nebraska†
5/11W 9-642Nebraska†
5/12W 6-4194Valparaiso

Best Wins and Worst Losses

5/10 2-1at 42Nebraska3/14 1-4vs 244Northern Illinois
5/11 9-6at 42Nebraska3/21 1-4 197Rutgers
3/6 6-3at 52Oklahoma3/22 2-5 197Rutgers
5/3 6-4at 79Michigan State3/28 0-4 195Butler
4/7 10-6at 87Indiana State3/28 1-13 195Butler
2/26 5-3vs 89Gonzaga3/29 3-5at 195Butler
4/28 9-6 106Illinois State2/13 6-17at 192Western Carolina
2/21 4-3 (12)vs 132Sam Houston State2/14 4-15at 192Western Carolina
2/21 9-7vs 132Sam Houston State2/20 2-6at 180Texas A&M-Corpus Christi
4/22 6-0 160Ball State3/25 2-8at 160Ball State
5/14 8-2 165Penn State3/24 3-4 149Kent State
5/16 7-3 165Penn State2/28 4-6 (11)vs 103Cal State Bakersfield
2/14 9-5at 192Western Carolina2/26 2-12vs 89Gonzaga
3/18 2-0 194Valparaiso4/21 6-7 87Indiana State
5/12 6-4at 194Valparaiso5/1 2-12at 79Michigan State
3/20 9-5 197Rutgers5/2 7-10at 79Michigan State
4/1 9-1 208IUPU-Fort Wayne4/17 3-9at 68Michigan
4/15 14-5 208IUPU-Fort Wayne4/18 0-7at 68Michigan
3/14 10-2vs 244Northern Illinois4/18 5-7at 68Michigan
3/15 23-5vs 244Northern Illinois2/27 5-15at 55Arizona State
3/7 1-7at 52Oklahoma
3/8 10-13at 52Oklahoma
5/9 6-9at 42Nebraska
4/24 3-12 38Maryland
4/24 3-7 38Maryland
4/26 3-4 38Maryland
2/22 0-1vs 33Missouri
4/3 1-9 28Iowa
4/4 5-10 28Iowa
4/5 1-4 28Iowa
3/17 3-5at 13Louisville
4/11 5-10at 10Illinois
4/12 1-5at 10Illinois
4/13 1-2at 10Illinois
© Copyright 2015 Paul Kislanko